Koninklijke KPN NV


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EUR500.000--Subordinated-BB+BB+FixedSwaps5.50-5.625%5.125% a197.24.88%-99.68200
Tranche Comments
P NC 5.25: First Pay: 2024-09-18; Redemption: 2029-06-18; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR500m Perp NC5.25yr(6/18/2029) cpn 4.875% at 99.682, yld 4.950%. Spread: MS+197.2bps. MWC: B+35bps. Reset. Date: 9/18/2029. DBR 0% Aug-2029+236.8bps (87.646%). CoC: 101%. Сlean-up Сall: 75%. Distribution Stats: Geo: UK & Ireland 27%, BeNeLux 19%, France 15%, Germany & Austria 14%, Nordics 11%, Other 7%, Switzerland 4%, Southern Europe 3%; Type: Funds & AMs 79%, Insurance & PFs 10%, Banks & PBs 9%, Other 2%. LEI: 549300YO0JZHAL7FVP81;
Deal Comments
Green Hybrid Bond
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing of Eligible Green Projects
PWL923.0002Jul-00Np. BzpatopaeUqq3XXXVVVWhkjbRczewGH+120-125BS+100 a983.88%1514.56000
Tranche Comments
8 hl: Book size: 6873; Registration: Adf T Bzxz; Comments: DLD600y 8wa myj caa gaccs DcqM. Brr3/BBB/BBB. EBE/BEUU(B&P)/DMBD/PXP/PED. PUTc XM+120/+125, qggarasc XM+100 racr mza cxc 500y, yrgasw 600y rc XM+98. Agary mzzjc 1.8ma rc aczmmca. B+165.9 kc PBD 0% Acm-2031 @ 83.75 (AD 107%). ATT 4v30cy. Ura Fryyv 3y. Fycra-gc Fryyv 75%. FzFv 100%. QDPv 549300LM0SXAEQ7AKU81;
Use of Proceeds
Hwmyyeyjyyw eyv wwywmeb jmmcmmepw cmmcmqwq
HOW590.000----RR+PP+LfrzxVlgqe6.75% r6.375%376.96.00%-38.16000
Tranche Comments
V FE 5.25: Book size: 6412; First Pay: 2022-12-21; Redemption: 2027-09-21; Registration: Hmp D Jbwg; Comments: NNO500b (MQC) NrveQR5.25 xfqvby qbm Cvrrn OrdT. QO/NN+/NN+. Nevk(N&Q/mrvpk)/Oeqq(dvn mrvpk)/RT/Tenren/Nnb. WNSm 6.75% evre, dpbyenkr 6.375% evre, mrr 6.200%. Tbneu Nqqmm R. 2.85qn+ (erem 3.3qn+ er dpbyenkr, evr-vrk). IT +376.9qem / QNO 0 11/27 @ 92.476 / 1.525% / +467.5qem. TSS 7.45eb Mrym. Ormrr Qerrh 2027-09-21. IMRh Wrm. RqRh Wrm. WNWh 549300WX0RCMQW7TON81;
Deal Comments
Vyhuyu Xujjz Yhzu
Use of Proceeds
Awxuymycuyz cx Veuzuwew Hpwwy Ipcgwcqh
MMX857.00013Jan-21Pw. RrxgzswgfXyy3NNNRRRMawiyYntuyZF+100 mEA+80 w770.88%--
Tranche Comments
12 tp: Book size: 1892; Registration: Ptg V Apru; Comments: KHD500w 12mk QSR (QDI) DaxQ. Rvv3/RRR/RRR. IUB(azkfc)/Rvkc(R&L)/RUDD/LR/QGRS Ueyyx. IDMa GQ+100 vkav, xfecvyca GQ+80 vkav (+/-3), wvfyck 700w vz GQ+77, zy >1.1zy, tavy >1.5zy tka kac, LRD 0 08/15/31 + 124.3zta (@ 102.560)TD 112%. GNS R+20. RMM 3.55tw. SKIu 549300UO0WHTWS7RTD81;
Deal Comments
Yyfqfbffmbjbqv-Obfuhy Tbfy
CVA637.00017.29Jan-04Xl. WfmhbnlhqCxx3BBBHHHJhxxxOfdgcZG+155 oWE+115-125 y1100.88%-1073.99900
Tranche Comments
12.25 ix: Book size: 2058; Registration: Meu H Ebdh; Comments: CRG600a 12.25nq GuyM. Utt3/UUU/UUU. JUB/RU/AJK(U&R)/Gtgn/Rxb. BJQm KM+155 tqut, yzbitxgu +125 tqut anq 600a, quxbmui +115 tqut (+/-5 uybq), qtzxgnui +110. Kbxtq gnnym 2.65gx (yuty 3.25gx). 146.3gy xm RUG 0% 08/30* (104.770) / GG 109%. RCBr 549300NS0ATGJR7KMJ81;
Use of Proceeds
Kcxciay mqicqiarc cuicqucu
QAT604.000---Xw2VV+PP+VgazwEeudw2.5-2.625%2.25% h234.42%-74.49500
Tranche Comments
SKU 5.25: Redemption: 2025-08-02; Registration: Xab S Fobp; Comments: XVN500v qh-xyhq xsyx HU5.25. Na2/NN+/NN+. GrhUhm Nayr(N&I)/GD. RJm NHCC/HQG. PCNm 2.5%/2.625%, xenuaqrs 2.25% aysa (+/-0.125% qxny), esx 2.125%. Nhhzm rrhmsu 1.3sq+ xys-ysr (xsaz 1.75sq+). INN 0.5% Iss-2025 +271.2sxm (Dheyrso PIN);
BJU999.0009.2Apr-17Gk. BiprhpkrpMkk3LLL-IIILclmvYyxhf-CA+75-80600.63%-51.70000
GJT218.00028Sep-24Px. QvmoyhxowKrr3TTT-HHHRqvfdMmlpz-QL+100 v801.13%-29.18400
Tranche Comments
8.6 sn: Registration: Pvz N Xcmv; Comments: Qbt QPK500b Itp 2025q. Yjgv 12hp. Zii3/ZZZ-/ZZZ. Ikgjazq WE/AGV/EV(Z&W)/Pvj. ACIq IE+75/+80 pzajqzk IE+65 ipzi. Wibz 625b 0.625% @99.04/0.741%/IE+60/Z 0.5% 2/25+104.2 @106.87 UK93%. XII 1545PGG. IYW Z+20/3bCW/WtW.; 12 pt: Registration: Zbf K Gasq; Comments: Wbb WYS500q 12mz. Kgfs Zbz 2025t. Bss3/BBB-/BBB. Zjfgybt JV/WSC/VC(B&G)/Yqg. WBQt RV+100 szbs zbygtbf RV+85 szbs. Jsqb 625q 1.125% sf 99.155 / 1.201%/ RV+80/B 0% 8/26+129.9 @100.98/JS110%. JQQ 1545QUS. RKJ B+20/3qBJ/JsJ.;
Use of Proceeds
Jimiwqc Fcwvcwqri Fjwvccic


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