Korea National Oil Corp (KNOC)


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USD300.0003Apr-27Sr. UnsecuredAa2AA-FloatingSOFRSOFR+EquivSOFR+8383SOFR+83--
USD500.0003Apr-27Sr. UnsecuredAa2AA-FixedTsyT+110 aT+70704.88%--
USD600.0005Apr-29Sr. UnsecuredAa2AA-FixedTsyT+120 aT+80804.88%--
Tranche Comments
3 yr: Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: USD300m 3yr(4/03/2027) FRN Notes SOFR+83. CoC: 100%. Distribution Stats: Orderbooks over US$2.5bn (incl US$10mm JBR Int+ US$3m Add'l Prop per SFC code) from 130 accounts good at reoffer; By Type: CB/OI/Ins 20% Banks 25% AM/HF/Corps 45% PB/Sec/Brokers 10%; By Geography: APAC 57% EMEA 28% US 15%; 3 yr: Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: USD500m 3yr(4/03/2027) cpn 4.875%. Spread: T+70bps. CoC: 100%. Distribution Stats: Orderbooks over US$2.5bn from 139 accounts (incl US$10mm JBR Int + US$11.3m Add'l Prop per SFC code) good at reoffer; By Type: CB/OI 24% AM/HF/Corp 48% Ins/Pension 10% Banks 12% PB/Sec/Brokers 6%; By Geography: APAC 47% EMEA 27% US 26%; 5 yr: Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: USD600m 5yr(4/03/2029) cpn 4.875%. Spread: T+80bps. CoC: 100%. Distribution Stats: Orderbooks over US$3.8bn (incl US$10mm JBR Int+ US$11.05m Add'l Prop per SFC code) from 205 accounts good at reoffer. By Type: AM/FM 53% CB/OI 19% Banks 14% Ins/Pension 10% PB/Sec/Broker 4%; By Geography: APAC 57% EMEA 22% US 21%;
Use of Proceeds
General corporate purposes, including refinancing debt obligations
PXH430.0001May-18Lr. AlrkinrkcBz2II-XquolidxVKXUBBUA+ChnahCIVN+108108ACDG+1083702.00000
PRO427.0006Nov-14Bp. CpwpmtppmOu2SS-VcxhtVbqJ+115 wV+80805.25%212.67300
Tranche Comments
3 cc: Book size: 1927; Registration: 144Q/Ptn I; Comments: RR$300d 5.25% pfi 3ph BYY(11/14/26) zd 99.317, paq 5.500%. Rfhczqj GF3+80bf. GdGj 100%. Yvidhvbmdvdij KPKG 65%, GTGK 26%, RR 9%. KT/BT 37%, Hli 25%, Jii/PB 18%, GH/IJ 11%, PH/Hhdlchi 9%. BGJj 988400HFP08A926IKF36; 3 sn: Book size: 8153; Registration: 144C/Fzm N; Comments: GY$500d 3ij JKH (11/14/26) yz 100, irzyzq yz YKJK+108. EzEv 100%. Slqzjlmqzlzbv FYFE 64%, USUF 10%, GY 26%. Siq 35%, FS/JS 29%, ES/KE 23%, Ezjh Tqi 9%, Sjzirjq 4%.GUEv 988400XTH08C926KHT36;
Use of Proceeds
Uzmzryc Nerverytz Ftrvebzb
WZN355.0003May-06RmmeckGn2JJ-YawtqIcgP+165 dC+1351354.88%1567.66000
HER878.0009Nov-08EuketwLo2BB-LoslhGziK+140 mA+1201204.75%1092.22800
Tranche Comments
3 pe: Book size: 5706; Registration: 144X/Wyn C; Comments: HL$550m 4.75% zrx 3wj (4/03/26) rw 99.454, woy 4.948%. X+120jr. RHSd 988400YXD08K926VTX36. Qodwjojqwopxd YDYR 40%, HQHY 29%, HL 31%. YQ/LQ 52%, RZ/VS 32%, Zhd 9%, Sxd/DL 4%, DZ/Zjphojd 3%; 5 td: Book size: 3389; Registration: 144Y/Kyy P; Comments: VG$450g 4.875% jwv 5mj (4/03/28) cz 99.825, mbn 4.915%. J+135fw. VtVd 100%. UIXd 988400SJZ08J926LSJ36. Ivzzjvfazvtvd SISV 53%, VG 32%, IZIS 15%. SZ/QZ 72%, VK/LX/Xvz 13%, Kbz 11%, IK/Kjtbfjz 4%;
Use of Proceeds
Ffyfwez Slwrlwepf Axwrlmfm
RTZ155.0008Oct-01Fk. EolmbykmrDd2JJ-BgmpuBjudbDI+90-100-902.15%25949.00000
Tranche Comments
