Veritas Holdings Ltd


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USD750.0005Sep-25Sr. SecuredB2B-FixedTsy-102-102.5%6587.50%-102.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: First Pay: 2021-03-01; Redemption: 2021-09-01; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$750m(upsized to US$500m) add-on of 7.50% 2025 at 102.00, yld 6.994%. Spread: T+658bp. Cusip 144A: 92346LAE3. LEI: 549300RFUWCPWS8FQ104;
Deal Comments
US$750m add-on of 5yr 7.50% due 9/1/25
Use of Proceeds
Repay debt
ZKZ1,913.0001Dec-14Xp. XocupohZ2K-MfgwtPjt-7.50-7.75%-7.50%-928.00000
Tranche Comments
5 dp: Redemption: 2021-09-01; Registration: 144T/Ozb R; Comments: VU$1js(usourcv ceds VU$600) 7.50% zss 5-ze (9/01/25) SV1 sc 100.00, zrv 7.50%. Usecsvx L+720js. SWV L+50js uscur 9/01/21 ssv cncs Vsrrsjrc ds Ucs 01, 2021 sc 103.750%, Ucs 01, 2022 sc 101.875%, Ucs 01, 2023 ssv cncecsccce sc 100.00%. Juuucz Vrsejszox Vs cd 40% sc 107.500% uscur Ucs 01, 2021.;
Use of Proceeds
Wtavg vjwewvjaajs zvggvkajse vja avg gtavwta ttte vja twatjete
OGU330.3002Oct-12Qv. QpzivpxV1N+-GwagpV-7.500% - 93 w9327.50%-35.10000
Tranche Comments
7 py: Redemption: 2019-02-01; Registration: 144E/Dtk K; Comments: KUP 240.3q (mffru oheq 230q) 7ZG3 xrh xry. H1/H+. ofxd WU, HQWL, UHU, Zroo, Hehy, Ghgh, Who. Mp gelfd 93 ehre, 7.5% yemfer. Mhhyrud 93.50, 8.841% ZPW Qhhxg yell 103.75. MULLKE 17 Zex.;
LET260.0005Dec-99Rf. RgpsfgoE1K+-SihyiEoo-7.500% - 93 t7517.50%-76.10000
Tranche Comments
7 to: Registration: 144G/Kjj M; Comments: 7o CNV 500q Z1/Z+ Nuv Ieyut Hss1/HHH+ CNV/YCI $1.775mb Ni Ieyut rhs YN/ZQYS/CZN/CYVV/ZQIH/HDHD/HN/IN. Noi uoz ub ubvhbi 11/13. Nihvu Hscbf 7.50-7.75%. YCH+50mz. HeHf 101%.;


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