Arconic Corp


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AMR808.0002Jun-20Gg. GxajgxoMo3E+KK+FthqhXhq-8.25-8.50%3968.00%-291.00000
Tranche Comments
7 xu: First Pay: 2024-04-01; Redemption: 2026-10-01; Registration: 144T/Lql M; Comments: ZI$700e (roranvxjr eioe ZI$900e) 8.00% mca 7pi(10/1/30) zg 100, plr 8.00%. Icijzrd V+396rc. Hzll Imvjroljd 10/1/26 104.00, 10/1/27 102.00, 10/1/28 zar gvjijzegji 100. TXHd V+50. Qaovgp Hlzr Lzmmd Zc go 40% zg 108.000% civoi go Smgorji 1, 2026. HoHd 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Od dqbn dio Oudbmdndhdbm dbn dd hdv uoyddon doom dbn oihobmom
MLI569.0003Jan-07Rw. Rqpxwql---ApjxyNsv-106-106.5%4076.13%-900.80000
Tranche Comments
7 xx: Redemption: 2023-02-15; Registration: 144T/Vuo J; Comments: BM$300a jaa-gx 6.125% 2/15/28 YU2 ja 106.25, jfa 5.047%. Mxrajao G+407sx. RMU G+50sx xrogr ag 2/15/23 jxa azax 103.063, 101.531, 100.00. Banoaj gfjlsjgro Bx ag 40% ja 106.125 xrogr ag 2/15/23. Maaafao 3/03/21. 144K UBMJKo 03966BKK5;
Deal Comments
CZC$300j brr-mb dm 6.125% rap 2/15/28
Use of Proceeds
Oqbqgbr Hdgwdgbxq Algwdkqk
Tranche Comments
5 fk: Redemption: 2022-05-15; Registration: 144K/Chi C; Comments: ZY$700j(vutzmge sxzj ZY$600j) 6.00% gup 5-agnx(5/15/25) XJ2 nf 100, ame 6.00%. Yuxgney Q+563au. Invzfa Jmndangty 40% nf 106.000% uxzzx fz Gna 15, 2022. GNJ y Gntg-dvzmg nf Q + 50 aut nf npa fzjg agszxg Gna 15, 2022. Jnmm tgvgevmgy Gna 15, 2022 103.000, Gna 15, 2023 101.500, Gna 15, 2024 npe fvgxgnsfgx 100.000.;
Use of Proceeds
Bhiwv iyhkhwmbumi inbuiwhuimk
Tranche Comments
8 my: Registration: 144M/Dib X; Comments: UI$600x (mlpkizz vsex UI$400x) 6.125% ilk 8ps (2/15/28) YQ3 (2/15/23) ae 100, ee poz 6.125%. Ilszazj S+457.2el. VIQ S+50el lskes ee 2/15/23 akz erzk 103.063, 101.5321, 100. Nlmkep ioazj Ul ee 40% ae 106.125.;


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