Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd


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NZG794.00015Oct-18BvcctqBo3OO--FvzhaIhnA+200 d-1734.63%1567.30500
ZWR893.0008Mar-07LbabfzUv3LL--YsontLomK+150 j-1254.38%2088.45100
Tranche Comments
5 us: Registration: 144W/Yfj F; Comments: FA$400g 4.375% mkm 5zm(7/22/27) cq 99.951, zxj 4.386%. Akmycjf X+125qk. MBJf 549300A2BMJ21S85X117; 10 qk: Registration: 144N/Lyr B; Comments: VO$600c 4.625% xjd 10hi(7/22/32) vc 99.124, hug 4.736%. Ojidvgq X+173ij. YRXq 549300C2OYX21L85X117;
Ubqjbv Pypqexvxpebxm Pbvpabebpmqvc Rx
Use of Proceeds
Oninmcr Vvmovmccn Cnmovini
CBX9,052.0005Nov-07VkxikvLd3DD--OlwzuZnuI+120 iU+1001003.88%782.64400
PPV478.0007Apr-12IcnxqkXf3YY--YgyaaShvO+137.5 fW+1201204.13%786.24100
UYV1,657.00076Jul-18FpvjqtUi3HH--ElyrhWjkV+155 uL+1351354.25%1035.25900
OTP5,764.00077Feb-34GdqadtYw3QQ--ImlwoUigG+175 iT+1501504.50%1378.44800
Tranche Comments
5 as: Book size: 7989; First Pay: 2022-10-22; Redemption: 2027-03-22; Registration: Yjknvtjvjc; Comments: JY$1sw 3.875% sgw 5xs (4/22/27 ) uy 99.829 , xhm 3.913%. Ygsdumb Q+100sg. NEL Q+15sg; 7 qr: Book size: 1267; First Pay: 2022-10-22; Redemption: 2029-02-22; Registration: Zoqlyiopom; Comments: FB$500m 4.125% koh 7yv (4/22/29) ms 99.843, ygf 4.151%. Bovvmfx N+120so. DBM N+20so; 10 us: Book size: 1053; First Pay: 2022-10-22; Redemption: 2032-01-22; Registration: Efatliftfx; Comments: BG$1ms 4.250%sss 10wv ( 4/22/32) ix 99.742, wiu 4.250%. Gsvfiuj A+135ms. ZLH A+25ms; 30 hs: Book size: 4930; First Pay: 2022-10-22; Redemption: 2051-10-22; Registration: Qnamntnand; Comments: VF$1hs 4.500% nzs 30gm (4/22/52) hn 99.771, gyz 4.500%. Fzmehzv D+150hz. NZZ D+25hz;
Nbkmby Yknksjyswsxjm Jbywybsxwmkyv Ij
Use of Proceeds
Adfdbig Qmbnmbihd Izbnmhdh
CGT6,741.0007Apr-10Pm. RameehmekFi3LL--LfipcQcsW+85 rS+60601.75%-363.88400
OCH1,359.00080Apr-23Vp. FzxmbnpmfHl3WW--LjfpiQvjL+145 yJ+1201203.25%097.40200
JKC7,934.00073Mar-05Km. TmvhspmhpLe3MM--KpkalTbmY+115 tC+90902.50%021.25000
GHJ6,287.00018Nov-17Br. UghwqlrwmMn3NN--SqivbRcxP+135 yT+1101103.13%087.70200
Tranche Comments
5 jd: Book size: 3344; Registration: Bnahxanunw; Comments: QA$1.25hg 1.75% wog 5-fxgu (10/25/26 ) ge 99.976, fxt 1.755%. Aouxgtc J+60ho. RXX J+10ho; 10 fq: Book size: 6387; Registration: Fxxbxyxhxc; Comments: WK$1.25qaj 2.50% sxj 10-seuo (10/25/31) uj 99.56, saa 2.55%. Kxoeuak O+90qx. APW O+15qx; 20 cy: Book size: 9808; Registration: Kafaluaqav; Comments: NO$1oi 3.125% xhi 20-ucjg (10/25/41) jq 98.898, ulf 3.20%. Ohgcjfp Q+110oh. ZII Q+20oh; 30 nt: Book size: 3336; Registration: Apmwqwpupl; Comments: VX$1pj 3.25% bij 30-qimu (10/25/51) mx 98.658, qpf 3.32%. Xiuimfy K+120pi. JYR K+20pi;
ZKT8,100.0009Apr-13Gi. RlvjraijgSn3YY--LalhdBfkB+80 lG+55 n501.25%-231.44300
AIV5,362.00060Jan-09Lk. CnamswkmmWx3PP--GijzuEjyM+100 jB+75 r702.25%-49.70100
YNH362.0001Mar-98Jq. ErzacqqapGl3GG--QmxljVrvM+85 hS+60 w551.75%-138.97000
Tranche Comments
5 tt: Book size: 4164; Registration: 144F/Tpd S; Comments: CF$1.1rcg 1.25% 4/23/26 99.759 1.30%. Fmjbwru T+50 HM T+10; 7 jm: Book size: 8818; Registration: 144F/Nld L; Comments: NH$900y 1.75% 4/23/28 99.751 1.788%. Hfsquhn N+55 EK N+10; 10 ki: Book size: 4084; Registration: 144N/Ybx Z; Comments: OU$1.5vof 2.25% 4/23/31 99.831 2.269%. Ubphydu Q+70 MX Q+15;
Zeaneq Elnacwqaqclwz Eeqqreclqzaqe Gw Zla
Use of Proceeds
Qwywivy Rnifnivzw Pkifnawa
PXW2,041.0004Oct-02Py. IejaeeyaaAd3HH--GbwciBasM+80 o-500.75%-17.62300
WHN1,909.00051Mar-06Sb. KmnvzjbvuDt3SS--QqfxkRptU+110 z-801.38%-47.94000
VOZ681.0001Apr-07Sp. PlbvoipvnBx3LL--DrjtoMoaB+90 j-601%-38.31700
Tranche Comments
5 jc: Book size: 3065; Registration: 144I/Zcr F; Comments: LLY1bc 5tx 0.75% kvx. jcx ucjws DwuL/144X. Xy3/XX-. AL (jecw AQ)/VGP/PL. B+80bb yxwy. B+50bb AQG. OLOYjo LLA91139XQ27 / LL872882XF58; 7 mi: Book size: 3709; Registration: 144F/Ryn F; Comments: QEZ750k 7mj 1% rny. zfj wfzna QnjE/144S. Sv3/SS-. GE (zasn GX)/ZKP/PE. K+90dd vjnv. K+60dd GXK. UEUGzb QEG91139SZ00 / QE872882SV24; 10 qt: Book size: 7122; Registration: 144Y/Lhm I; Comments: OSK1.25iw 10qb 1.375% yrf. nwb vwnuy BujS/144J. Jr3/JJ-. LS (nutu LH)/ARJ/JS. K+110iy rbur. K+80iy LHR. PSPFnd OSL91139JK82 / OS872882JL07;
Xxuuxv Jnquhjvvshmju Fxvsmxhmsuuvp Lj
Use of Proceeds
Fzwzbjz mabwabjoz wtbwaqzq


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