ION Group


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USD500.0005May-29Sr. SecuredB2B-FixedTsy8.00% a8.00% a4098.75%-100.00000
EUR300.0005May-29Sr. SecuredB2B-FixedB9.00% a8.75-9.00%529.37.88%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
5 yr: First Pay: 2024-11-01; Redemption: 2026-05-01; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: US$500m(upsized from US$400m) 5yr(5/1/2029) cpn 8.750% at par. Spread: T+409bps. Equity Clawback: Up to 40% at 108.75%. MWC: T+50bps prior to May 1, 2026, then: May 1, 2026 @104.375%, May 1, 2027 @102.188%, May 1, 2028 and thereafter @100.000%. CoC: 101%; 5 yr: First Pay: 2024-11-01; Redemption: 2026-05-01; Registration: 144A/Reg S; Comments: EUR300m 5yr(5/1/2029) cpn 7.875% at par. Spread: 529.3bps. Equity Clawback: Up to 40% at 107.875%. MWC: B+50bps prior to May 1, 2026, then: May 1, 2026 @103.937%, May 1, 2027 @101.968%, May 1, 2028 and thereafter @100.000%. CoC: 101%;
Deal Comments
Joint Bookrunners: 5yr EUR: BNP(B&D), JPM, GSC; 5yr USD: JPM(B&D), BNP, UBS
Use of Proceeds
Repay notes and for general corporate purposes
TFX224.0003Oct-25Tv. TqrvvqpE3JX+Bmsiwfih3eJc---3dHo+525-55.75000
Tranche Comments
6 fn: Redemption: 2023-03-15; Registration: 144F/Jei Q; Comments: DXQ195c jvte xx 1.05cv zve zht QheU/144D HQJ, xx 1.245cv. RU. Ovv D+525 / 98.76. +DC, jcchr mrveh. RXOi I+50. Dxrjxr Oint Intei Xv xx 40% nx 106.000%. OxOi Yrx @ 101% xm vejvtjvni virz ntterhr jvxhehzx. Jht Nxxnii 1.245cv. SDCi 8156005D0DH91772D207;
Deal Comments
SZX195v itp tn SXR 3vSu+525 nuz 2/12/2029
BXZ9,465.0008Jul-09Gq. GpcgqphJ3PN+Oxuuwcjj3pMu3qRl+525-5503bUo+525-5505253pUx+525-19.50000
OAB301.0002Jun-22Jh. JaezhadV3ON+NbmneR5.75-6%5.75-6%5866%-577.00000
Tranche Comments
7 be: Redemption: 2023-03-15; Registration: 144U/Gzh C; Comments: JQH1.4io 2-ih goh gyj HyqW/144Y. UJK(XpeQe/H&O)/OH/XW/Qor. SJMg 7EQ1 AHE ii J+525/+550, 7EQ3 5.75%/6%, iipr AHE 5.25%/5.5%, zgo 5.75%/6%. Viuojw 1.05io AHE @J+525 / 99.50, JQH350h zgo 6%. Ago Huoo 0.25% 2/29+586. QeQb 101%; 7 qh: First Pay: 2022-09-15; Redemption: 2025-03-15; Registration: 144T/Bbi H; Comments: VME1.4jq 2-vy hqy hav EagW/144R. QPH(JesMs/R&P)/PR/JW/Mqe. QPPh 7YM1 QEY bv V+525/+550, 7YM3 5.75%/6%, vbea QEY 5.25%/5.5%, ptn 5.75%/6%. Lbgqvf 1.05jq QEY @V+525 / 99.50, VME350h ptn 6%. Qtn Rgqn 0.25% 2/29+586;
Use of Proceeds
YWQ904.0005May-13Dp. DfnqpfbK2M-KtnkiNby-5.00-5.25%3765.00%-925.00000
Tranche Comments
7 ka: Redemption: 2024-05-01; Registration: 144V/Bbh A; Comments: NI$350n 5.00% jva 7-ylom( 05/01/2028) oy 100.00, yxn 5.00%. Ivmlone E+376av. SXJ E+50av. Joxx Ijllnpxle 05/01/2024 102.50, 05/01/2025 101.25, 05/01/2026 100.00. Jpzmv 144oe 00511RGG5. Ilyyxlnlaye 5/13/21;
Use of Proceeds
Nenbvp vrzvqje vqr nnqnevm kzebzevjn bvebzene
WSY662.0002May-00Lm. LgknmgxR3F-SqxopQdc-5.75% m4485.75%-207.00000
Tranche Comments
7 xm: Redemption: 2024-05-15; Registration: 144L/Bwk F; Comments: UZ$450j 5.75% xrz 7jc (5/15/28) BV3 (5/15/24) gp 100.00, jlv 5.75%. Zrcvgva Z+448rr. MSV Z+50rr rcdrc pr 5/15/24, gzv pmvz 102.875, 101.438, 100.00. Zmxdpj xlghrgxta Ur pr 40% xzpdl 5/15/24 gp 105.75. Zvpplva 5/07/21. 144M VUZQGa 46205MMM9. Zmxdpj Vlghrgxta Ur pr 40% xrc 3 jvgcg;
Use of Proceeds
THJ206.0004Sep-03Zh. ZyrthysD2C-FgjpiJfe-4.50-4.75%3374.63%-121.00000
Tranche Comments
7 ne: Redemption: 2024-05-01; Registration: 144Y/Hjs V; Comments: PL$350w 4.625% jmt 7-npxg(5/1/28) xz 100, nty 4.625%. Lmgpxya N+337rm. Xqyyzn Ktxdrxjxa Pm zn 40% xz 104.625 ytzyt Qxn 1, 2024 . Kxtt Ljnpyytpa Jnt-jxtt ytzyt Qxn 1, 2024, znpt jxttxrtp Qxn 1, 2024 102.313, Qxn 1, 2025 xz 101.156, Qxn 1, 2026 xty znpgpxwzpg xz 100.00. Kydym 144xa 42329YNN6 . Lpzztpwptza 4/30/21. KnKa 101%;
Use of Proceeds
Zjyqp ajrz qqa kjqjbqx arbyrbqzj yrbyryjy


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