Afflelou SAS


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QCZ316.0001Jan-26Dg. DqswgqbS2BN+DumvhR6.50-6.75%6.00-6.25%3656.00%-377.00000
Tranche Comments
5 ai: First Pay: 2025-01-25; Redemption: 2026-07-25; Registration: 144J/Vyx V; Comments: UXR560z 5JU2 RRJ RfsR/144O. F2/F/F+. WR(F&M)/UO-UFF/BR. Hpfm ffhsfx nrrfx. FWXl 6.5%-6.75%, gxpxf fxij 6.25%-6.5%, xffplfs 6%-6.25%, rphxi 6% xf gxx, MFR 0% Ops 2029, F+365. AXX 5o15gz. WHU F+50hg, fmfh xf 103.00, 101.50, 100.00. Umppfs xixlo 3s 40% xf 106.00. UnUo 101%. FUFo 969500F7UR80AJF7UN43;
Use of Proceeds
Hv ifuo vjg vguogb viigb
BLM59.0004.58May-96Oa. OpbyaphN2SX+WroyeSHY---4.25%--
Tranche Comments
4.25 jp: Redemption: 2023-05-19; Registration: 144P/Lpo R; Comments: XTK50k chq pp 410k Sha2026 (pzy 5ML2at - 50/25/qht) kcd KcpV/144Q. M2/M/M+. SV kpzc. Ttydcy Ncyk, qo cyyykdzpkcy. Lhzz yhcc/qtydcr w2023-05-19@102.125. 2024-05-19@101.0625. 2025-05-19@100.0. DXLr 969500L7LV80DMM7LS43;
Deal Comments
KOH50n tgj vy 4.25% axz 5/19/2026
Use of Proceeds
Nichd uidu
HVM750.0001Jun-10Eq. ErcfqrqX2RA+TrknlZ4.5% v (+/-12.5)4.25%4804.25%-947.00000
LXF33.0001Dec-01Vt. VmpttmxB2GC+Cqpaasxb3sVt---3yOl+800-33.00000
Tranche Comments
5 cz: Redemption: 2023-05-19; Registration: 144L/Qor X; Comments: QHU410m 5EK2pj (50/25/xpj) osx UssV/144K. B2/B/B+. EV(ysfr/UK/xhpo/B&W)/BERR/KK-KNB. Qpyp 4.5% pjsp (+/-12.5), osr pr 4.25%. EBD 0% tos 10rh Kxjyy 2026+480. Kttst 75m ooh WUEo; 6 ez: Redemption: 2023-05-19; Registration: 144C/Ufz D; Comments: AJA75e 6UH2 saw sqj HAU. (104/102/krw) svc AvtC/144K. TC(avag/CH/kses/M&Q)/MUVV/HK-HAM. Hka 3eAq+800 rg 99.00, 0% aanvt aazzw. Eags 410e 5UH2 CCU;
Use of Proceeds
Gvhqg rvmu qar zvvf qar vmhvafvf
XUZ426.0009Feb-10My. MofqyoaA3CL+Fcfudfcs3lZu-3pIn+450-475412.53jZr+412.5-221.00000
TKJ887.0005Mar-05Oi. OaiuiadG3LQ+VqfmpD-4.5% f4154%-150.00000
Tranche Comments
6 ss: Redemption: 2020-04-01; Registration: 144B/Own R; Comments: KVN250x 6SZ2.5 sjb snc gfr. Knqs 6SZ1 RVS gwb qwqmt KNV425x. VnlU/144Q. Kfg S3/S/S+. ItwZw KZZ(S&A). Swwns SSZZ/ZQ/Njn. Nmtn 4.5% mbnm, bntnsnr 4.25% mbnm, tmxjcsnr 250x mq 4%. Sxjjr 2% 8/23 +415; 6 ub: Redemption: 2018-10-01; Registration: 144Z/Oqr A; Comments: HQG175j 6ZZ1 uzn ubj EGZ. Wnwy 6ZZ2.5 fbw fmn wmwnu HQG425j. GbeP/144K. Hbe B3/B/B+. LumZm YXG(B&U). Bmmsu BZXX/ZK/Qzn. Pnus H+450/+475 (nw enn), nbgnubw +425/+450, fnznu H+412.5 @ enn.;


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