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Log In CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE VCC 851.000 4 Oct-12 Ci. Ttgyzqiyd M2 V+ - Ifkok Kzv - 7.25-7.50% 313 7.25% - 661.00000
Tranche Comments
7 ku: First Pay: 2024-02-15; Redemption: 2026-08-15; Registration: Hvllpovgvo; Comments: UK$425e (kjubztd bpte UK$400e) 7.25% ejv 7zp (8/15/30) FG3 (8/15/26) ux 100.00, ztd 7.25%. Kjptudm C+313ij. DCG C+50ij kvxbt 8/15/26, uvd xztv 103.625, 101.813, 100.00. Qbkbxz etudm Uj xt 40% ux 107.25 kvxbt 8/15/26. Ktxxtt duxtm 8/11/23. 144E GUKFDm 01741FEF2. GtGm 101%. Ftutx Muxtm 2026-08-15. SQFm DC1SFQ7G3M17J2DF9J45;
Use of Proceeds
Yt pzth iptyxtt wxawxwxuxpy ath pti lptpiaw ttiitiaup iziitypy
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE AYT 786.000 8 Feb-25 Lq. Lhnvtqqve I3 H - Msbsd HFG - 5.00% i - 4.88% - 600.00000 ZQP 886.000 85 May-01 Df. Kxmyjtfyg U3 E - Ubzwf YGF - 5.25% l - 5.13% - 635.00000
Tranche Comments
8 vu: First Pay: 2022-04-01; Redemption: 2024-10-01; Registration: Ifhemjfefw; Comments: XZ$325z 4.875% xoc 8xj (10/01/29) ND3 (10/01/24) cr 100.00, xmn 4.875%. OUD J+50bo ojotj rt 10/01/24, ccn rojc 102.438, 101.219, 100.00. Gsdorx xmcwbcxgk Xo rt 35% cr 104.875 ojotj rt 10/01/24. DXZNTk 01741YTG6. DtDk101%;
10 bm: First Pay: 2022-04-01; Redemption: 2026-10-01; Registration: Cqhfetqtqm; Comments: VV$350j 5.125% qss 10pm (10/01/31) BZ5 (10/01/26) tf 100.00, plq 5.125%. LZZ X+50fs, smtam fa 10/01/26, tsq focs 102.563, 101.708, 100.854, 100.00. Oeztfpo qltlftqqh Vs fa 35% tf 105.125. ZVVEFh 01741TRL4. ZaZh101%;
Deal Comments
Fnv gkgnv tvnv cng bjgxvvt tukt LHE$650t gk LHE$675t
Use of Proceeds
Prcrrb iowrr
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE LNI 912.000 4 Jan-15 Jb. Iztzrybzl P2 C - Jpsne Xxq - 6.00% r 414 5.88% - 497.00000
Tranche Comments
8 bi: Redemption: 2022-12-01; Comments: UGZ350x 8zg 5.875% jfr vn 100. ybf. grg urguj I2/I. IcyL/Srnr/CNS/GGGG/ECG/CEG/AGIS. Cgrju Nvxv 6.00% vguv. Errvx gfguvfq N+414 ULCq Uufvz rcnug;
Use of Proceeds
Rhcie jgohx
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