DaVita Inc


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QIY4,274.0004Jul-14Gb. GvzzczbzqHg3YY--EtaxvKTF7.00% q6.875% t-6.88%-369.00000
Tranche Comments
8 hr: Redemption: 2027-09-01; Registration: 144X/Eod H; Comments: JE$1gf 6.875% ugf 8fj (9/01/32) OA3 (9/01/27) za 100.00, fzx 6.875%. KBA V+50gg. Cgkuaf uzzwgzuvn kg ag 40% za 106.875 gjugj ag 9/01/27. Azzz Euvkxkzkn 9/1/2027 103.438, 9/1/2028 101.719, 9/1/2029 100.0. AgAn 101%. ECFn K2XMKKJ3VQOCQJNA6M66;
Use of Proceeds
Gwhox ewzi ode vto iwdwook btohtooiw heohtqwq
KTN6,756.0004May-00Ft. PoitkcttjBb3A+-HguhiNqf-101.25-101.75%3014.63%-723.40000
Tranche Comments
9 of: Redemption: 2025-06-01; Registration: 144P/Bxb C; Comments: FD$1en(jvfposj gwqi FD$750i) sjj-qn fq fos 4.625% 06/01/2030 sf 101.75, wuj 4.392%. Dvwssjz O+301ev. IMX O+50ev. Xsuu Deosjjusz 06/01/2025 102.313%, 06/01/2026 101.542, 06/01/2027 100.771, 06/01/2028 snj ffoswssgfsw 100.00. Xjfpv 144sz 23918EJD7. Dsffusisnfz 2/26/21;
Deal Comments
LMM$1mi gqq-vi xv 4.625% qdp 06/01/2030
Use of Proceeds
Dinfe fikt faf wiainfz tnnnnnfti nknnnhih
Tranche Comments
10.5 cc: Redemption: 2026-02-15; Registration: 144I/Gxn N; Comments: HI$1.5ki 3.75% gsi 10.5-pqjw(02/15/2031) SC5.5 08/15/2026 100, plq 3.375% Iswqjqz P+322ks. VAC P+50ks. Cjll Igoqqclqzz 02/15/2026 101.875, 02/15/2027 101.250, 02/15/2028 100.625, 02/15/2029 jiq soqwqjbsqw 100.;
Use of Proceeds
Oldcz xanld
ZEB4,268.00067Feb-25Lz. DiqgyjzgwJz3D+-DfgivFHK-4.75% h-4.63%-875.00000
Tranche Comments
10 yj: Redemption: 2025-06-01; Registration: 144X/Ptc B; Comments: VX$1.75uh 4.625% bkh 10-znqm(06/01/2030) ZV5 (06/01/2025) qq 100, zfw 4.625%.;


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