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Log In Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE E UIG 779.500 5.66 Ijj BBB - 83.40% - Eqzecsuj YEWKE 89 89 QERMT+89 - 179.00000 S YSN 5.700 8.53 Stt2 DDD - 2.00% - Gzsbykwn KQOXA 200-210 200 GZTFK+200 - 974.00000 BA1 AOP 3.000 - YR LY - - - - - - - - - Retained NT2 IGZ 4.000 - SZ AG - - - - - - - - - Retained M2 GKG 2.900 - L1 ZZZ - - - Ahszlbby KOMCV - 625 LLXXA+625 - 952.00000 B1 LYP 2.000 - Sgg1 WWW+ - - - Dzlyzqza PQGZY - 390 PWPEV+390 - 391.00000 T GVH 67.430 5.55 Tj3 VV - 3.00% - Zbvpmepp ZEUNW 120-130 120 JJSSV+120 - 662.00000 D FDH 27.800 1.33 X2 I - 4.00% - Ffrdvsod VVBZV 155-165 155 CLCFT+155 - 546.00000 Q FZA 5.800 7.75 Xr1 WW - 1.00% - Qhsbotpr MXEIU - 450 JGDZW+450 - 382.00000
Tranche Comments
E: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Zjx H Geoq;
T: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Eoz P Rnuy;
D: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Hwo V Xgac;
S: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Teg T Ndka;
Q: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Hfc M Cmvv; Comments: Uyt-ulrltp;
B1: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Boj P Lgaa; Comments: Bfj-grbljw;
M2: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Ctx I Nrvf; Comments: Cyw-xzgiwu;
BA1: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Kpv B Xuro; Comments: Yzu-krjhub;
NT2: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Gih P Vbgr; Comments: Knx-ygilxh;
Deal Comments
Zoz Ofcc Ppmsofw 5.00
Owxxclgsj Usuct Twel
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE D NLG 491.500 4.58 Af3 - - HH (U) 73.00% - Iyluroww 1jPx 57y 55 1nIa+70 - 114.71500 P ALK 44.500 5.70 X3 - - G 9.00% - Abjobbzl 1oXl 125-130 120 1cLt+120 - 151.00000 S OLT 1.400 3.57 Huu3 - - Q (T) 1.00% - Wecztvbx 1oJo 175-180 170 1kOg+170 - 689.00000 N NQY 67.700 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retained
Tranche Comments
D: First Pay: 2021-08-16; Registration: Ufg E Wuau;
P: First Pay: 2021-08-16; Registration: Gpr C Vwum;
S: First Pay: 2021-08-16; Registration: Lce U Tpbb;
N: First Pay: 2021-08-16; Registration: Bvk T Wxet;
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