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EUR425.00033Jun-50Sr. SecuredBaa2BBB+BBBFixedSwaps-MS+mid/high 1001551.76%-99.99900
EUR528.00033Jun-50Sr. SecuredBaa2BBB+BBBFixedSwaps-MS+200 a1902.71%-99.99900
GBP350.00033Jun-29Sr. SecuredBaa2BBB+BBBFixedG-G+high 100s1903.04%-99.99800
EUR223.00033Jun-50Sr. SecuredBaa2BBB+BBBFixedSwaps--2303.75%-99.99900
GBP336.50033Jun-50Sr. SecuredBaa2BBB+BBBFixedG-G+low 200s2153.85%-99.99800
Tranche Comments
33 yr: Redemption: 2022-06-30; Comments: EUR425m no-grow 33yr snr sec A7 (5yr call/exp mat). Part of multi-trancher. Follows rshow. DB/GS. Indicated MS+mid/high 100s, IPTs MS+175 area. Came 425m at MS+155 / B+217.9, 400bp step.; 33 yr: Redemption: 2027-06-30; Comments: EUR528m no-grow 33yr snr sec A8 (10yr call/exp mat). Part of multi-trancher. Follows rshow. DB/GS. Indicated MS+high 100s, IPTs MS+200 area. Cam 528m at MS+190, B+234.1. 400bp step; 33 yr: Redemption: 2029-06-30; Comments: GBP350m no-grow 33yr snr sec A5 (12yr call/exp mat, 400bp step). Part of multi-trancher. Follows rshow. DB/GS. Indicated G+high 100s, IPTs G+200/+210. Came G+190 /MS+178. MWC.; 33 yr: Comments: EUR223m 33yr snr sec A9/A10. Part of multi-trancher. Follows rshow. DB/GS. Came 223m 3.748% at MS+230 / B+255.4.; 33 yr: Comments: GBP300m+ 33yr snr sec A6. Part of multi-trancher. Follows rshow. DB/GS. Indicated G+low 200s, IPTs G+225 area. Came 336.5m at G+125, 3.848% at 99.998;


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