Nucor Corp


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USD500.0003May-25Sr. UnsecuredBaa1A--FixedTsyT+135 a-1153.95%2099.93600
USD500.0005May-27Sr. UnsecuredBaa1A--FixedTsyT+165 a-1454.30%2099.84000
Tranche Comments
3 yr: Book size: 1500; First Pay: 2022-11-23; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$500m 3.95% cpn 3yr at 99.936, yld 3.973%. T+115bp. MWC T+20bp.LEI: 549300GGJCRSI2TIEJ46. CoC: Yes; 5 yr: Book size: 1500; First Pay: 2022-11-23; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$500m 4.30% cpn 5yr at 99.840, yld 4.336%. T+145bp. MWC T+25bp.Par Call:1m.LEI: 549300GGJCRSI2TIEJ46. CoC: Yes;
Deal Comments
Joint bookrunners: JPM(B&D) (3yr), WFS, BAM(B&D) (5yr).
Use of Proceeds
Repay outstanding indebtedness and general corporate purposes
EFG661.00035Jul-22Kj. VjhhiljhfMzz1G--MbpxtZcxP+190 i-1653.85%1554.50000
GIL729.00023May-23Qi. FmvjalijrVll1O--OkqqnWslH+155 q-1303.13%1022.96100
Tranche Comments
10 nw: Book size: 7591; First Pay: 2022-10-01; Registration: Ejkuvnjhjo; Comments: VF$550m 3.125% zmh 10fu ue 99.673, ffj 3.163%. U+130wm. PZU U+20wm. OLZx 549300HHDUHFZ2UZLD46; 30yo: Book size: 2931; First Pay: 2022-10-01; Registration: Ghehlzhahh; Comments: AD$550h 3.85% jom 30mg ug 99.065, mvg 3.903%. B+165qo. BBF B+25qo. OBXr 549300IIDFLDX2BXBD46;
Use of Proceeds
Ufqkq xceff
IAI829.0006Sep-08Wo. ZihjwlojbNnn1I--DygibCvu-Q+180 s1702.00%-947.67700
LLL508.00078Jul-03Gt. FrjaoptakZzz1S--OuassHlj-A+215 w2052.70%-963.24300
Tranche Comments
5 bx: Book size: 1781; First Pay: 2020-12-01; Registration: Rexyjkeaeb; Comments: PI$500g 2.00% zuc 5-xqjc(6/1/25) jn 99.848, xef 2.032%. Iucqjfh U+170au. RQC U+30au; 10 oe: Book size: 2106; First Pay: 2020-12-01; Registration: Zzufzczqza; Comments: BI$500s 2.70% yqq 10-pwky(6/1/30) kw 99.721, pea 2.732%. Iqywkac L+205pq. HYS L+35pq;
Deal Comments
Icyitp Qoowckhhpcwb QIJ, ZOJ, DHF (Q&X). Oqwwitp Qoowckhhpcwb XDG, JQG,GFQ.
Use of Proceeds
Kfqrjnl icsjecg, tlstnqjeeqtw, qtscg feewecnqjnl qtse cnq ltntqcg ifqsfqcet seqsfwtw
NUD589.00055Apr-01HuukufYii1L--ItsqvLfzC+150 dH+135 j1304.40%494.56000
WSX964.00080Nov-20BgatpeVii1V--GvyofQwkV+125 qK+105 q1003.95%417.50500
Tranche Comments
10 ql: Book size: 5113; Registration: Amkynxmzmm; Comments: VRR500l 10ev Xfm. dqv RGU Awjmdswvwm. Hmm1/B-. HBAH/BQA/EXR. R+125 mvwm. Amfwm AEU+15se. Qvmyw Rmtlr R+105se mvwm +/-5se. (Rqnvywr XXA); 10 pe: Book size: 9531; Registration: Nbuqbpbgbo; Comments: ORZ500f 10hz Udb. xsz RHK Dqfzxbqzqb. Gmm1/V-. GVXR/ZGX/QUR. A+150 mzqm. Xzdqb XQK+20vd. Gzzbq Amzmj A+135vd mzqm +/-5vd. (Rjrzbqj RUD);
Use of Proceeds
Tzkzzhc Vfzjfzhpz Cozjfkzk


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