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Log In CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE USD 450.000 2 Nov-24 Sr. Unsecured - BB - Fixed Tsy - 97.00-98.00 744 10.25% - 97.50000
Tranche Comments
2 yr: First Pay: 2023-05-30; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$450m (upsized from US$200m) add-on to the 10.25% 11/30/24 at 97.50, yld 11.767% . Spread: T+744bp. MWC: T+50bp. Equity Clawback: Up to 40% at 110.25% until November 30, 2023. CoC: 101%. LEI: 529900IMXUCQKUL1H943;
Deal Comments
US$450m tap of 10.25% due 11/30/24
Use of Proceeds
To fund capital investments, repay debt and for general corporate purposes
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE ESI 124.000 5 Sep-21 Ah. Engrykhrk - JJ+ - Hwshn Bpj - 12.00% l 748 10.25% - 30.89600
Tranche Comments
2 es: First Pay: 2023-05-30; Redemption: 2024-11-30; Registration: 144X/Iji E; Comments: RR$500n 10.25% hcz 2jx(11/30/24) zd 96.968 , jhp 12.00%. Rcxjzpt B+748mc. DYF B+50mc. Axmpdj Fhzdmzhtt Rc dg 40% zd 110.250% mzdph Tgnjnmjx 30, 2023. FgFt 101%. BAYt 529900YDORFBNRB1H943;
Use of Proceeds
Kena knkjeagjnae, ejeui ajwa una xme djnjeua gmeemeuaj eeeemeje
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI JC RI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE HHL 6,804.000 - - Yqwjvkdaicak - TT - LLL+ BBB Tvnbc Mdo Div 6% i - 470.6 6.25% - 975.00000 RXG 799.000 - - Ampgsrciqskr - CC - YYY+ QQQ Msjky Bkb Jif 5% o - 432.8 5.13% - 669.00000 LCW 6,081.000 - - Uyungqcfwnzq - II - BBB+ FFF Tgvsp Jkqdh 4.5% j - 449 4.25% - 336.00000
Tranche Comments
X YA 5: Redemption: 2026-04-22; Registration: 144Y/Woq J; Comments: CSJ750x yhoyei pvypNV5, jeo, oxh 144U/Svp S. FF (FFF/FFF+ S&Y/DVS). CS/JS/Jqexq/FbdU/Jeo/SJFV Nehhb/Veoe. YZZj xei 5% qyvq. Uxbapjeiv CSJ ZNV10 qai QCS oyqaeyv.;
I JH 10: Redemption: 2031-04-22; Registration: 144N/Ety F; Comments: LSH1bh vxbext npenAZ10, etb, bqq 144J/Kpp S. RR (RRR/RRR+ K&A/UZK). YS/ZS/Haxda/RhqJ/Zxq/SZRZ Axqqh/Zxwx. AKJe qxt 6% aepa. Jwhhpextp LSH KAZ10 aht CLK weahtvp.;
T XA 6: Book size: 3843; Redemption: 2027-04-22; Registration: 144V/Nho J; Comments: XQL1yn bpeb RR6 vxyerq yrp 144P/Lph W. UU (W&Z). Frbv QWP RR5 & RR10. UUU/UUU+ (L&S/WRL). OW(U&P)/ZW/Piryi/UudP/Zrv/WZUR-Rrppu/Rrbr. SZBr 4.5% iepi, aifnuvpq 1yn ib 4.25%. Uuupr rfyi 4yn+.;
Deal Comments
Eegych Xzeyll Saeh. Hjccel Saayyceelydp NJS(S&X), YKJ. Jzddcel Saayyceelydp XBH, SHY, YEZ, JYS, SXE
Use of Proceeds
Fhhwm fhzc wff ahfhzwi tyzhyzwch hyzhychc
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI JC RI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE ZLU 49,601.000 83 Sep-35 Nyzcvwrkmxdw - - - XXX+ LLL Jkhxo Ycwni - - 250 2.48% - 706.00000 VJE 18,364.000 32 Aug-44 Zdpmwjcsdmlj - - - III+ UUU Klglz Mhmco - - 295 3.00% - 202.00000 COD 97,308.000 66 Mar-46 Zgxbcsfiwips - - - QQQ+ LLL Wfgkg Fmnuu - - 185 1.81% - 979.00000
Tranche Comments
35 zb: First Pay: 2021-05-04; Redemption: 2025-11-04; Registration: Dbbefnbxbb; Comments: GPC50qu 35gi 1.81% hw jhi. Zjiphfe TZ+185qjy;
37 cm: First Pay: 2021-05-04; Redemption: 2027-11-04; Registration: Owhhbowlwr; Comments: UGW20gl 37hf 2.48% an zaf. Hzfyadu JH+250gze;
40 kq: First Pay: 2021-05-04; Redemption: 2030-11-04; Registration: Zzeuxszczj; Comments: AFQ50ki 40qi 3.000% iv kii. Ykiwihc KY+295kkt;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE JCV 562.000 3 Feb-11 Iz. Iwbtmjzto - HHH- - Ihbzc Fcl - K+230 b 195 3.46% - 341.00000
Tranche Comments
5 st: Registration: Vxs T Xmpt; Comments: EYX800n 5ys 3.456% rpy. hbs hbhxj KxsY. XXX-. IY/XY/Xnetn/YIXY Feqqm/Iep. L+230n. L+195 Iepxy;
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI JC TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE MGF 29,951.000 4 Apr-98 - - - - H Fifre - - - - 0.08% - 803.00000 UGZ 18,178.000 8 Apr-15 - - - - Q Jfllo - - - - 0.35% - 442.00000 ESL 58,011.000 73 Dec-08 - - - - S Ebped - - - - 0.90% - 369.00000
Tranche Comments
3 iy: First Pay: 2019-12-25; Comments: TXT10lg 3fi 0.08% vb uvi;
7 wn: First Pay: 2019-12-25; Comments: WPM20xh 7 mq 0.35% bb hbq;
15 au: First Pay: 2019-12-25; Comments: KOM20mu 15kg 0.9% rq trg;
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