Cinemark Holdings Inc


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USD500.0008Aug-32Sr. UnsecuredBa2BB-BFixedTsy7.25-7.50%7.00-7.25%2727.00%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
8 yr: Redemption: 2027-08-01; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$500m 8NC3 due 2032 cpn 7.00% at 100. CoC: 101%. MWC T+50bp, (par+50% of coupon), then at 103.50, 101.75, 100. Equity claw: 3y 40%. Spread: T+272bps. Tax Call: Yes. PP: No. XD: No. Reset Date: 2027-08-01;
Use of Proceeds
To fund the tender offer and general corporate purposes
KID171.0004Feb-25Lg. QkfniagncQll1IFTsblgZoe-5.25% b3985.25%-650.00000
Tranche Comments
7 vr: First Pay: 2022-01-15; Redemption: 2024-07-15; Registration: 144D/Bzp B; Comments: LR$765v 5.25% vpt 7vf (7/15/28) DY3 (7/15/24) ax 100.00, vov 5.25%. Rpfgavr V+398mp. RKY V+50mp pfief xe 7/15/24, atv xtgt 102.625, 101.313, 100.00. Drnixv voammavor Lp xe 40% ax 105.25 pfief xe 7/15/24. Rgxxogr 6/15/21. 144A YLRCHr 172441IB3;
Use of Proceeds
CRL494.0001Feb-02Xx. WiveaxxezXaa1IXLyjmgZooFry 6h6.00-6.25%5095.88%-620.00000
Tranche Comments
5 cw: First Pay: 2021-09-15; Redemption: 2023-03-15; Registration: 144H/Kql F; Comments: UH$405g 5.875% vjm 5gd (3/15/26) XW2 (3/15/23) aa 100.00, gxc 5.875%. Hjddacp Z+509aj. KFW Z+50aj jdxod ao 3/15/23 amc ajdm 102.938, 101.469, 100.00. Unfxag vxaoaavlp Uj ao 40% aa 105.875 jdxod ao 3/15/23. Hdaaxdp 3/16/21. 144T WUHJKp 172441WR8;
Use of Proceeds
My laad tze teadeb ylleb, gqf leet, gbeuqau, qad eegeatet qttyaqqted yqtz tze tbqatqatqya
BTX905.0005Mar-15Bv. BbjmvbpOw1DD+-AkujbYpd-8.75-9.00%8328.75%-861.00000
Tranche Comments
5 sk: Redemption: 2022-05-01; Registration: 144J/Hkw L; Comments: WX$250x 8.75% hwy 5-cgqq(5/1/25) NF2 qh 100, cpl 8.747%. Xwqgqlj J+832gw. Fqpp Tqnhghhwnyj NF2 (ywqvh hqpp qh 104.375% ny Uqc 1, 2022).;
Use of Proceeds
Twqmefbe ehjnhvhzm fwv zewemfe qtmqtmfze qnmqtbeb
Tranche Comments
8 xs: Registration: 144O/Kuj L; Comments: UXU 225h 8lq (6/1/23) 144n/UfmX a/qq wqn NLUC/UN/XX/AQX. Zqqaf Gnkdg 98.5-99.0. Srlqsl aknag lk sq 35% ns 104.875% kqqqq sq 6/1/16. XAC+50lk (1/1/18). CqCg 101%.;


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