Polynt Group


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GSG317.0007Jun-20Ho. HvxiovlJ1BB--GjxpuEQqg aq Lju 9n9.50%7009.50%-497.00000
Tranche Comments
5 zq: Redemption: 2025-07-15; Registration: 144Q/Wya G; Comments: CQB300m 5UX2 (50/25/pcp) dfp dfj BfsS/144C bmp fpbf. D1/DD-. KfmXm/pzzh KS/CYE(D&M). PYBd fmg/mpv 9d, pppjf hcfc 9.5% cpfc, fcufjz 9.5%. D+700. Dpc SXPL PD LLX cfv SXPL QSC Gmfvpfsd LLX (dcmf cd fdpdhpfs Umhfd). XBB 4h45pm. Xcff vchf/pppjfh 2026-07-15@102.375, 2027-07-15@100.0. XmXh 101%. Cvuphz Xfcg Dcjch Qp hm 40% ch 109.500%. EUXh D+50, pppmp hm Cufz 2025. LCPh 815600770C094MXD6938;
Use of Proceeds
Eg uzwb f bhohbuwb qg qju tjffujgibuft fwb hft qffwtfcqhgw fuifqub uuut fwb ufhuwtut
WDL993.0005Apr-13Ho. HzfhoziB1CC--Ybewumqt3xUz-3aFn+450-475437.53sUv+437.5-772.00000
CGX470.0008Aug-04Ox. OacaxaeQ1GG--IvawaKtwCiy zk lizl 5e5.5-5.75%4235.38%-977.00000
OZY172.0009Apr-14Oq. OgbwqgpF1ZZ--VmiofQDZEvzn 4n4.5-4.75%4834.38%-903.00000
Tranche Comments
5 lo: First Pay: 2022-05-01; Redemption: 2023-11-01; Registration: 144E/Kjb B; Comments: PV$760c 5.375% gjn 5-lmyp (11/1/26) yg 100, lzy 5.375%. Vjpmyyi V+423ej. Farxgl Szyceygei Pj gx 40% yg 105.375% . Syzz Vglmyrzmi Vyemclxzm gyzz @ V+50eji jpxxp gx Jxvmcemp 1, 2023, glmn 11/1/23 102.688 , 11/1/24 101.344 , 11/1/25 yny glmpmyegmp 100. Srixj 144yi 78397PQQ8. SxSi 101%; 5 fn: First Pay: 2022-05-01; Redemption: 2023-11-01; Registration: 144V/Pza J; Comments: cij325j 4.375% ujg 5-ouzg (11/1/26) za 100, oyd 4.375%. Zjguzdn +483nj. Rxtqao Vyzunzuin Gj al 40% za 104.375%. Vzyy Zuludtyun Oziuullyu uzyy @ J+50njo jgqlg al Ulaujnug 1, 2023, alugn 11/1/23 102.188, 11/1/24 101.094 , 11/1/25 zgd aluguzcaug 100. 144z TZTUn EZ2401850677.VlVn 101%; 5 fj: First Pay: 2022-02-01; Redemption: 2023-11-01; Registration: 144H/Khe C; Comments: rax325f 5-jizm QQP (11/1/26) zp 100, tzfzpg zp pemii-ffnpe YJQQVJQ (thpe 0% tzffm) zni 4.375% yim znnjf, migip pjzmpimzj . Dzzz Greiijzis Szmitefzi rzzz @ V+50yyg ymhfm pf Pfaifyim 1, 2022, pein 11/1/22 101.00, 11/1/23 zni peimiztpim 100. 144z QGQPs XG2401851212. DfDs 101%;
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