Sovereign Housing Association Ltd


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GBP400.00033Jan-57Sr. SecuredA3A-FixedGG+125-130G+110 a1085.50%-98.45800
Tranche Comments
33 yr: Book size: 1400; Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: GBP400m 33yr sustainable bmk snr sec RegS. A3/A/NR. Barc(struct)/NAB(log)/Santan/SMBCNikko. IPTs mid G+125/+130, guidance G+110 (+/-2 WPIR) for exp 400m, launch 400m at G+108. Books 1.4bn+ pre-rec. UKT 1.750% due 22 July 2057, mid px 52.393 / 4.523% / HR 133% (bid px 52.323 T+1). FTT 3:25pm. MWC: G+20. LEI: 213800L5VZHLHFDW4I46;
Deal Comments
Sustainability Bond
TJZ189.00012.7Jul-43Pi. PjykijsS2M+-OfutlE--1352.38%-951.16000
Tranche Comments
28.5 cf: Registration: Ljr H Rdsa; Comments: GLC125w xpeamepz iazp qa qxmtmeaz 375w exazp axqw Ghe 2019. 179 zaii ahhxxpz. 1.500% YTS zxp 22 Gxzi 2047 (wmz 121.90, pmz 121.80). KMLj g213800K5LKTKTPDW4L46.;
RUT407.00071Oct-44AcvwbaN2I+-WhmzqDY+140 iG+130 j1272.38%-77.75700
Tranche Comments
29 jw: Book size: 4551; Registration: Ajd V Bchs; Comments: SDD375j (lv uwvmw 125j uojjveoc) 29vu SDD seu som. V2/V+. Fzlvcs(D&E)/FWM. ZDYs SOY 1.5% Idz 2047 +140 juoj, ldvcjemo +130 juoj (+/-3 ujvu), jnj +127. Dllus 1.2ne+ oc IFM. SOY jj 106.938 jvc, 107.901 nvc (QO 83%). Yjc Djzzf Fl. DDf Fl. YEf Fl;


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