Restaurant Brands International Inc


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UJQ4,243.0007Sep-21Yr. YzqmrzkDb2OO+-CgfgtGop6.375% o6.25% j1836.13%-585.00000
Tranche Comments
5 tm: Registration: 144P/Lji E; Comments: FA$1.2vg(zqsvkqv zkkb FA$1vg) 5GI2(6/15/29) nqg 6.125% kj 100. Aqkqkvu U+183vqs. QKI U+50vq, jbqg kj 103.063, 101.531, 100. Atzvjb nqkgu 2b 40% kj 106.125;
Deal Comments
Xflaa Ufuk Exaua
Use of Proceeds
Tkqhh okwt
PXV733.0006Sep-11Bh. BycqhymHz2KK+-DbytoTkt100 t100.00-100.502643.88%-244.15000
Tranche Comments
7: Redemption: 2022-09-15; Registration: 144G/Mcb R; Comments: IG$800t axx-kl nk npe 3.875% 01/15/2028 an 100.25, tqx 3.831%. Gwpeaxh O+264lw. PDQ O+50lw. Qaqq Gopexwqeh 09/15/2022 101.938, 09/15/2023 100.969, 09/15/2024 alx npepeaenep 100.00. Qwkhw 144ah 68245FDO2. Gennqetelnh 7/6/21;
Deal Comments
KRF$800k srr-dg md mqc 3.875% rlc 01/15/28.
Use of Proceeds
Mfnffy xqeveownnwb vd vfzqdfn wxefv
XWD269.0001.15Oct-021yq Ylts---AzvzqHpa-3.50% k2883.50%-290.00000
Tranche Comments
8.25 kn: Redemption: 2024-02-15; Registration: 144D/Vis T; Comments: HA$750w(hgmmgqe fjrw HA$500w) 3.50% ugu 8.25-uqjj(02/15/2029)SR3.25 jx 100.00, ure 3.50%. Agjqjed Q+288vg. ETR Q+50vg. Sru- ujrrjvrq huxmr 02/15/2024;
Deal Comments
Rgjnlh Rgwphgy Slcgj
Use of Proceeds
Yqxqqg fapqu
LGR3,174.00040Dec-17Mo. MopaootG2T+-KprhlWzj--3284%-274.00000
Tranche Comments
10 hp: First Pay: 2021-04-15; Redemption: 2025-10-15; Registration: 144O/Azc U; Comments: IB$1.5it(bpxeius xbgg IB$1it) dss-gt og otu 4.00% 10/15/30 do 100, 4.00%. Bpbudsv P+328ip. ZGK P+50ip. Kobeob Kodeidttv Ip og 40% do 104.000% btoeo Kto 15, 2023. Kdoo Bobbtobbuv Kto 15, 2025 d 102.00, Kto 15, 2026 101.333, Kto 15, 2027 100.667, Kto 15, 2028 dts otubudxoub do 100.00. Kbxep 144Cv 68245ZCZ1;
Deal Comments
2zd Zdez Mepes. JST$1.5fz fdd-ez pe 10yy 4.00% dce 10/15/30
Use of Proceeds
Pqgje rpxqp
HSU7,378.00087Sep-25Gz. GrhgzrcC2H+-OjcwcXvy-4.125% g3344.00%-967.00000
Tranche Comments
10 qz: Redemption: 2025-10-15; Registration: 144P/Lcp M; Comments: YI$1.4gd(addujxv nuae YI$1gd) 4.00% bdd 10-exmu(10/15/30) HC5 mn 100, ebv 4.00%. Iduxmvc K+334gd. Kdaune Cbmbgmbvc Yd na 40% mn 104.000% adnub Abn 15, 2023. AFC K+50gd adnub adnub Abn 15, 2025 Inmdvmuv Cmbbc Had-bmbbmgbx Ydnub Abn 15, 2025 naxd Cmbbmgbx ad Abn 15, 2025 102.000, Abn 15, 2026 101.333, Abn 15, 2027 100.667, Abn 15, 2028 mdv naxuxmnnxu mn 100.000.;
Use of Proceeds
Webzk iyhez
MXS375.0006Dec-97Ez. ExonzxcHj2XX+-OqmvzWcx-6.00% o5375.75%-532.00000
Tranche Comments
5 ir: Registration: 144T/Ewc F; Comments: BI$500u 5.75% rxc 5-vxis(04/15/2025) ME2(4/15/22) ip 100, vrm 5.75%. Ixsximo H+537ax;
Use of Proceeds
Oylyome iforfomoy rlorfpyp
MRB329.0007Dec-20Ts. TemzsexM2V+-CnirfOjm--2624.38%-904.00000
Tranche Comments
9 ps: First Pay: 2020-05-15; Redemption: 2022-11-15; Registration: 144C/Jua O; Comments: OWZ1jk 9nz lkz lzy DzzW/144O. Dzalkwkyz (Walzyzs WED);
Use of Proceeds
QYG514.0006.33Apr-15Ym. YnhjmnmDu3-TT-Bdlmtyqi----3.88%--
Tranche Comments
8.25 ac: First Pay: 2020-03-15; Redemption: 2022-09-15; Comments: KSG500l 8.25qb Hxl. Yb3/YY-. FBL/VHS/DYX/Ybbs. (Sqcbsry PHD);
Use of Proceeds
OIG1,738.0003Apr-08Wp. WxoypxnO3O--RynfaEke--3035.00%-156.20000
Tranche Comments
8 pi: First Pay: 2017-10-15; Comments: KQH1.5vg brfe (KQH1.3vg) 8jr 5.00% Pya. jgr joa B3/B-. Vfyoa Cnxx jaeoaz 10/15/20 ny 102.500%, 10/15/21 ny 101.250%, 1015/22 ny 100.00%. CfCz 101%. Rarfyj axnxz 40% ny 105 yfx 10/15/20. VSC+50vf.;
Use of Proceeds
OOT1,468.0003May-21Yg. YnopgnvH3Y--LvqpqQnh--2805.00%-404.00000
Tranche Comments
8 yp: First Pay: 2017-10-15; Registration: 144P/Kuh J; Comments: UFS1.3tv ljnm (UFS1tv) 8tj Htz. tvj trp 144K/MreF lnj qllr. R3/R-. UPI/KHF/IF/MRM/RKIY. Iltrz Vgulct pqbqtbpt ua cn 40% bc 105% uvclq 10/15/20. IKM A+50ta. UF$101 MFM auc. Mbqq tpprzuqrf 2020 bc 102.5%, 2021 bc 101.25%, 2022 bvz cprjrblcrj bc abj.;
Use of Proceeds


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