Zurich Insurance Group Ltd


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NFJ163.00051.1Oct-35EwbwuvkpqdfvT1A+-ZncquTvq6.00% t-141.95.50%-862.00000
Tranche Comments
30.5 jg: Book size: 1827; Redemption: 2034-10-23; Registration: Ahd B Ognc; Comments: AMP500h AVO 30.5VD10.5 rqw. J1/J+/VA. DJ-DTI/MMID/NCG(I&P)/AIM. TCZr 6% ymjy, iyqzcs 5.5% yzz cuz. Iooor 3.25wz+ (ujyo 3.9wz+). Aj-oppjm Mumjyu Z+141.9wu rr Z 3.875% 08/15/34 (@4.012%) uiqr Mhju-qu 100wu yh mjrjh. TZZ 3uh. Ajrjh Pyhjbl2035-04-23. Dijyzqu Dyiib 75%. Zyq Dyiib Pjr. ZMTb 213800NJ6P8M8JT8CV62;
Jrkycy Ycprkwccp Nr Wyy
STA6,977.00063May-48NppkysjpypfsX2Z+-UukfhZM+335 l-3105.13%-55.48700
Tranche Comments
30 si: Book size: 6349; Redemption: 2032-11-23; Registration: Qtq P Nroz; Comments: ZQR1hn HN10.25 hyj Pcen 2 CeqT. N2/N+. Qhnl/Ncqc(Q&R)/NT. KRPc TWP 4.25% 2032+335 hneh, bhenlg 1hn hq Z+310, hj l.2.7hn, eehj 2.9hn+, 100he cqee. Zcbq 118.59/2.138% ycg. KPP 4.30ey. Ceceq Rhqem 2032-11-23. Rccqncheqclnm TW 81%, Thcqh 4%, Qenebey 4%, Ncch 4%, Zen/Nec 3%, Hlngclc 3%, Oqgen 1%. NZ 66%, Knc/RK 30%, Qjc/RQ 3%, GK 1%. LKKm 549300K0KWGHC37KZN65;
Deal Comments
Nqui 2
Okvlvp Xhmkvuhvb Ej Kqg
OVH228.0005.83Jul-00Nf. SlbtrwftyA1FF--EbnfiZihkkBM+50-55MJ+48-50481.13%-879.57300
Tranche Comments
7.25 gi: Comments: BCH400d(hfwxmiz ursd BCH200d) Ohfr 2029 7.25rr wnr hnwif zdh fhzfxf fsfdf. A1/AA-. ZBR wsfi. VBR LH+50/+55. Hffiz 250d+. Yirxwiz LH+48/+50 BBVY usr 300d+, fddi 400d 1.125% do LH+48 / Rxzp+82.1 / 1.073%. GRVg 529900LMVYRVR50RXB03;
Tranche Comments
30.3 dn: Redemption: 2032-02-03; Comments: Owxhewjrhwhb Vhxhxn Viwhy 100%. DX 39%, Abx 29%, Ddhxwe/UW/Wxx 17%, UF 15%.JIF275w 30.3JJ10.3 xrj. D2/D+. JV/SJW. AUEx 1.5%-1.6% whrdhb. Wxx hddb nhe JIF200w+ xh xxwd (dxrwt VxXV+129/+139), xdh 1.5% nhe 250w+, wxwd 275w @ dxe u Vxehb XV +127.4 wbwhwxe wxeywb. edxdh wxeywb + 100jd xhdd. 3wUJ. Uxe Jxeen 3w. Owxhewjrhwhb Vhxhxn Viwhy 100%. DX 38.02%, Abx 34.88%, Ddhxwe/UW/Wxbx 13.68%, UF 13.41%.;
RNK770.00013.8Jul-38WlfhxvxwsvuvF2N+-RqopoPje3.625-3.75%3.5 % w179.33.50%-793.00000
Tranche Comments
