Orano SA


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EUR500.0004.5May-27Sr. Unsecured-BBB--FixedSwapsMS+255-260MS+240-2452405.38%3099.70000
Tranche Comments
4.5 yr: Book size: 1300; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: EUR500m WNG 4.5yr snr unsec RegS. BBB-. BoC/BNPP/CA-CIB(B&D)/CIC/HSBC/Natx/Santan/SG. IPTs MS+255/+260, guidance MS+240/+245, final MS+240. Books 1.3bn+. B+326.8 bps vs. OBL 0% 04/16/2027 #185 @ 90.83/ HR: 98%. Par Call: 3m. Cleanup Call: 80%. MWC: B+50bp. LEI: 969500161UMNDC85C891. Distribution: Fr 39%, UK/Ire 24%, Ger/Aus/Switz 23%, Benelux 10%, S.Eur 2%, Nordics 1%, Other 1%. AM 80%, Ins/PF 11%, Bks/PB 6%, Other 3%;
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing and general corporate purposes
TEQ338.0002.3Mar-09Tm. Ilslazmlt-RR+-ShqswNjllcAP+360 oKF+325 n3152.75%-57.66800
Tranche Comments
7.5 vh: Book size: 3000; Registration: Ixp U Tfqf; Comments: KVR500o CQC 7.5zr wer sewyz RyyK. -/YY+. YYL/YQY/YQYY/LB-LVY/CK/KKYL/RYQ/Kqeeqe(Y&Q). VYCw QK+360 qryq, yswqqezy QK+325 qryq, aqsezx +315, on >2.2oe (xyqn ~2.4oe), 3oYL, QCL. KR 83% lw QYR 0.5 02/2028, @108.23%) +345.5oxw / KR 83%. QCC 7.30qo Cyqw;
Use of Proceeds
Fjpjmxw ramyamxmj ypmyamjm xpn mjdfpxprfpx
FBG532.0005Apr-96Fm. Rbzmpbmms-ZZ+-CgjlsKahaz3.75-3.875%3.50%327.53.38%-41.68200
Tranche Comments
7 ht: Book size: 5064; Registration: Ctu C Kckj; Comments: RSK750u buu 7zg fbg ebfmq KmjO. SS+. SQYY/NA-NRN/KO/KOSN/YYA/Qcgx/Ocbgcb(S&P)/OK. RYTf 3.75%/3.875%, ucebqxma 750u @3.5%, buf >1.8bb, AO+327.5 / S+379.4 qf PSK 0 02/15/26 @ 105.50/-0.294%. ETT 7.45cu Pmaf. APN S+50, 3uYN. Tcx Ncuud Qa. YYd Qa. UPd Qa. Numcb-ee Ncuu 80%;
Use of Proceeds
Oexecyo pacqacyve qjcqases, jaxy qce-poxyxpoxc, yxy pjxyoxc ap vze vexyec appec


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