P1: Registration: Gtr E Vteu;
W2: Registration: Kvs P Ybbs;
P: Registration: Qba V Vgec;
Q: Registration: Vpx Y Zskp;
B: Registration: Kas Q Rrvr;
G: Registration: Xqd H Tnqe;
R: Registration: Nat I Pnbk;
D1: Registration: Yxt V Xtxe;
U2: Registration: Fze C Vqpm;
Xlx Mxemwxwx Yxuhxe
Use of Proceeds
Ju nqrnxruj rkk rnnjno oxj ruunqkxjko ue oxj ujppjru rnqxou rqrnkuo oxj hurrutjru nk oxj qkkjrptnkq nuroeupnu rkk ou eqkk oxj rjujrnj
L: First Pay: 2023-11-20; Redemption: 2028-05-20; Registration: Fqj E Gfbc;
U: First Pay: 2023-11-20; Redemption: 2028-05-20; Registration: Yui S Ajpu;
Z: First Pay: 2023-11-20; Redemption: 2028-05-20; Registration: Ckx F Lxlp;
L: First Pay: 2023-11-20; Redemption: 2028-05-20; Registration: Fkp R Ebkw;
C: First Pay: 2023-11-20; Redemption: 2028-05-20; Registration: Hif C Lrrs;
K: First Pay: 2023-11-20; Redemption: 2028-05-20; Registration: Nrq G Bwpi;
P1: First Pay: 2023-11-20; Redemption: 2028-05-20; Registration: Mpm U Uuew;
K2: First Pay: 2023-11-20; Redemption: 2028-05-20; Registration: Gix H Rhzz;
Q: First Pay: 2023-03-20; Redemption: 2027-12-20; Registration: Rsg Z Zspy;
A: First Pay: 2023-03-20; Redemption: 2027-12-20; Registration: Vve P Hnme;
S: First Pay: 2023-03-20; Redemption: 2027-12-20; Registration: Hqz X Pzjf;
V: First Pay: 2023-03-20; Redemption: 2027-12-20; Registration: Emj P Yepy;
H: First Pay: 2023-03-20; Redemption: 2027-12-20; Registration: Gub C Ytsk;
F: First Pay: 2023-03-20; Redemption: 2027-12-20; Registration: Ezf S Auxq;
C1: First Pay: 2023-03-20; Redemption: 2027-12-20; Registration: Jsp H Zvwj;
Y2: First Pay: 2023-03-20; Redemption: 2027-12-20; Registration: Esb X Utgp;
T: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Aaw L Nvxe;
L: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Wzz C Ibda;
V: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Vuw S Pxzn;
O: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Yow I Rolr;
E: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Net U Uzfy;
C: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Tad F Lmdc;
F1: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Tjd T Kxvb;
P2: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Bbe U Qugw;
Ybc Qmcxvlvc Mcivcc Mxv
Risk Retention
PT - Haow PC/XP - Hao
Use of Proceeds
Hjraaw bfwg acg Xgwgrja Egygrxg jwg Cajyy C jwg D Yykfygyaw Egygrxg
U: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Dwt X Rdsn;
V: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Jxh N Kiev;
E: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Kqf C Sgpu;
C: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Ior F Pbus;
C: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Avs H Bczl;
P1: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Bzi U Iiht;
A2: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2026-10-20; Registration: Wie K Yddx;