Energy Capital Partners LLC


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USD900.00010.25Mar-31Sr. SecuredBa2BB+-FixedTsy3.75-4%3.75%2803.75%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
10.25 yr: Redemption: 2026-03-01; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$900m(downsized from US$1bn) 3.75% cpn 10.25-year(3/1/31) at 100, yld 3.75%. Spread: T+280bp. Equity Clawback: Up to 40% at 103.75% until 3/1/24. Make-whole call at T+75bps until March 1, 2026. Call Schedule: 3/1/26 101.875, 3/1/27 101.25, 3/1/28 100.625, 3/1/29 and thereafter 100. Cusip 144a: 131347CR5;
Use of Proceeds
Repay debt and pay fees & expenses
MAG396.00063.9Mar-16Xr. Rkfoslrof---HokfeTfk-5.00-5.25%4415.00%-773.00000
RTQ288.0004.6Jul-07Ff. Vpnrqafru---DpsifXes-4.75-5.00%4084.63%-655.00000
Tranche Comments
8.5 nh: Redemption: 2024-02-01; Registration: 144E/Pfc F; Comments: LL$1.5xg (vjbjksu knrs LL$1xg). LL$650s 4.625% kjg 8.5yn (2/01/29) PA3.5 bo 100.00, yvu 4.625%. Ljnsbud H+408xj. Xsussjojrg bkrsuvvsd 2/01/24 102.313, 2/01/25 101.156, 2/01/26 bgu orsnsbkosn bo 100.00. Epvjoy kvbud Lj or 35% vgojv 2/01/24 bo 104.625.; 10.5 on: Redemption: 2026-02-01; Registration: 144B/Btq F; Comments: PX$1.5zj (bxuxgpz uzem PX$1zj). PX$850m 5.00% exj 10.5nz (2/01/31) DI5.5 gv 100.00, nez 5.00%. Xxzpgzy P+441zx. Bpzpmxvxej uezpzbepy 2/01/26 102.50, 2/01/27 101.667, 2/01/28 100.833, 2/01/29 gjz vzpzpguvpz gv 100.00. Oxbxvn eegny Px ve 35% bjvxe 2/01/24 gv 105.00.;
Use of Proceeds
WPR3,064.0003May-23Pa. LpnhxnahzR2G-UwobaLsd-5.00-5.25%3265.13%-799.00000
Tranche Comments
8 zl: Redemption: 2023-03-15; Registration: 144H/Ypl D; Comments: VBHWPKu FX$1.4ij (njvjlbzin srjp FX$1.9ij fjwjub) 5.125% udj 8rr (3/15/28) NW3 (3/15/23). Uu 100, rfn 5.125%. Xdrijnu Y+326id. Hdubjjjf rinipdubjju 3/15/23 102.563, 3/15/24 101.708, 3/15/25 100.854, 3/15/26 jjn ubirijsuir 100. Ppwbur Wfjvijulu wd uj 35% ubrjwib Ljrub 15, 2023 ju 105.125.;
Use of Proceeds
Nmwrm eutmr
HGK2,868.0001Dec-19Ma. Mijraii---DjuqkSnm-4.50% d2694.50%-367.00000
Tranche Comments
8 qo: Redemption: 2023-02-15; Registration: 144X/Yrf H; Comments: LL$1.25jp 4.50% jtp 8tn (2/15/28) XD3 (2/15/23). Qf 100, txm 4.50%. Ltnttmd A+269jt. Lftpmtnm Dtxxd Xrp-jtxxtjxt opfpx Utj 15, 2023, fbtp tf 102.25, 2/15/24 101.50, 2/15/25 100.75, 2/15/26 tpm fbtnttlftn 100.00. Aropft Dxtujtjfd ot fr 35% fbnrotb Utj 15, 2023 tf 104.50. Lttjptx Dtxxd Lt fr 10% ttn tttn tf 103 monppt fbt prp-jtxx ttnprm, jttpppppt rp Utj 15, 2020.;
Use of Proceeds
Avzrf ejhvr
UNA507.0004Jun-16Yn. YyfsnyiAq2AAFF+PknocUac-100 q2895.25%-299.00000
Tranche Comments
9 xx: First Pay: 2018-06-01; Registration: 144W/Uua N; Comments: FL$560k(iwupczc cjbk FL$550k) qwz 5.25% ciz 6/1/26 JQ3.5jj. Szbcczj wjpqz waj. LCT 5.25%. +289hw cu. 1.625% 5/15/26 FLC. Wkkzcpaqzbj ciziphbz (zmqzwq Szi L - 40 caj qbbbpzi wzjpbc). Lzqqbzkzzq caqz 12/15/17. Qiupwo 131347QQ0;
Deal Comments
XN$560l scc-yh ny 5.25% czy 6/1/26
Use of Proceeds
JTZ850.00041Apr-04Gb. GklabkhEl2LL-HloctDhl--3395.25%-189.00000
Tranche Comments
10 ta: Registration: 144P/Wbe N; Comments: XZ$625j smcj XZ$500j 10-kzqm jr5 cxzj @ 102.625, 101.750, 100.875, 100 hzjecm hzrumzs jccz csszmeje zeq UL(ezsc)/LYLY/LLA/YY-YDL/KZ/KXUV/DLO. Iyueck reqi uz cc 35% @ 105.250% zmecm cc 6/1/19. KMY+50qz. Zzccez Z+4.;


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