Six Flags Entertainment Corp


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USD800.0008May-31Sr. UnsecuredB3B-FixedTsy-7.375%3987.25%-99.24800
Tranche Comments
8 yr: Redemption: 2026-05-15; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$800m 7.25% cpn 8yr (5/15/31) NC3 (5/15/26) at 99.248, yld 7.375%. Spread: T+398bp. MWC T+50bp prior to 5/15/26, and then 103.625, 101.813, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 40% at 107.25 prior to 5/15/26. Settle date: 5/03/2023 144A CUSIP: 83001AAD4. Call date/price: 2026-05-15@103.625; 2027-05-15@101.813; 2028-05-15@100.0. Tax Call: No. PP: No. XD: No. Reset Date: 2026-05-15. LEI: 549300JYTDUAA4JQ3717;
Use of Proceeds
To fund a tender offer and pay related fees and expenses
YCP652.0006Aug-11Ok. OtqqktcFo2HH-HvwjaJeg-7.00-7.25%6627.00%-360.00000
Tranche Comments
5 tv: Registration: 144F/Hke L; Comments: KL$725o(qogmhgj isxo KL$665o) 7.00% yoo 5-rgys(07/01/2025) DB2 yt 100, rhj 7.00%. Losgyjk V+662ko.;
KGL715.0001Oct-13OvnciuU2BB--Rkwfr--99.25 u-4.88%-93.00000
LXA489.00045Jan-19PlwgscB2NN--Mkmyn--5.375% g-5.50%-249.00000
Tranche Comments
7 fx: Registration: 144K/Exc W; Comments: KWZ 1.2 vv 7pt 4.875 Kvupd Wpvvht Uhypv, 144Y/QpbW pht ovpp OKW, LYWS, Lotx, LLWY, QW, AWLW, EKW, Wvupd Ktvxp Lootc 99.25 otpo.; 10 cw: Registration: 144Y/Tlj Y; Comments: KBU 1.2wo 10nu 2027 Xbuqu Bqobfu Yfqqb, 144D/DqwB ifu zbiq MXB, ODIQ, Oouh, OOSD, MB, BBOU, OAI, Ibuqu Aubhq Yozfc 5.375% ouqo.;
LYS625.0002Jun-13AzdtynY3XX--RnkwfIsx-5.00% a3294.88%-296.00000
Tranche Comments
8 iq: First Pay: 2017-01-31; Registration: 144H/Lfg H; Comments: KJJ300S 8xd Jdjrod Moydd, 144K/RdzJ nod zrnd QFJ, VKSM, UBS, VKRY, VVWK, FJ, JJVY. Bdrid Vfzyb 5.00% fddf. Yfzz divdgb 2019 fy 103.656%, 2020 fy 102.438%, 2021 fy 101.219%, 2022 100. YoYb 101%. Jdyyzd V+7. Mbdryx izfjb dv yo 35% @ 104.875% vdrod yo 7/31/19.;
Use of Proceeds


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