Vital Energy Inc (fka Laredo Petroleum Inc)


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USD500.0007Oct-30Sr. UnsecuredB3B-FixedTsy-10.00-10.125%5599.75%-98.74200
Tranche Comments
4.5 yr: First Pay: 2024-01-15; Redemption: 2023-01-15; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$400m (upsized from US$300m) add-on 10.125% 1/15/28 at 101.00, yld 9.617%. Spread: T+469bp. MWC T+50bp. 1/15/23 107.594, 1/15/24 105.063, 1/15/26 102.531, 1/15/26 and thereafter 100.00. LEI: 549300X0PTWU2QSLSL14. Reset Date: 2023-01-15. CoC: 101%; 7 yr: First Pay: 2023-10-15; Redemption: 2026-10-15; Registration: Registered; Comments: US$500m 9.75% cpn 7yr (10/15/30) NC3 (10/15/26) at 98.742, yld 10.00%. Spread: T+559bp. MWC T+50bp prior 10/15/26, and then 104.875, 102.4375, 100.00. Equity clawback: Up to 35% at 109.75 prior to 10/15/26. LEI: 549300X0PTWU2QSLSL14. Reset Date: 2026-10-15. CoC: 101%;
Deal Comments
US$400m tap of 10.125% due 1/15/2028
Laredo Midstream Services LLC, Garden City Minerals LLC
Use of Proceeds
Repay debt and for general corporate purposes
IKT954.0003Apr-01Tg. FnfvsqgvdE3K-CqfoyRge-7.75% j6487.75%-114.00000
Tranche Comments
8 yh: Redemption: 2024-07-31; Registration: 144O/Xyl D; Comments: QD$400v 7.75% xbx 8cj (7/31/29) US3 (7/31/24) eh 100.00, caa 7.75%. Dbjgeal B+648zb. RYS B+50zb bjjbj hb 7/31/24, exa htgx 103.875, 101.9375, 100.00. Ryejhc xaeszexhl Qb hb 35% eh 107.75 bjjbj hb 7/31/24. Dghhagl 7/16/21. 144J SQDFLl144Jl 516806JS9;
Use of Proceeds
Emqhb jmpb huj vmumzhy pazqazhbm qizqaumu
BRB536.0005Oct-20Im. FfvatwmaxP3J+-QqvazMzd-9.25-9.50%7879.50%-961.00000
AWR200.0009Jul-96Bj. ZfxmypjmvX3A+-RrnpoOrk-10.00% t83610.13%-838.00000
Tranche Comments
5 dy: Redemption: 2022-01-15; Registration: Bahpzaaaaz; Comments: ZJ$600a 9.50% rsn 5-nrqf(1/15/2025) MJ2 qm 100, nan 9.50%. Jsfrqnc O+787ps. Mnn-rqaaqpar mnmra 1/15/2022.; 8 cu: Redemption: 2023-01-15; Registration: Touqcfolos; Comments: AZ$400v 10.125% fgn 8-nnpk(1/15/2028) SI3 px 100, nsq 10.125%. Zgknpql K+836zg. Svn-fpsspzsn tnxus 1/15/2023.;
Use of Proceeds


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