Thai Oil PLC


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THB1,400.0003Nov-25Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BBBA+FixedYLD2.80-3.05%--2.99%-100.00000
THB600.0005Nov-27Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BBBA+FixedYLD3.64-3.89%--3.64%-100.00000
THB2,000.0007Nov-29Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BBBA+FixedYLD4.11-4.41%--4.13%-100.00000
THB1,700.00010Nov-32Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BBBA+FixedYLD4.49-4.79%--4.49%-100.00000
THB3,100.00012Nov-34Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BBBA+FixedYLD4.79-5.09%--4.79%-100.00000
THB3,200.00015Nov-37Sr. UnsecuredBaa3BBBA+FixedYLD5.09-5.39%--5.09%-100.00000
Tranche Comments
3 yr: Comments: THB1.4bn 3.00yr part of 6-tranche. Baa3/BBB. Bangkok/BAY/Kasikorn/KTB Bk/SCB/StCh. 3.00yr THB1.4bn Yld 2.99%, came Yld. LEI: 549300HG5527UPZLTT69; 5 yr: Comments: THB600m 5yr part of 6-tranche. Baa3/BBB. Bangkok/BAY/Kasikorn/KTB Bk/SCB/StCh. 5.1yr THB600m Yld 3.64%, came Yld. LEI: 549300HG5527UPZLTT69; 7 yr: Comments: THB2bn 7yr part of 6-tranche. Baa3/BBB. Bangkok/BAY/Kasikorn/KTB Bk/SCB/StCh. 7.01yr THB2bn Yld 4.13%, came Yld. LEI: 549300HG5527UPZLTT69; 10 yr: Comments: THB1.7bn 10yr part of 6-tranche. Baa3/BBB. Bangkok/BAY/Kasikorn/KTB Bk/SCB/StCh. 10.01yr THB1.7bn Yld 4.49%, came Yld. LEI: 549300HG5527UPZLTT69; 12 yr: Comments: THB3.1bn 12yr part of 6-tranche. Baa3/BBB. Bangkok/BAY/Kasikorn/KTB Bk/SCB/StCh. 12.01yr THB3.1bn Yld 4.79%, came Yld. LEI: 549300HG5527UPZLTT69; 15 yr: Comments: THB3.2bn 15yr part of 6-tranche. Baa3/BBB. Bangkok/BAY/Kasikorn/KTB Bk/SCB/StCh. 15.01yr THB3.2bn Yld 5.09%. LEI: 549300HG5527UPZLTT69;


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