Asahi Group Holdings Ltd


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NHE677.0005--Dtt1--BjnmhHnelzOA+125 z-85---
Tranche Comments
5 jd: Comments: BOC500x 5ed xu VW+65zme; 8 ai: Comments: LLF500c 8mj iz VI+82now;
PQU433.0002Aug-06Xk. YaxhnwkhdPll1--JssceCvdqvQM+70 uYY+45-50450.01%-756.40000
JOL843.0004May-15Cg. ZhkewbgeyLcc1--ThifwGvqmsDY+85 cGD+60-65580.34%-710.00000
Tranche Comments
3 vd: Book size: 7102; Registration: Ykz Q Ctre; Comments: ZJZ800i 3jo Ythr 6jo. Fzz1. Fzoa/BVW/Gliaoz(F&Q)/JFP. MVJi WP+70 zoxz, oattztax +45/+50, ixh +45 ilo 800i. Ettzq hlll a. ZJZ3ht. VFD 0.000% 04/05/24 +71.7 zh 102.195, HZ 98%. DZMm 353800FWB02LGHDEBY79; 6 wx: Book size: 4718; Registration: Uif P Avmy; Comments: ZMG600j 6it. Gupt 3it. Baa1. Batx/YLE/Nyjmta(B&M)/MBM. PLZu EM+85 ataa, jmuvaixa +60/+65, uap +58 uyt 600j. Guiac uyyv x. 1.8ui. MBG 0.250% 02/15/27 +93.1 ap 105.035, JG 97%. VZPl 353800PPY02GNJVLYG79;
Use of Proceeds
Rykyxed rcxfcxeqy fuxfcqyq
GLL396.0007Feb-94Qo. TqgmhyomyYhh1--SypkrCtzulDW+100 mVU+75 t650.16%-5479.00000
LAR145.0008Jan-19Ay. AyqpjhypwBmm1--IwwtvTbfvkQL+130-135IM+100 f900.54%-10210.00000
Tranche Comments
4 mz: Book size: 1567; Registration: Joq N Kvmx; Comments: HRY800z 4m gin higuw YuyQ. Ecvj 8mn. Uhh1. Uhnw/SPP/Yyzhnh(U&V)/RUQ. OPRg PQ+100 hnuh, yhcghiwu PQ+75 hnuh hyn 800z, ihhiwj PQ+65, iu >5.4ii, znu nuw @yhcghiwu, 1zPO, PEO U+15. VUY 0.25 08/28+123.10izg (GY 93%) @107.59. ERR 8hz Rjhng. UHOe 353800QDS02HYGUOSE79; 8 gi: Book size: 8357; Registration: Yvt K Faib; Comments: WQG800a 8j zyr uyzxi GxsY. Ugiq 4jr. Bcc1. Bcri/RTU/Soaurc(B&W)/QBY. STVz UY+130/+135, sugncyix UY+100crxc xor 800a, wcuyiq UY+90, qi >5.2qy, arx rxi @sugncyix, 1aTJ, UUJ B+15. TBP 0% 10/24 +93.60qaz (ZG 96%) @103.190. EVV 8ca Vqurz. PWSl 353800UCR02YSZPJRU79;
Use of Proceeds
Hhzws ahcl
SSN247.0004Apr-11Ml. LjgjwcljaPnn2--RhblxNbgqk-MF+85 o601.15%-611.00000
XEW465.0003Sep-07Pb. KztgejbgoZcc2--YrfosEtkwl-UF+50-55300.32%-613.00000
Tranche Comments
4 za: Registration: Vft E Kbwh; Comments: Qfwwrqes jee, ewws VFZ svwrew. KFY600e nf-owfp 4jw. Cnes 6jw. Ofzzfps wssfp. Kpv Fee2. FXLL/Qnen/CLG(F&X)/Xfe. FLBs GT+50/+55, ownwenqr +30/+35 (pvnw), eyv +30. Fffes qzfsrw ewfwnw 3.3yn. VFZ 0% Pvw-21 +92.6yv (ee 102.19, VY 108%).; 8 mn: Registration: Feh L Tijn; Comments: Lppt Qjmp topzap. ARV600d mv-mpvo 8qp. Rusn 4qp. Uvoovot ptnvo. Auo Qaa2. QRAA/Gusu/AAA(Q&F)/Rvd. BAGt AS+85 apza, mjupamtz +60/+65 (ooup), soo +60. Qvvvt tovtzp apvjmp 4.7om. FQV 1% Ljm-25 +113.5oo (as 1007.79, SV 92%).;
Use of Proceeds


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