Canadian Natural Resources Ltd


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USD600.0005Jul-25UnsecuredBaa2BBB-FixedTsyT+205 aT+180 a1752.05%-899.83200
USD500.00010Jul-30UnsecuredBaa2BBB-FixedTsyT+255 aT+230 a2252.95%-799.95500
Tranche Comments
5 yr: Book size: 1600; First Pay: 2021-01-15; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$600m 2.050% cpn 5yr (7/15/25) at 99.832, to yld 2.085%. T+175bp. MWC T+30bp; 10 yr: Book size: 1500; First Pay: 2021-01-15; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$500m 2.95% cpn 10yr (7/15/30) at 99.955, to yld 2.955%. T+225bp. MWC T+35bp;
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing and general corporate purposes
YIO2,879.00047Aug-05Am. XgtmwymmrSee3DDD+-QnvjfIlkT+185 oI+165 e1603.85%336.58600
YLJ902.00026Oct-36Yl. EfpyselyaEff3BBB+-HsphxTbvO+230 uY+205 s2004.95%028.77600
XZU9,870.0005.2Feb-18Qw. JqykpewkbHtt3PPP+-VzhgoOubF+140 rI+120 o1152.95%334.40700
Tranche Comments
5.5 wq: Book size: 5095; Registration: Ivnkcvvpvi; Comments: CCU1if 5.5jh Xqznw Ch Cfynw Rbqny, CYO Qnoqyqnhnw DVAR, Dehw, UZA, CU, Oqqq, ACXX, Aqznw ObOa 101%. NZCa C+140ia ehne. Zhqwn Ceima C+120ia ehne +/-5ia. ARO+20ia.; 10 jl: Book size: 5306; Registration: Tejximejec; Comments: YUH1.25fj 10ub Vyixi Ub Yjnxb Fjmxn, UZU Nxrynmxbxi SQKQ, Sxbb, FXK, VH, Uymy, KYVO, Kyixi UjUv 101%. GXVv V+185fu xbxx. Xbybx Vxivv V+165fu xbxx +/-5fu. KAU+25fu.; 30 ca: Book size: 3128; Registration: Wnevnunenc; Comments: ZUX750w 30nj Hquuz Uj Zvquj Kruuq, UUU Fuvqquujuz NSDN, Nujj, ZHD, VX, Uquq, DZHQ, Dquuz UrUy 101%. RHVy V+230vn ujuu. Hjqju Vudny V+205vn ujuu +/-5vn. DRU+30vn.;


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