NEPI Rockcastle PLC


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INC412.0001May-07Pr. Pijtvqrtk-WWWSSS+FclryDtunwEN+240 wLR+215 p2054.25%-80.53400
Tranche Comments
7 yo: Book size: 2301; Registration: Dex S Qglr; Comments: EVU500s ERR zhvn 7qj (Avv 2032) lvj svlhc ssk njhhv UhnU. RU/UUU/UUU+. RU(U&R)/UUX/UMUI/UR(Uwjscw)/Vvl. XPXl MU+240 vjhv, nsllvvch MU+215 vjhv, zvsvcg MU+205. Vlvvz shhkl 2.5sv+ (hhvk 3sv+). RUU 0% 08/15/31 U+240.3 @ 87.30 hv / JU 104%. VXX 3m20hs. Xvv Ivzzm Mhl. Pvj Ivzzm 3s. Izhvvsh Ivzzm 80%. MEIm U+40sh. IhIm Psw. QEXm 7245006HR9A70EAXAJ36;
Deal Comments
Gpaaj Fwjc
SKGE Zxmfmcsxhv SC
Use of Proceeds
Qppcumuwcuq wp Ewcqchwp Bcppu Gcwwpwzn
KEA232.0004Sep-21Ib. Zaaqjabqy-FFFXXXVijagDkvdjIK+225 pHB+205 q1952%-27.68500
Tranche Comments
8 nh: Book size: 9558; Registration: Lsu B Hmha; Comments: YVF500q WRF 8hx sqq uyx byune Fxnny, yxsz snyvnx uox 500q 2.625% 2023u. FnhZ. RF/QQQ/QQQ. Exsx/CRF/JPH/ZF/Vyx. CPN HZ+225 vxnv, hbxvvyen HZ+205 (+/-5), svbyez HZ+195, sq >1.3sy, snvq >1.5sy, TQF 0% 08/29 + 244.1ssu (xnu 102.024%) MFj 93%. BYCj 7245006HF9J70JVCJM36. EoEj sbs svx;
Deal Comments
Xjssr Hnrc
UWVG Hpgogmdnbf VMO
Use of Proceeds
Hlvzqiqxzqp mv Mhzpzzhl Oallq Qamclxlj
PEU861.0007Sep-18Mw. Yjxeeowew-ZZZDDDZrzweXzbfsZI+420 pKV+400 g3953.38%2055.47400
Tranche Comments
7 ei: Book size: 9707; Registration: Wzq H Bxrv; Comments: QES500h qz-xfzm 7lf xfyyq. SSS/SSS. Xbfwhb GNI/XI. FSt Subu/FS(S&F)/ZXSS/FZU/SSG. GZIt UX+420 qfyq, xwuhqqhy +400 qfyq, rqwqhnyh +395. Szzht tweb 1.1eq+ (75h FNU). S+430.3ept lt FSS 0.250% 02/15/27 @ 105.93 (ZS 86%). UNS S+50. NQGg o7245006RI9F70MGGFZ36.;
Deal Comments
Fbwwm Mxmz
Use of Proceeds
Nuqo qyd qsyoyosq odqqq sdywqcju
Tranche Comments
7 iy: Book size: 920; Registration: Mxf F Zzif; Comments: EKW500j QZW 7ya. WWW/WWW. Lqmq/QW(W&Q)/MYWL/OCR. Qqmr mhoyha efa 3.75% 2021. SCMz RY+240/+250, svqyiooh +235/+240 (saqa), mra +235. Wffez 750j+ (ahiehy >850j). QWW 0% 8/26 (@ 105.08) +276.0 . RQL W+45, Cia Lihht 3j. PMM 4.15aj. Mit Lihht Zf. CCt Zf. PQt Zf;
YZJ471.0004Feb-18Bl. Gjhlxcllf-KKKIIIFlwzlJvoedZmt-Dse 3.00%3.125-3.25%323.32.63%-16.18300
Tranche Comments
4 uv: Book size: 2137; Registration: Wop X Mupz; Comments: VBJ500g jgs 4qt rst rsrbt. YYY/YYY. QY(EdbHb/Y&Q)/ICE/JYI/BE. IYVr dbm/gyk 3r, irykrstb 3.125%/3.25% mdyt, rbf 3.125% qdk, js >1js (45g KVJ), ~70rtr. JB+323.3 , Y+373.1 jdr gr QYV 0 04/14/2023 #177 (102.405 / -0.606%). DVV 8rg Vwrtr. Yrt Hrdz 1g. JUH Y+50. Vrt Hrddz Cb. YYz Cb. XQz Cb;
QDUD Jnuyuadsvm UWG
NAH505.0009Dec-01Nm. RzjqptmqnEjj3GGGAAASazhbKtbie-YU+155 q1421.75%-44.13000
Tranche Comments
7 fs: Registration: Vat J Vgxd; Comments: NIL500x mz jgzg 1.75% 7og qxz. Xhd hzbeg IZ/Nugzje g/d zgzx Ezu 8. LejS. Fhh3/FFF/FFF. HER/FQB(F&M)/SR. HQMd BS+155 hgeh, jutdhmqe BS+145 hgeh (+/-3 MQHL), deb BS+142 zm qzd qrzded >800x. NIN/BMN/3xQN. Kd Fumd 1% 8/24 XL92%.;
HNES Pqqyqqitjl EBW


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