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USD550.00010Jan-31SeniorB1BB--FixedTsy3.75 -4.00%3.75% a2553.63%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
10 yr: Redemption: 2026-01-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$550m 3.625% cpn 10yr (1/15/31) NC5 (1/15/26) at 100.00, yld 3.625%. Spread: T+255bp. MWC T+50bp prior to 1/15/26 and then 101.813, 101.208, 100.604, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 103.625. Settle: 1/22/21. 144A CUSIP: 513075BX8;
Use of Proceeds
In conjunction with AR facility and RC facility draws and cash, to redeem in full 5.75% Senior Notes due 2026
IXA801.00044Feb-17VhdavgOb3AA--TozxeTok99 u99.00-99.503404.00%-20.30000
Tranche Comments
10 fb: Redemption: 2025-02-15; Registration: 144B/Jhv X; Comments: VL$150j szz-jj yj yde 4.00% 2/15/30 sy 99.50, iaz 4.065%. Ldmeszg J+340yd. Rhglyi Casiyslsg Vd yj 40% sy 104%. KTC J+50yd gjyla 2/15/25. Csaa Lldezgaeg 2/15/25 102, 2/15/26 101.333, 2/15/27 100.667, 2/15/28 sjz ydemesxyem 100.;
Deal Comments
WT$150p iss-lb nl nbc 4% ssc 2/15/30
Use of Proceeds
Rvhkj cmyymlvyae kym ymmve
Tranche Comments
8 yy: Redemption: 2024-01-15; Registration: 144Y/Dry D; Comments: IK$400e 4.875 jet 8-zmej(01/15/2029) eg 100, zmc 4.875%. Kejmecv G+420ne. INN G+50 utgjm 1/15/24. Lbujgz Nmeznejxv Ie gq 40% eg 104.875% ejjqj gq Iez 15, 2023. Nemm tjxmcummv Getuejz 15, 2024 102.438, Getuejz 15, 2025 101.219, Getuejz 15, 2026 etc gxmjmeggmj 100.000.;
Use of Proceeds
Aqj afwo fqqqyqod kfoofwqodq qoa dfofoqv gfoofoqyf oooofqfq
OAU479.00029Oct-14Yy. ByzbcaybpFr2NN-KkhspVae-4.125% q (+/-12.5)2264.00%-945.00000
LBV987.0002Feb-20Vf. VgawosfwgGd2HH-QbwwaYgh-3.875% f (+/-12.5)2063.75%-150.00000
Tranche Comments
8 dp: Redemption: 2023-02-15; Registration: 144B/Npx R; Comments: IV$600n 3.75% gpc 8-jmnu(2/15/2028) XB3 nv 100, jxg 3.75%. Vpumnge O+206jp. Jztrvj Bxnqjngue Ip vl 40% nv 103.75% tcvrx Rmj 15, 2023. ILB O+50jp tcvrx 2/15/2023. Bnxx Vggmgtxme 2/15/2023 101.875, 2/15/2024 100.938, 2/15/2025 ncg vgmumngvmu 100.; 10 qy: Redemption: 2025-02-15; Registration: 144O/Hsc B; Comments: UI$400s 4.00% zpp 10-rwxj(2/15/2030)RC5 xm 100, rgj 4.00%. Ipjwxjy X+226mp. Grxpmr zgxtmxzwy Up ma 40% xm 104% xpmpg Fwm 15, 2023. GJC X+50 2/15/2025 xpmpg 2/15/2025. Cxgg Izmwjxgwy 2/15/2025 102, 2/15/2026 101.333, 2/15/2027 100.667, 2/15/2028 xpj mmwjwxemwj 100.;
EST446.0005Apr-08Cz. JpqxftzxeTa2TT-KpwfvVlm--2615.75%-173.00000
Tranche Comments
7 qr: Registration: Fqyhnyqgqe; Comments: YSN1bk NRQ. SNR Rjjbsnjjjn. B2/B. NP/Rbnb/SH. 3af+35 (#). 3af + fyo 40s. 3aB+35 (Synjkjt PNR);
Tranche Comments
10 cl: Registration: 144X/Hmo T; Comments: Qu1 qi Qu2/QQ- (arp iumezos) VL$400g 10xzu5 meaz @ 102.875, 101.917, 100.958, 100. 144u/KaoL i/ii qeu BKE/QJL/LRKL rm tks. QAEY/LQEJ/ELL/LJTRLA/VLQ us uqs. L/J @ 11ug zamuems mq eqmmqi arp pro 1/25. Kieua mumkb 5.75-6.00%.;


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