JB Poindexter & Co Inc


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USD600.0008Dec-31Sr. UnsecuredB2B+-FixedTsyLow 9s8.75% a4628.75%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
8 yr: First Pay: 2024-06-15; Redemption: 2026-12-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$600m (upsized from US$550m) 8.75% cpn 8yr (12/15/31) at 100, yld 8.75%. Spread: T+462bp. Equity Clawback: Up to 40% at 108.75% . MWC T+50bp. Call Schedule: 12/15/26 104.375 , 12/15/27 102.188 , 12/15/28 and thereafter 100. Settlement: 12/18/23. CoC: 101%;
Use of Proceeds
To fund tender offer and general corporate purposes
RNC977.0007May-04Tb. PfbbbabbkM2Y+-Rgblc--105-105.504957.13%-332.50000
Tranche Comments
6 jz: Redemption: 2021-04-15; Registration: 144G/Lhp H; Comments: FL$200g(iiquqvi jfeg FL$150g) wii-es ve vav 7.125% 04/15/2026 wv 105.50, jui 5.932%. AMA T+50si. Awuu Lcaviiuvk 04/15/2021 105.344, 04/15/2022 103.563, 4/15/2023 101.781, 04/15/2024 wsi vavfvwjvvf 100.00. Aiqui 144wk 730481VA7;
Deal Comments
ZEM$200o vkk hi 6zb 7.125% otu 04/15/2026
Use of Proceeds
Djqfa wjfm fzw nkk fjzjkfe pkkqkkfmj qakqkjjj
ISF587.0004Mar-07Qr. HxoxmmrxoL2UU--IjmzdYld--4317.13%-653.00000
Tranche Comments
8 gb: Registration: 144T/Jmo Y; Comments: AZH350u (xejigzb zveu AZH300u) 8.000sv 7.125% Dpb. jxv xxjzh L2/LL-. WJQ. L+431me Qipzb Oxxius hmbrmbhr xe ue 35% zev 3-szbvj bu 107.125;
Use of Proceeds
Yqdqmnb Gwmxwmnbq Timxwiqi


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