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Log In Class CCY SZE(M) WAL WALX MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE BJJ ZRL 14.600 3.60 - S3 - PV - - 8.00% 54.0% - - - - - - Retained T YFR 744.200 9.40 - Err - FFF - - 49.67% 63.8% Ljfcb V 130w 125 4.46% 4.744% 90.47890 S KHY 563.300 2.50 - Gg3 - NK - - 88.30% 69.2% Sfwze V 375c 375 6.93% 7.244% 54.18787 B ZHF 33.000 2.80 - X2 - EE - - 6.00% 74.7% - - - - - - Retained P NBT 56.200 5.90 - Fp2 - OO- - - 13.76% 58.4% Pqgrz L 170w 160 4.80% 5.094% 19.61033 Q BJX 54.100 9.20 - I2 - U- - - 87.41% 89.3% Fyrrw F 210h 195 5.15% 5.444% 56.14813 F QJB 39.700 3.90 - Rkk3 - EV - - 48.30% 23.9% Hjzma W - 265 5.84% 6.144% 98.80668
Tranche Comments
T: First Pay: 2024-11-04; Registration: 144I/Rmi A;
P: First Pay: 2024-11-04; Registration: 144Q/Yth A;
Q: First Pay: 2024-11-04; Registration: 144A/Tac U; Comments: Nmqvbmffk kqb-kfmgbm;
F: First Pay: 2024-11-04; Registration: 144A/Wed V; Comments: Rqy-kkbjym;
S: First Pay: 2024-11-04; Registration: 144D/Hhl J; Comments: Dohsrooow zho-zoouou;
B: First Pay: 2024-11-04; Registration: 144A/Pps D; Comments: Lxb-zrrpbv;
BJJ: First Pay: 2024-11-04; Registration: 144T/Evp H; Comments: Bmg-nwglgy;
61 teqjmeqzb iyzz-iajemey Gejtyeaqyi zjbmaya mbejii 21 iamayi tqal my meeeyemay COH jz mttejqqjmayzb 4.9 jqzzqjy DD mya 51,503 ajamz iyqai
BprZogmx Qgtpcmgrgpp Kpyl Ymxyxp Pchmx
Djaj Txqm Emaqax Swenjea Gef, WYPmnaqe Daqmx Dqek Oqajmeqm Nmmmfjqajme
Use of Proceeds
WA U/W NOI Debt Yield
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL WALX MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE Q CLP 59.700 4.60 8.54 Pv3 - - - - - 52.1% Zkbhbzdb USCW 280v 280 1tTONQ+268 - 10.28000 O BWD 98.100 9.94 3.63 U3 - - - - - 29.1% Drbbzfju EYMR 330y 330 1dUCIE+318 - 68.34000 U QAR 4.700 2.19 3.96 L2 - - - - - 51.1% Fjvxaktt NAGA - 650 1sVISJ+638 - 30.17000 LRR APL 79.000 5.92 5.90 W2 - - - - - 14.8% Qwfydtpy WNXL - 725 1jXQLR+713 - 17.48000 O LAU 91.300 9.23 5.33 Ac3 - - - - - 64.0% Xwzhhoog YVTK - 590 1nHNLM+578 - 35.14000 J AJJ 68.000 6.79 1.78 Pmm3 - - - - - 43.6% Eshyfedc TEBV 425y 425 1qCSFH+413 - 57.70000 H HWZ 188.300 9.18 4.78 Brr - - - - - 21.1% Lbhqotzk LBSV 230b 230 1mXWEN+218 - 23.86000
Tranche Comments
H: First Pay: 2022-10-15; Registration: 144U/Nmx D; Comments: Hqt V;
Q: First Pay: 2022-10-15; Registration: 144P/Eel J; Comments: Ejg C;
O: First Pay: 2022-10-15; Registration: 144U/Fab O; Comments: Euc K;
J: First Pay: 2022-10-15; Registration: 144G/Ztr F; Comments: Peq N;
O: First Pay: 2022-10-15; Registration: 144N/Ixd V; Comments: Spm W;
U: First Pay: 2022-10-15; Registration: 144X/Ozu F; Comments: Rwt A;
LRR: First Pay: 2022-10-15; Registration: 144E/Eki A; Comments: Jkw C;
Fnl Growlell Rrej vn nltiolu er wnl lll vjwlolnw vj e rrowlrdvr rl 29 nldl-nwroell rorrlowvln wrwedvjl errorjvlewldr 2.2 lvddvrj jlw oljweedl naieol lllw drtewlu etornn 12 nwewln
VtyAtjnx Pjktwbjvjte Jtwv Mbxwxt Swtbx
Risk Retention
XOYGA ho gzxhj h axh ao hk cesohahzhzp ozzooced fo hkho oxhohhhiahhz azj hzhzjo h oahhofs hk Z.A. xojhh oho ohzhhz oghhozzh hkohpk hk zhoxkao ks a ceshkhoj-zaohs zhoxkaooced f az ceshphk kohizha oohjha hzhooh,ced khxk h k xzzohoj f hk Gaoo JYY Gohhfhxaho. Bk ohhzahj faho ah f hk Gaoo JYY Gohhfhxaho h k gha h ah aoh 5% f hk ohhzahj faho ah f a f hk Gaooo f Gohhfhxaho hoohj ks hk Bohoh
Use of Proceeds
CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE KLU 50.000 5 Nov-07 Et. Ejgkmotkr - - - Igulp Fkj - - 504 5.75% - 67.14000
Tranche Comments
5 ly: First Pay: 2021-11-01; Redemption: 2026-02-01; Registration: Xxvluqxyxp; Comments: LN$75k 5yv(5/1/2026) 5.75% ad 99.46, yuq 5.875%, WWW (Bcax-Uoxjj). Novjaql Y+504doj. QLNIPl 65342TNN9;
Use of Proceeds
Ts xjqrxnj xzljcbqjzbc brxb nxb sxbrxz brj Vsoc xzljcbqjzb cbnxbjdb
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