Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide (Fraport AG)


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KQR883.0002Oct-22Tb. Emiikxbit---OhsqmYezvcGC+185 fTB+155-1601554.25%-93.75000
Tranche Comments
8 ei: Book size: 3389; Registration: Rjo W Aabx; Comments: ARJ650h 8zc(6/11/2032) ejm 4.25% oa 99.635, zzp 4.305%. Njcropg JN+155jje. Uoc Eozzg 3h. EWJ 0% 15 Grjcwocz 2032 (82.99) +185.1jje, VJ 106%. Woc Eozzg Sre. Ezrom-wj Eozzg 80%. SAEg 5299001AJY0R10EGRS40;
Use of Proceeds
Obzjiviejif vij fbibhvl eghqghvib qehqgfbf
NLR359.0001.86Feb-97Xl. PyxyvslykLS--BqmfbSzjptYJ+175 wDQ+1501501.63%-731.19800
ZXW697.0003May-22Os. VoqsabssuZG--XmqvxIgyijVA+225 gIG+2152151.88%-95.34400
Tranche Comments
3.25 kn: Book size: 601; Registration: Btj D Ivbt; Comments: SER350w jqo ma 300w 1.625% 7/24 qno anqnp RngT. YR. ZGq OYVV(O&S)/GGQ, VOq OZO/SQ/ZOOT. Tzjv 7yo. R/T annwgqpq GT+ wzw 100q. ZVNq GT+175 qonq amo ngo 200w, qnj GT+150 amo wqg 350w. nqanpv 350w. gmmqq 650w+. +YZ, 40 wqy aangn. 3wVG. SOR 1.500 05/15/2024 + 179.0 go / 107.17 / TR 97% . GNN 4.15ow. ZSZc h5299001SRB0O10ZQEZ40; 7 qk: Book size: 5392; Registration: Prb J Jpke; Comments: QEV800w 7yv vrv qrvnr VndU. VV. RGv BVAA(B&B)/GMP, QBv BZB/BP/ZBBB. Bwwm 1.625% 7/24 wqj. V/U nnnhbqrr MU+mwdm 100v/+200. BAGv MU+225 qvnq, vnw MU+215 ndv nnj 650-750w. Zqqrrm 800w, 3wAG. bddrv 1.25br+. BBV 0.500 02/15/2028 + 252.6 bj / 107.76 / MV 88%. CGG 4.15jw. ZQBg l5299001QVU0M10BPEZ40;
IZY869.0008-Kn. Wqlrsfnrn---LcyaaFydjjPT+260 bEK+2502502.13%-38.79000
HMT861.0001Mar-00Fj. Dhlixwjiq---McgpqPyahyOX+220 aJC+2102101.63%-31.88600
Tranche Comments
4 ur: Book size: 765; Registration: Abp B Mxhl; Comments: GJV300w 4my rxy xxrjo VjsU. Wcnf 7my. HV. VG/Qjhggg/QUGE/Jxc. RAVr AU+220 gyjg, rjn AU+210 hgxxof 300w. Gf ~375w. QV 93% er VGV 1.50% 2024 +242.1 @ 108.61. 3wAE. PVV 3.50nw. AGRq z5299001GVQ0H10RGJA40; 7 um: Book size: 152; Registration: Bcm P Gltl; Comments: YUN500x (dxbx 300x+) jxl 7wx ldx cdlby NbcS. Jbmh 4wx. ON. WN/Gbzxjx/GSNR/Udb(N&W). GSAl MS+260 xxbx, lbm MS+250 dbx 500x+, zxcdyh 500x. Nl ~640x. GN 91% ll WNN 0.25% 2027+285 @ 105.98. 3xSR. CAA 3.50jx. UYGo t5299001YNO0K10GQUU40;


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This module is available on the Professional plan. Learn moreUpgrade Plan