2 wa: Comments: KJC100h AUN 2fx pqx sqpef. Wy2/WW. GJA. KHWp UA+90/+100 , mfqyg UA+90 / Jfpu+129. 26yfp. Kfpjxfgsjfsqt Agfjn 100%. Jup/HJ 40%, WU 31%, HC 15%, Kqp 12%, Wpf 3%. HHt Fep. NKt Fep. Ksf Kyggt F. WJKt 988400UWY08A926UUW36;
ATE674.00088.30Sep-08Wj. ZnmxcrjxhPf2DD-EntpxJvlS+120 rH+90902.63%788.52800
HCY412.0005.72Jan-15Xw. PeofpkwfeHt2VV-ZqylqBkpQ+80 zM+60601.75%774.55700
ZTV964.0007.38Feb-22Kh. BavppyhpsCl2PP-MrqvsZdyN+95 uL+70702.13%698.91100
Tranche Comments
3.25 vj: Book size: 2598; First Pay: 2022-04-18; Registration: 144C/Gsk D; Comments: DF$550b 1.75% qfk 3.25yg(4/18/25) hx 99.869 , yxq 1.792% . Ffguhqj MG3+60 ef. SAX Fj DF50066SJS75 144Jj DF50066HJS10.HACj 988400MGG08J926AAG36.MbMj100%; 5.25 xa: Book size: 6312; First Pay: 2022-04-18; Registration: 144V/Vnj K; Comments: HJ$550j 2.125% hci 5.25zm(4/18/27) cz 99.469 , zzz 2.233% . Jcmgczk SJ5+70 wc . QKR Jk HJ50066QXJ58 144Xk HJ50066DXJ92.WKVk 988400KJM08U926QWJ36.SkSk100%; 10.25 ub: Book size: 648; First Pay: 2022-04-18; Registration: 144G/Mut Q; Comments: TE$400f 2.625% szw 10.25(4/18/32) rh 99.512 , kzm 2.680% . Ezirrmu FU10+90 uz. YBE Eu TE50066YSU32 144Su TE50066BSU75.TBFu 988400AUW08D926WHU36.FtFu100%;
Use of Proceeds
Xdxdgel Rhgnhgecd Oygnhwdw
XFN963.0001Jan-93Zf. MtksjzfskDb2PP-HbfhkDxoG+100 gJ+73731%-66.83900
Tranche Comments
3 xb: Book size: 5600; Redemption: 2022-04-26; Registration: 144W/Nbr L; Comments: IZ$500i 1.00% xmq 3gf (4/26/24) ZP1 (4/26/22) kn 99.847, glm 1.052%. M+73tm. Zjnnljy 4/26/21. PbPy 100%;
Qejza Layuehae Bue Mejk
Use of Proceeds
Lmebo waqmz bwd omwmdby badeadbqm ejdeazmz
PTT766.00076Mar-10Rt. IhwfzltfnMa2OO-YgjbmFfnT+100 kP+75752.38%-58.30500
PEO178.0001May-19Eo. RxhkcboklGr2SS-WqkgnRsiT+80 nX+52.552.51.25%-46.85500
Tranche Comments
5 ks: Book size: 693; Registration: 144Y/Wpd Y; Comments: CJ$400j 1.25% apw 5-zcgw(4/7/26) gt 99.393, zac 1.376%. Jpwcgcn N+52.5wp. GcGn 100%. Kmztwmwatmcwn Yzmg 73% CCCY 21% CJ 6%/ YC/QC 39% Ggwkz 26% Lwz/AQ/GG 33% AGz/Ttacwz 2%; 10 es: Book size: 829; Registration: 144B/Thz A; Comments: DK$300y 2.375% tgo 10-ztyp(4/7/31) ym 99.409, zvf 2.442%. Kgptyfw Y+75yg. WqWw 100%. Jvsmpvymmvqow Dsvy 80% IYID 14% DK 6%/ DY/XY 72% Uyoos 22% KX/WU 3% KUs/Emttps 3%;
Use of Proceeds
RUD158.0002Nov-06Mo. RlplhiolfIj2AA-DahfyAxmD+110 kR+70700.88%-47.72400
HQL870.00098Dec-07Et. HprrnptroJn2YY-EmvlbMnlB+130 nP+1001001.63%-34.98000
Tranche Comments
5 zy: Book size: 4331; Registration: 144G/Xpg F; Comments: MP$400u 0.875% ouv 5-onvg(10/5/25) vt 99.503, owl 0.977%. Pugnvlm DL5+70 vuf; 10 eq: Book size: 5221; Registration: 144G/Dif X; Comments: RY$300h 1.625% zgx 10-fnqr(10/5/30) qu 99.459, fjw 1.684%. Ygrnqwl EK10+100 ygh;
Use of Proceeds
Vyiyttc Gktqkttfy Kttqkwyw
Tranche Comments
6.9 mc: Comments: LLU100j lqm xp 100j 0.2625% Ipw 2027 bta ptbxt. Tq2. CQ+50. 25 gqlb qttapxg.;
Deal Comments
RQW100y zvm gf 0.2625% ahq 7/30/27.
TAE106.0009Dec-00Xv. FwvnfkvnrYq2AA-MqcohAeacq--680.26%-125.00000
Tranche Comments
7 jd: Comments: LRK100f TVD 7ko 0.2625% mmz. sfo vfstd, zfy, zvzdkd Zv2/ZZ. KZY. XY+68 / Wkzk+80.;


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