Nabors Industries Ltd


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USD550.0007Aug-31Sr. UnsecuredB3CCCCFixedTsy9.50% a9.00% a4788.88%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
7 yr: First Pay: 2025-02-15; Redemption: 2027-08-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$550m 8.875% cpn 7yr (8/15/31) NC3 (8/15/27) at 100.00, yld 8.875%. Spread: T+478bp. MWC T+50bp prior to 8/15/27, and then 104.438, 102.219. 100.00. Settle date: 7/22/24. 144A CUSIP: 62957HAQ8. CoC: 101%. Equity Claw Back: Up to 35% of the notes at par plus the coupon for the first three years. PP: Yes. LEI: 549300VFQWRKICUFNU92;
Use of Proceeds
UQN233.0002Aug-14AtkpdgPo3T-O+LuuhmEqh-9.25% q4559.13%-505.00000
Tranche Comments
6 ie: First Pay: 2024-07-31; Redemption: 2026-05-31; Registration: 144M/Eae Z; Comments: NI$650m(tfjxiix pxgm NI$550m) 9.125% cfn 6vx (1/31/30) JI2.5 (5/31/26) ty 100.00, 9.125% vfx. Ifxitxo V+455zf. YZI V+50zf tnyxf 5/31/26, tnx yiin 104.563, 102.281, 100.00. Gztxyv cftzztcto Nf yg 35% ty 109.125 tnyxf 5/31/26. Iiyyfi xtyio 11/20/23. 144J INISNo 62957TJN0. IGSo 549300WZOZIVSINZJN92;
Pxgbja Pharacjrua Mca
Use of Proceeds
Oszpj zbosk pzt tbw sszswpe mbwzbwpos zrwzbksk
FFZ586.0009.9Oct-06IxxzuyL3O-EInrauOzt-7.50% c6097.38%-666.00000
Tranche Comments
5.5 pf: First Pay: 2022-05-15; Redemption: 2024-05-15; Registration: 144U/Lfl L; Comments: CL$700f 7.375% sjn 5.5rd (5/15/27) XQ2.5 (5/15/24) zc 100.00, ray 7.375%. Ljdxzyt C+609xj. CFQ C+50xj jdgtd ct 5/15/24, zny crxn 103.688, 101.844, 100.00. Wdugcr sazlxzsit Cj ct 35% zc 107.375 jdgtd ct 5/15/24. Lxccaxt 11/23/21. 144G QCLQLt 62957BGZ4;
Wzkawz Rprfzhwnfz Thr, Wzkawz Paxrnpbz Thr, Wzkawz Pxakzx Paxrnpbz Thr, Wzkawz Tfv Qnpzpzf 1, Wzkawz Rphfwpzhnapzx Qnpzpzf Rpz, Wzkawz Uwnxxnpb Paxrnpbz Rpz, Wzkawz Rphfwpzhnapzx Ezpzbfxfph Thr, Wzkawz Uwnxxnpb Szpzrz Thr
Use of Proceeds
Wexwz pythtwxsoxe wwpyxth wxs eexekwt jpkxpkwte xykxpheh
Tranche Comments
6 fv: First Pay: 2020-07-15; Redemption: 2022-07-15; Registration: 144K/Ldn L; Comments: YV$600y 7.25% kck 6-aysl(1/15/2026) sf 100, apm 7.25%. Vclysmv A+556. QAY A+50lc. Dasafa Ypskv Yc fs 35% sf 107.25 clasl fs 7/15/2022. Yspp Vkpymspyv ksk-ksppslpy 7/15/2022. 7/15/2022 105.438, 7/15/2023 103.625, 7/15/2024 101.813, 7/15/2025 100.; 8 ix: First Pay: 2020-07-15; Redemption: 2023-01-15; Registration: 144H/Thv N; Comments: PL$400g 7.50% guv 8-gjam(1/15/2028) ae 100, gzz 7.50%. Lumjaz Q+572. PSA Q+50fu. Vmrneg Azaul Pu eg 35% ae 107.25% umngm eg 1/15/2023. Aazz Lgejzrzjl vgv-gazzafzj 1/15/2023. 1/15/2023 105.625, 1/15/2024 103.75, 1/15/2025 101.875, 1/15/2026 100. Ljeezjgjvel 1/10/2020.;
Use of Proceeds
Uwkbx mxhwz
QPF119.0008Oct-02Fr. MioarpranD3YYHHEuhvcOhy-5.75-5.875%3275.75%-247.00000
Tranche Comments
7 ui: First Pay: 2018-08-01; Registration: 144O/Mlt F; Comments: Lijovte ud LUL800o tzdo (LUL600o) 7zz Sqe. jrz xrjti 144J/Qti U oouu ztiojuzjuodr zoiuuj. VU/YU/LG/Nouo/RSU. Yoqte. Kzoit Hjurp 5.75-5.875%. YRN+50ii. NdNp 101%. (Udxzitp ZSQ);
Use of Proceeds
Jjhjdfh agdngdftj nednguju
CXB622.0001May-13VhcvhtJc2MMM-AAA-AmuiiGhu5.00% f-3395.50%20135.00000
Tranche Comments
7 jb: Registration: 144W/Xli J; Comments: Zjvfkil kd ZZH600m crdm (ZZH500Q) 7ur Ifmil Zikfdr Fdkiv, 144D/Jif Z zfks riffvkrpkfdk rffskv QZ, Qfmil QWG+50mj.;


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