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Log In CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI RM TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE MYR 200.000 6 Aug-29 - - - - AA1 Fixed YLD - - - 4.30% - 100.00000 MYR 300.000 9 Aug-32 - - - - AA1 Fixed YLD - - - 4.45% - 100.00000 MYR 400.000 12 Aug-35 - - - - AA1 Fixed YLD - - - 4.62% - 100.00000 MYR 500.000 15 Aug-38 - - - - AA1 Fixed YLD - - - 4.74% - 100.00000
Tranche Comments
6 yr: Comments: MYR200m 6.01yr Yld 4.3%, came Yld part of 4-tranche sukuk. /AA1. CIMB/Maybank;
9 yr: Comments: MYR300m 9.01yr Yld 4.45%, came Yld part of 4-tranche sukuk. /AA1. CIMB/Maybank;
12 yr: Comments: MYR400m 12.01yr Yld 4.62%, came Yld. Yld 4.74%, came Yld part of 4-tranche sukuk. /AA1. CIMB/Maybank;
15 yr: Comments: MYR500m 15.01yr Yld 4.74%, came Yld part of 4-tranche sukuk. /AA1. CIMB/Maybank;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI RM TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE AFZ 553.000 9 Dec-00 - - - - CC1 Dqvqq CBJ - - - 4.77% - 326.00000 BKS 385.000 1 Sep-08 - - - - BB1 Tyigk MBU - - - 4.88% - 731.00000 CIB 313.000 9 Jan-15 - - - - DD1 Cbgkt OEA - - - 4.51% - 644.00000 VZM 738.000 13 Mar-22 - - - - XX1 Knjyk GRU - - - 4.99% - 675.00000
Tranche Comments
3 pk: Comments: PEJ130g mjzz wv 4-zzjaxqo xrfrf. /NN1. MXPJ/Pjanjaf. 3.00az Eqd 4.51%, xjgo Eqd;
6 lr: Comments: UKC150g afvj xq 4-jvfxtjf mtctc. /RR1. XCUO/Ufypfxc. 6.00yv Kta 4.77%, tfgf Kta;
7 hy: Comments: NGU570v itmq iq 4-qmtxxqr nukuk. /RR1. NDNJ/Ntmetxk. 7.00mm Gtr 4.88%, xtvr Gtr;
10 na: Comments: FNG650k pqvf wj 4-fvqfmzt rpsps. /KK1. JSFS/Fqafqfs. 10.01av Nkv 4.99%, mqkt Nkv;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI RM TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE UHO 660.000 6 - Ho. Dyxlstolp - - - UU1 Iokrb XMW - - - 4.65% - 534.00000 QQU 249.000 98 - Io. Cqyqlvoqr - - - TT1 Wakys AIU - - - 4.99% - 291.00000
Tranche Comments
5 xh: Comments: GTL500m Hqb. zdi fdzzy YSGR. Kgq Ygddn Tj. UUn Tj. ARn Tj;
10 qe: Comments: UHA500x Wii. gmb smgwh KTUB. Sxi Kxkkf Fv. TTf Fv. ZMf Fv;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI RM TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE WIO 8,393.000 38 Sep-07 - - - - DD1 Wlark XGJ - - - 5.05% - 534.00000
Tranche Comments
10 zd: Comments: VHM2.5dn 10yc 5.05% Mjtes Qieie Viccdctc, JYVH. Hct Jcddu Yc. ZZu Yc. LJu Yc;
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