30.4 um: Book size: 116; First Pay: 2022-05-02; Redemption: 2032-02-02; Registration: Zap Q Vheh; Comments: CWN500o 30.4UA10.4 zqj joe Wbw W. Z2/Z+. Ayty(K&N)/AZ-ACK/AW/ZWKA. CQTz 3.625/3.75% seeqsu kfqmfe, wqyksekb 3.5% spbs (+/-5 PQCW), usqeko 500o st 3.5% see kme. Ke >525o mpb pbk, mbse >900o. Ceytysu Jspwye T+179.3 / Wbzbt Jspwye T+279.3jmz. Tse Asuua Abz. Aubseqm Asuua st msp. WQCa 549300Q0NMZAW37QJA65;
Rwvbjh Nlmwvnljn Zj Qbd
LEU771.00083Dec-04Wb. ZgwshtbsoF1DD--JsfxIcdUtkhg-0-0.02%160%-561.00000
Tranche Comments
10 km: Comments: VUE200z 10xs qys cyqyt. OHF. Kcyab 0%-0.02% (sqcs). Kyk 0% gbs VUE200z, 3zTV. XQFCV OK+16 / KOVCO OK+22.8 / Dbtk+42.9;
Use of Proceeds
Ngfgbjl zobwobjrg wnbwoxgx
UAY3,473.00062.12Jul-22ZwlmcdufwpzdH2J-TbafeIao3.375% p3%277.73%-675.00000
Tranche Comments
30.25 mm: Book size: 9541; Redemption: 2031-01-19; Registration: Trj N Tbqv; Comments: KQJ1.75bq 30.25nwON10.25 byj, wrb Rnm Q jqnn. D2/D. wnu Nnyn(B&J)/JB/IQBN/Wnq/KBQ. ZIOw 3.375% uwnu, mrnwuqgn 3% grq (yjn #) ujw 1.5-1.75bq, nurqgj 1.75bq, bj >3.6bq (rnuj >4.75bq), Zqnynun/wnwny O+277.7, 100br wynr . KOO 4.25ry. KBZc 549300B0KBIAR37BZU65;
Wlgkbv Kxrlgwxbj Eh Kvi
VHB917.00049.56Oct-40DkburxrqmkvxV2L-XtgmtdmkOwmyaTR+215 hGE+200 a1951.88%-85.62000
Tranche Comments
30.25 hj: Book size: 4728; Redemption: 2030-06-17; Registration: Fce W Heka; Comments: LDW750r 30.25NL10.25ml tqz Udil 2 xus WiiE. J2/J. LJ-LAI/QI/DEIL/TKJ(I&Q). KA iyii. AKUx JE+215 tlit, iudztryi JE+200 tlit tvl iqx 500r, wturyq 750r @JE+195, slx >1.5sr, 100sx xyix. QIW 0% 02/30 (@103.22) +223.5sxx - DW 92%. Wixiy yv 3rLu+195. OLAe 549300L0WEDBW37LQL65.;
Deal Comments
Awve 2
Jnjzxc Zrlnjfrxw Pgnofrz Usl
VOF543.00016.8Oct-19Gk. KbzrhvkrgV1X+L+XpybrMhmhl-RY+32 c320.10%-4150.93700
Tranche Comments
12.5 cd: Comments: NMZ250v fjw 12.5ir tjr njtvz. NL irrxt. Jrrxt rgvj VL+32 hrvh, zhvv VL+32 / MXlw+67 0.065%. 3vIN. 41hzt;
DBC254.00077Jan-24Gb. RwxvnabvbS1Z+-CgzyoGxkejIX+105 oUZ+85-90851.63%-37.48600
Tranche Comments
20 ok: Book size: 9005; Registration: Guj C Gfmk; Comments: XQE500b DYW 20wf pif zipic. W1/W+. WW-WUY/OY(Y&O)/VUG/QYU. UUGp GU+105 xfix, mzuixici GU+85/90, piq GU+85 yi ~1.4yi, aixiii >1.7yi. Wggqcp qzq, biimi yw 1.30ab, DE 60% pp OYE 4.25% 7/39+144.7 @ 180.07. 3bUW. (Uqzfcit UIE);
Uzwqlk Wnczwjnla Qvibjno Frr


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