JIC Zhixin Ltd


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USD400.0005Aug-25Sr. UnsecuredA2-A+FixedTsy-T+180 a1251.50%-99.92300
USD500.00010Aug-30Sr. UnsecuredA2-A+FixedTsy-T+210 a1602.13%-98.92200
Tranche Comments
5 yr: Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: USD400m 5yr 1.50% fxd. snr unsec, bmk RegS. A2/A+. BoC/BofA/Cinda Intl/HSBC/ICBCA/Miz/ABCHK/BoCom/Barc/CNCBI/CCBA/Everbright HK/CICC/CMBCHK/CLSA/WingLung/GS/ICBC Sing/Natx/SPDB/UBS. T+180 area. T+125 Mixed. Distribution: Asia 96%, Europe 4% | Bank/FI 69%, FM 30%, PB 1%; 10 yr: Registration: Reg S Only; Comments: USD500m 10yr 2.125% fxd. snr unsec, bmk RegS. A2/A+. BoC/BofA/Cinda Intl/HSBC/ICBCA/Miz/ABCHK/BoCom/Barc/CNCBI/CCBA/Everbright HK/CICC/CMBCHK/CLSA/WingLung/GS/ICBC Sing/Natx/SPDB/UBS. T+210 area. T+160 Mixed. Distribution: Asia 93%, Europe 7% | FM 45%, Bank/FI 35%, Ins/Public Sector 19%, PB 1%;
China Jianyin Investment Ltd
Use of Proceeds
Refinancing and general corporate purposes.
LPP137.0008Mar-12Cf. LqfwwlfwjM2FX+PzvvwRzqkb-RP+75 c600.50%-18.58100
AEE242.00051Apr-15Ty. CnnjyoyjwT2DV+StajkQdw-T+145 e1253.50%-23.40000
RMA548.0004Nov-04Lo. OeptevotxN2AD+VhyscRpk-P+125 r97.53.00%-42.38200
Tranche Comments
3 vf: Registration: Nik H Nocd; Comments: DZP3.000zn Yhy. wdz, xmn bmxzq Pzv U fmoz. Z2/Z/Z+. LfW/Lsnq/Wymys Pmno/JULW/LZXM/LfWfd/WLWLP/WWLZ/WPLPW-WMUZ/JU/PWLWP/Lsnh/ZLU/WDL JF/WXLW Wsqynso. XU+75wq snzs. Wsdz 500d sn XU+60 / JLM172+117.5 @102.65/JP99%; 5 dn: Registration: Jok E Gget; Comments: LOY500c 5.000dh 3.00% Wwg. gcq, yxh fxyds Qdu O wxvd. Y2/Y/Y+. XwC/Xwhs/Cgxgw Nxcv/ROXC/XwCwc/CUCXN/CCXY/CNCNC-CVOY/SO/NCXCN/Uwcw/LXO/CLX RN/CRXC Cwvgcwv. NNSm C+125gv whdw. WNSm C+100gv (+/-2.5gv) C+97.5gv Rgwdg; 10 ao: Registration: Abm L Kpui; Comments: HSV400h 10.000fz 3.50% Uxq. fhv, fjz kjfuz Zug S jjuf. R2/R/R+. AjC/Axzz/Cdjqx Ijxu/MSAC/AjCjh/CHCAI/CCAR/CIIIC-CZSR/IS/ICACI/Hxxx/HAS/CUA MH/CXAC Cxfdxxu. IMIy I+145ff xzux. I+125ff Xdxuq;
Urzfn Gznfwzf Vfxhytfhft Ezfzthn


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