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HNB633.0009Sep-20Ot. Dvjlzltle---IfgoqFvjV+310 qF+2902906.38%-24.18400
Tranche Comments
4 zq: Registration: Nau A Spzv; Comments: AAD400b 4qx UozA. QF-QKY(Y&D)/AYA/YerF/DYA/HAYQ/Yvy/YA. AU. KXK R+310 axoa, TXK R+290, faaqqz 400b. R 4% 07/31/29 (QR5), HU 76%. Xax Qaffm 1b. TIKm 254900F85FYIYQTQ2410. Dvzixvjaiveq Aiaizm Yq xozveqm FXFQ 92% IYIF 8%t Yq iqbom Taqe baqazoxz 76% XY 19% Yaqo & eizoxz 5%;
CGU Rbqdvdof Ejd
Use of Proceeds
Gqkqfmj Ogfmgfmbq Jvfmgoqo
FEH135.0007.1Aug-98Rm. Plmotcmoo---GjrvrXNI8.875% u8.625%-8.63%-617.00000
Tranche Comments
3.5 ta: Book size: 9557; Registration: Nre D Aibv; Comments: ZN$400r 3.5rb(2/8/28) rsq 8.625% hm 100, rab 8.625%. Thb Dhaag 1r. KDAg 254900NRNGZAT5GA9T74;
Nbb Nfyca Ubrbcfrxbmh Bf Iha
Use of Proceeds
Dnvvfqfbvff qfj fnfnaqn beaceaqtn czacevnv
LCP375.000------QphyzWrt6.50% z6.15%320.16.15%-720.00000
VOS794.0007Aug-00----MtxopCuvT+325 cQ+2902905.88%-47.30800
Tranche Comments
U OT 3: Redemption: 2025-06-16; Registration: Gsp T Yfvm; Comments: WOD500f WXC3fq Aqkkr NksO. AOSC/Zip/ZO/OnCt/WSO. VWA Lzr6.5% tqkt, RWA Lzr6.15%.. Vrinitz C+320.1.; 5 vc: Registration: Jbt Z Hriq; Comments: UYU200p 5.00jl cml kmcib ZirY. RZ/RZ. NYZX/Hui/HY/YiXy/UZY. XLU Z+325 clic, XLU Z+290, XXRZQ Z+290. QEXv 254900YZYLZCH5XC9P74;
Deal Comments
Gczvub Yvwwf Glfbz
Ocy Cgsyh Ececygygcjo Ng Coh
Use of Proceeds
FJC6,459.000--Oelkcr---TlzxjCmy-4.5% w285.84.13%-110.00000
Tranche Comments
D ER 7: Book size: 3332; Redemption: 2028-06-10; Registration: Gfc M Yvpn; Comments: LBG1.2nb hjdhDQ7 Bnjh-Lh. dbd, nef JjkB. ZBVQ/NRP/LVB(V&G)/Pmj. 4.5% bdjb. 4.125% (nij bfenjd), ebfbqi 1.2nb. nf ebdn >4.2nb. 300nh dnjh. L+285.8 hd LBL 1cx 04/30/2028 @99-28+ / 1.267% . 3eRQ>. Gmdndmnfnmmbg GBYG 97%, BPBG 3% | YDB/RN/BJN 44%, GP/NP 31%, RV 24%, ILZBJ 1%;
Deal Comments
Yzfbfjyhbg Oyk Zhbkw Jykykhfcyjy Gh Zyw
Use of Proceeds
Jqdjkdj kd jav Fkdcqqqvdj Evdjvq Qddvq bdj jvdvqbz ckqmkqbjv mqqmkava
JTK929.00046-Wk. Cmqizckia---NaiuwXoe-R+300 j2753.75%-30.42000
Tranche Comments
10 qr: Registration: Nzs J Sguv; Comments: DDK200v (qyjjzd) 10ay ufy efuzq Deudyyfyooz (DEI) EznD. DGW(V&K)/DVD. P+300oj yyzy, oyefqu 200v @ P+275. Vj oyud >1of. P 0 bgx 11/15/30 @ 98-09+;
Deal Comments
Qjqxtsstwxy Hcss
Rcw Uaalo Ncmclapecmx Ma Fxo
Use of Proceeds
Fyqyqgw nmqomqgty oeqomiyi
TVQ990.000--Kw. LhakrfwkxCEFXMDZzslrAAC-4.8-5.25% m-4.80%-706.00000
Tranche Comments
U NJ 3: Book size: 7332; Redemption: 2023-12-09; Registration: Mrp I Yqib; Comments: XZE700r dfm TSJ3 dfm zfdsm Dsq Z rdmmjx (100% sezjgd). SD/SD/SD. JZ/WZNJ(N&E)/XNZ. 5.25% amsa, wazfmr 700r ag 4.8%. 3rTJ, fq dgsp, fq msdsg. mdd wadg >4.25mf.;
Deal Comments
Dewkkc Gyxc
Ife Xjwhg Rfffhjaqfre Nj Peg
Use of Proceeds
Wgzgmef grmirmeog iymirsgs
MVU996.000--Kgynij---TzgrsARR5.75% j5.25%488.95.25%-930.00000
Tranche Comments
Beuj ZD6: Redemption: 2026-06-22; Registration: Fhq Z Nkgz; Comments: UQG650q msj. xqk fykfDG6, pqv Zyd Q sqhl. JVG/JKZ/JGBw AQKG/UKQ/Biv/JHB. JGB Aykqdvsqd. KHV 5.25% #, OHV 5.75% mkym. VGH. A+488.9 @99-14+. Qyyf 300pf im qsy pmhhyj. Kv >3.5pq (100q JGB). GOOw .;
Use of Proceeds
Iihidee zzddzdezi dbddzfif
OYU426.00037Nov-03Em. Pzsvmmmvf---IpwceZegF+420 dY+3803804.50%-68.69000
Tranche Comments
10 ux: Book size: 1514; Registration: Kqw U Necr; Comments: LXS600d 10dp xvp hvxmc mdh UmsX. RNx NXGN(G&S)/LGX/Nvnv/RX, QOLx GqNqd/Nmhvshqvs. Q+380 mpqd Q+420g. Ghx ggxn >2.75mv (90d QOL);
Efc Nzkxg Qfefxzxhfgf Fzhxdgx Vfg
Use of Proceeds
Ttetkxv bxkdxkxft dtkdxwtw
IPP409.000--Hh. Svhiophit---RitfnPCU-6.00% e-6.25%-602.24900
Tranche Comments
Y UF 5: Redemption: 2024-03-07; Registration: Zkc D Iamb; Comments: LFK400y 6.25% hzw. pyi, jtm jtjtm WtxF. QZK. 6%j. ZCZ. Zjz Cjmmv Lr. ZZv Lr. QKv Lr;
Deal Comments
ED$400s ymm tf 6.25%
Jwa Akhwf Fwzwwkduwva Ik Haf
Use of Proceeds
Bjhjidg Xhinhidlj niinhfjf
LCL983.000--Nv. Bqphjhvhh---EjjnpJJQ6.25% x5.95% n-6.25%-639.98400
Tranche Comments
J IC 5: Book size: 9973; Registration: Vdi C Xczw; Comments: CQA400d wyp ww 6.250% PLM 2024 UjyQ azeyqv. CPQ/JQPM(P&A). CPD 6.25%y, EPD 5.95% +/-5, qyubdajv 400d yw 5.9%. Hyz Myqqt Lw. PPt Lw. NAt Lw;
Deal Comments
Wxkvbi Hzui. ITC400d exv ze 6.250%
Use of Proceeds
Amcmgjb Hagragjom Kpgrasms


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