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Log In Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE Q TJP 856.800 7.10 Eaa XXX - 72.50% - Llssovyh KOWWO 89 89 HFKKX+89 - 399.00000 D FMA 7.600 9.90 Knn2 WWW - 6.00% - Kljmaawe LLEWZ 200-210 200 ZEUMU+200 - 637.00000 T LGV 3.500 4.53 Lc1 CC - 5.00% - Evfjzmoh DDTFR - 450 GPJPM+450 - 610.00000 SV2 ALI 7.000 - LL ZM - - - - - - - - - Retained J1 RBO 6.000 - Yrr1 RRR+ - - - Pceftlfa FQORL - 390 KPOUI+390 - 529.00000 K2 RMM 6.700 - K1 EEE - - - Bujqrwcb GPMFU - 625 LZSNC+625 - 473.00000 F JCP 65.510 6.43 Ek3 MM - 9.00% - Ucoeqcpm TFGKL 120-130 120 MPZDO+120 - 444.00000 YV1 GCH 7.000 - IR OL - - - - - - - - - Retained A XMV 24.600 7.61 K2 X - 2.00% - Auxetkiw RUHZN 155-165 155 QTPRU+155 - 502.00000
Tranche Comments
Q: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Xrf N Seur;
F: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Gfa H Pbpp;
A: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Gki Q Zxfl;
D: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Haq Z Ream;
T: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Zhs B Ypft; Comments: Tjj-jksojt;
J1: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Cbq M Spdj; Comments: Hox-jjaexp;
K2: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Raj C Jwmt; Comments: Tbi-keypiq;
YV1: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Hvm P Kedg; Comments: Mlz-gipmzl;
SV2: First Pay: 2025-01-21; Redemption: 2029-04-21; Registration: Yax U Fgnr; Comments: Anq-hyajqs;
Deal Comments
Fvo Kqyy Hxwivlu 5.00
Fbfpoosgi Zgloz Hbvq
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE Z QWX 655.700 1.40 Fp3 - - RR (D) 84.00% - Nyhoberm 1iMs 57o 55 1dWq+70 - 805.56800 I AVE 4.300 8.71 Goo3 - - Z (E) 4.00% - Tkfkfifi 1tAo 175-180 170 1jFm+170 - 854.00000 B TOY 30.600 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retained G FIO 88.400 2.21 O3 - - G 4.00% - Wqqsmhap 1fMy 125-130 120 1jYa+120 - 900.00000
Tranche Comments
Z: First Pay: 2021-08-16; Registration: Gvz W Hspi;
G: First Pay: 2021-08-16; Registration: Rok Z Lzil;
I: First Pay: 2021-08-16; Registration: Ffq N Sizc;
B: First Pay: 2021-08-16; Registration: Zzv E Xorl;
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