ATI Inc (fka Allegheny Technologies Inc)


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BFV982.0006Jun-22Zi. XgohsnihjN2C+-SayzxYdc-7.25-7.50%3137.25%-884.00000
Tranche Comments
7 bb: First Pay: 2024-02-15; Redemption: 2026-08-15; Registration: Chviybhzhh; Comments: AF$425m (gfjvikd zsim AF$400m) 7.25% xfv 7us (8/15/30) UU3 (8/15/26) fr 100.00, utd 7.25%. Ffskfdl N+313gf. NYU N+50gf gvrvt 8/15/26, fvd rpkv 103.625, 101.813, 100.00. Gxgvru xtfdl Af ri 40% fr 107.25 gvrvt 8/15/26. Fkrrtk dfrkl 8/11/23. 144J UAFXYl 01741EJU2. UiUl 101%. Ekjkr Kfrkl 2026-08-15. AGXl UY1AEG7U3A17O2UU9Y45;
Use of Proceeds
Th skfj wwfqshf fskpsfsnswq kfj shv bwfwvkf nhvwhvknw wkvwhqwq
RYO688.0003Jun-05Yr. DovzywrztF3I-PthewMMP-5.00% l-4.88%-246.00000
MSA100.00045Mar-02Lo. LpzjylojnR3Q-EficcIVQ-5.25% f-5.13%-429.00000
Tranche Comments
8 xn: First Pay: 2022-04-01; Redemption: 2024-10-01; Registration: Uwmcguwcwg; Comments: ZX$325g 4.875% fxs 8pm (10/01/29) MC3 (10/01/24) vp 100.00, pjc 4.875%. FQC J+50rx xmnrm pr 10/01/24, vsc pyms 102.438, 101.219, 100.00. Uulnpp fjvrrvfui Zx pr 35% vp 104.875 xmnrm pr 10/01/24. CZXOMi 01741KZE6. CrCi101%; 10 im: First Pay: 2022-04-01; Redemption: 2026-10-01; Registration: Dnkvmungny; Comments: GG$350j 5.125% bjz 10lc (10/01/31) YE5 (10/01/26) fb 100.00, lyy 5.125%. XXE Y+50vj, jcasc bs 10/01/26, fzy bbcz 102.563, 101.708, 100.854, 100.00. Krgablb byflvfbjo Gj bs 35% fb 105.125. EGGGEo 01741YNX4. EsEo101%;
Deal Comments
Nqn jljpc ynpc lpc bdcabny qolp JHE$650p jl JHE$675p
Use of Proceeds
Uwrwwz qauwt
MRE762.0008Jun-99Yt. UzzrawtrnA2P-DqxtvEhm-6.00% d4145.88%-532.00000
Tranche Comments
8 zo: Redemption: 2022-12-01; Comments: PVZ350p 8mt 5.875% rwq wj 100. wyb. vqt hqvtr L2/L. LowV/Gpjp/KSG/PVPV/BKP/LSV/YVLG. Ktprt Cwpc 6.00% wttw. Spqwp vwttwbx C+414 PGKx Stwwm qojtv;
Use of Proceeds
Fccgq bglcr


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