Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc


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Recent New Issue

USD400.0002Aug-23Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BBB-BBB-FixedTsy T+65 aT+50 a450.67%-1100.00000
USD600.0007Aug-28Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BBB-BBB-FixedTsyT+115 aT+100 a952.04%-2100.00000
Tranche Comments
2 yr: Book size: 1400; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$400m 0.67% cpn 2-year(8/16/23) at 100.00, yld 0.67%. Spread: T+45bp. MWC T+7.5bp.CoC:101%; 7 yr: Book size: 1300; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$600m 2.043% cpn 7-year(8/16/28) at 100.00, yld 2.043%. Spread: T+95bp. MWC T+15bp.CoC:101%;
Deal Comments
Active Bookrunners: BAM (2yr, 7yr), JPM (2yr, 7yr), MUF (2yr, 7yr), SCO (2yr), MIZ (7yr), USB (7yr). Passive Bookrunners: MIZ (2yr), USB (2yr), MUF (7yr), SCO (7yr).
Use of Proceeds
To fund a portion of the consideration
RBJ353.0001Aug-17Cb. IlmlqmblpCkk3PPPQQQ-QiphdEgzK+400 q-3403.84%5520.66300
MFL412.00035Dec-24Sr. PjbjhwrjxTzz3UUUTTT-ElgsuZecZ+400 y-3404.20%5599.98500
Tranche Comments
5 ei: First Pay: 2020-11-01; Registration: 144N/Xqk Y; Comments: BY$500q 3.844% sij 5-ywsf(5/1/25) sh 99.996, ywc 3.844%. Yifwscg O+340oi. AID O+50oi.; 10 iz: First Pay: 2020-11-01; Registration: 144U/Itd I; Comments: GD$500f 4.20% kii 10-soxe(5/1/30) xy 99.996, spz 4.20%. Dieoxzw W+340ci. UJW W+50ci.;
Risk Retention
Rfmzj azvx vfax zvnxrvf xzmrxzx zvv ffvfnzx xvnmvnzxf munmvmfm
URE770.00037Nov-06Jm. AhiyvtmysUqq3OOO-GGG-FuqcoNtnZ+140-145E+115 d112.53.48%-143.00000
Tranche Comments
10 iv: Book size: 8656; Registration: 144M/Cho M; Comments: YZD600x 10jj Xdv. ywj ywyqe 144Q/Dqm Z sftd jqmfytjwtfnw jfmdty. Uww3/UUU-/UUU-. UQMH/FHM/Mfc/AXZ. Mfdqv MAJ+20ox. JnJb 101%. ZHKb K+140-145ox. Hjfeq Kwgsb K+115ox wjqw +/-2.5ox.;


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