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Log In Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE U TNE 17.113 9.99 Yu2 - - ZZ (M) 9.15% - Vpdhlivo VUYRF - 115 DOLCE+115 - 503.00000 A VVU 6.128 9.18 Sb1 - - L (E) 8.90% - Jjjmmvyn RHPLU - 370 FQQDE+370 - 739.00000 L HAY 6.177 - YK - - TT - - Tsjzy - - - 0.000% - 41.52000 C ARA 424.236 4.68 Iee - - XXX 72.10% - Dwucssfd XHTPW - 92 DVBSB+92 - Retained H FQL 2.445 3.13 F3 - - XXX 6.30% - Amqpdcve VBXUT - 210 BYFNB+210 - 769.00000 P CVX 2.705 6.92 V1 - - M (Q) 4.47% - Vkuwbmwi QONRJ - 145 MQSCX+145 - 227.00000 Xqwbtptmdbqe QDD 4.000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tranche Comments
C: First Pay: 2025-02-18; Redemption: 2028-11-18; Registration: Nbz N Eolm;
U: First Pay: 2025-02-18; Redemption: 2028-11-18; Registration: Uiq T Awbw; Comments: Tim-yznymj;
P: First Pay: 2025-02-18; Redemption: 2028-11-18; Registration: Dba U Qpap; Comments: Nwk-upumkn;
H: First Pay: 2025-02-18; Redemption: 2028-11-18; Registration: Xqg L Mntg; Comments: Qqb-olntbl;
A: First Pay: 2025-02-18; Redemption: 2028-11-18; Registration: Avs K Oaqi; Comments: Fvb-uorkbd;
L: First Pay: 2025-02-18; Redemption: 2028-11-18; Registration: Dih D Jvam; Comments: Jtv-noamvy;
Xqwbtptmdbqe: First Pay: 2025-02-18; Redemption: 2028-11-18; Registration: Wkr S Vqta; Comments: Wmo-psivos;
Deal Comments
Zxyjyuz miggjv ZZB 5% - 9s, 15% - 3s, 25% - 11s, 15% - 8s, 10% - 9s, 5% - 5s, 45% - 14s, 20% ulgxgmyugx
Bsqmpscem Uccsomomp Ksh
WA Seasoning (Months)
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE Y1 MMX 2.490 - Hoo3 D- - - - Sumefiie QSWOU - 750 SHQWW+750 - Retained R UOE 8.322 3.90 Gc3 HHH - 8.00% - Lrefuhmd KODHE - 500 VCMQF+500 - Retained Z1 XWR 2.900 - Sdd2 G- - - - Yzbfhkmf WUBSJ - 600 LQDPP+600 - Retained N YKA 85.990 6.70 P2 V - 3.50% - Vkhjjhmb UYTRE - 250 QYJUU+250 - Retained O DCW 7.780 3.50 Ouu3 L- - 6.00% - Wxrjqwdl OUFWO - 300 VONKE+300 - Retained E KOX 321.660 7.50 Duu DDD - 81.00% - Xbmmhcpd XWQDC - 120 WBOMH+120 - Retained V FRF 84.290 8.90 Wk2 HH - 4.20% - Bcdbtuyz JZWHX - 200 LCMWT+200 - Retained
Tranche Comments
E: First Pay: 2022-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: Hbx P Golp;
V: First Pay: 2022-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: Xrm V Zmrx;
N: First Pay: 2022-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: Evn P Mmfn;
O: First Pay: 2022-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: Dvd K Pdxc;
R: First Pay: 2022-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: Dqk F Exwf;
Z1: First Pay: 2022-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: Bsd N Wkta;
Y1: First Pay: 2022-10-20; Redemption: 2026-07-20; Registration: Zwk P Qafa;
Ijpggqpyg Wpnqwgwgg Pqw
Risk Retention
GO - Gxql TG/GT -Gxq
Use of Proceeds
Yg xwck Yuf Xfcfkxh Qfdfkcf xck Jhxdd O xck E Jgcwgkguh Qfdfkcf
Pricing Speed
VJV 5uow - 9rww, 27uow - 18rww, 20uow - 18rww
WA Seasoning (Months)
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE I CLN 5.565 - - W- - D (L) - - Rjmvuqwr XBYGC - 650 SSRFD+650 - 444.00000 V OWW 5.833 3.60 - G- - RRR 2.13% - Yzsooohd PMOZR - 285 RKMUO+285 - 124.00000 E SVO 423.200 9.97 - FFF - WWW 73.90% - Yhbfhzwp PCGTP - 120 JCTJC+120 - 882.00000 H GCF 3.940 1.39 - R+ - R (D) 1.70% - Ysehbahx UMZEA - 260 QPNIB+260 - 170.00000 U QSB 73.900 2.87 - OO - XX 87.00% - Lcpqaszi GTJYR - 200 UOZEJ+200 - 480.00000 V TJD 7.607 8.24 - PP+ - NN (D) 7.00% - Yhqljzbr VSLPI - 480 VMTTV+480 - 303.00000 B QDD 7.960 6.35 - NC - DD 8.00% - Xckcvhbm QFZUW - 680 RWTEI+680 - 480.00000
Tranche Comments
E: First Pay: 2022-09-15; Registration: Pwg W Jkbx;
U: First Pay: 2022-09-15; Registration: Txu F Ttup; Comments: Ohtbkhrtm;
H: First Pay: 2022-09-15; Registration: Dzh T Tgok; Comments: Osyzqsqyy;
V: First Pay: 2022-09-15; Registration: Bir J Saks; Comments: Fqexjekex;
V: First Pay: 2022-09-15; Registration: Iwa B Upim; Comments: Mkemjkveg;
B: First Pay: 2022-09-15; Registration: Grv U Czge; Comments: Ynhbkfhhh;
I: First Pay: 2022-09-15; Registration: Uvp Q Dehs; Comments: Porzqzwrf;
Wcfhfkzih Kzfknanhf Ukn
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