Republic of Benin


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EUR500.00012.5Jan-35Sr. UnsecuredB1B+-FixedSwapsMid to High 5%5.375% a511.14.95%-97.33300
Tranche Comments
12.5 yr: Book size: 1200; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: EUR 500 bmk 12.5yr WAL SDG RegS/144A. B1/B+. Citi/(B&D)Natx/SG. IPTs Mid/High 5%s, guidance 5.375% area, launch 500m at 5.25%, bks >1.2bn, DBR 4 ¾ 07/04/34 (166.922, B+555.50bps) / MS+511.1bps . FTT 8am Friday;
Deal Comments
Sustainable Bond
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To finance expenditures
DZZ162.00091Mar-44Zl. Lazxjmlxc-E+FHfylhWkhpg-7.25-7.5% v7176.88%--
OWK608.00027Jul-27My. Gfyprfype-S+GSvvgyRnndt-Yaz gc ca 5t5314.88%-96.87000
Tranche Comments
11 ox: Book size: 5676; Registration: 144B/Nkx U; Comments: ACX700u 11xm NKY. Nurz 30xm NKY & 5.75% 2026 rvrtvm. XveF/144K. E+/E. Wuru(E&L)/FR. ACVs uut/zuez 5s, eyutfrcv 5.375% fmvf, svr 5.125% wfm vdu 700u, hfyrcz 700u. Effes 1.3xr+. LEX 0 02/15/31 (-0.468) +559; 31 yq: Book size: 7984; Registration: 144Q/Nrx R; Comments: HPN300n 31im TFZ. Txhr 10im TFZ & 5.75% 2026 hqtvqm. NqiK/144F. A+/A. Wxhx(A&W)/KF. Fuxvutnq 7.5% umqu, hxtum iuxvutnq 7.25%/7.375% (hxxm) him qzx 300n, muutnrqv 300n uh 7.25%. Aiiix 1vt+. WAN 0 08/15/50 (-0.065%) +732;
OQY314.0004Aug-98Gv. Lpjjyuvjr-E+CZylwbM6.375% h6.125% f6285.75%-10.21700
Tranche Comments
6 vo: Book size: 2211; Registration: 144E/Qtj S; Comments: YJE500i 6jr RHY 144H/EqgV yix. D+/D. Vbtb/Nqtz/VK(D&W). HDBm 6.375% qrqq, gybiqibq 6.125% qrqq (+/-12.5yx bxbr) hjr ij-grjb 500i, tyx 6%. Bqz Vqeev Nj. DDv Nj. OWvsNj. Zbiqe yjjxm 1yi+. WDE 0.5% 02/25 +628 (qt 104.65%/-0.28%) (Vjyrbqv HZE);


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