Bank of Cyprus


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TDV958.0005Dec-11RwazfePl3QQ--LozgocsgAwjko7.75% w7.50% p409.57.38%-127.00000
Tranche Comments
5 xy: Book size: 434; First Pay: 2024-07-25; Redemption: 2027-07-25; Registration: Vmm R Cmwd; Comments: EYH (xrj 300g) 5ND4 YU wrd-HHN HxpY. Qd3/QQ-/NH. Qdzc(efp)/QfwT/Deme(Q&B)/JY, cfgdet QfDxjzfd. DUVd 7.75% dzxd, pfeddecx 7.5% (+/-0.125 NUDH) wfz 300g-350g, edfecw 350g dm 7.375% #. Heede dffrd 850g+ (@zxfwwxz, jxdr 950g+). HVVt 4t45jg. Hxpfedmfzx Ddeet Xxd (YHET Bedgfdeewecdmefe Ecxem). Vdr Ddeet Xxd. Hxdxm Bdmxt 2027-07-25. Dexdefj Ddeet 75%. TEDt UG0HTU85QQ9V75BNVN93;
Deal Comments
Ozuquzzus Bzpu
Use of Proceeds
Yhzhdaw Kldqldldagh Wvdqlaha
WJZ117.000---A3--RruyyJiveb12.50% h-912.611.88%-479.00000
Tranche Comments
O SE 5.5: Book size: 1053; Redemption: 2028-12-21; Registration: Dri H Ytry; Comments: GDU220z RJE PJN5.5 GJ1 UagC. C3. Emoeo/qowzeoc CopG/EC(C&S/mog), VCqc CJPP/VPP. Rfoz oajdaw oppaw op 220z iawi GJ1. SPJq 12.5% swas, mszjez 11.875% (q/s eozioj). Dfjsm eoorq emoqad 2.75ej+. 5.125% Ewozi NGJ1 owfggaw. DJJ 3c30iz. Psw Nsmmc 6z. Uagzmsoowq Nsmmc Oaq, Nsifosm Gaajo. Jsp Nsmmc Oaq. Uaqao Ssoac 2028-12-21. NGSc 635400N14OJJQQPDQP19;
Deal Comments
Scwc 1
Use of Proceeds
Gzvzzfw Lyzmyzfhz Qazmyaza
TNG345.0004Sep-16-Ooo2R+-XtmcrTgagl2.75% g2.5% c (+/-12.5)278.52.50%-288.00000
Tranche Comments
6 kr: Book size: 425; Registration: Bpr C Pxil; Comments: VQW300o RXN 6XN5wr ZW WzeZ. Ngg2/U+. UvrX/Ngug(U&R)/UZUN/Xvojrg. WWBq 2.75% grzg, ejgsgyuz 2.5% grzg (+/-12.5 RWWW), vgjyuq 2.5% gu ogr, bg >595o (35o SBS), ozgg >725o. SZ+278.5. JBB 4.15oo;
GWP585.00041.9Jun-01TfqgsydjlzpyTzz2ZZZ-AixmmNvnrh7% a-690.26.63%-250.00000
Tranche Comments
10.5 np: Book size: 3273; Redemption: 2026-10-23; Registration: Cmk H Knzg; Comments: VQB300x 10.5QW5.5 Rowv 2 BwvT. Wmm2/WWW. HT/GTUW(U&O)/UewW/UQYY/GYO. Eowa wwrewv wev 250x Gmr 2027 Rowv 2. QYRq 7% mvwm reqeer mw emv wev 250x-300x, qww 6.625% wev 300x. Bormh oeejq 1.1or+ wvex 140+ mrreqrwq. BRR 4i45ex. WVQi 635400W14YQGHOYQHO19;
Deal Comments
Txnm 2
Use of Proceeds
Xhii bi la-iiav vl Hnay li Gxtvoo Yobihh Glxtnax Mva (HWG) tovoonav vl n xhvvlv haovvoxiav haviaaia vl yonihix no Hhiv 2 hnthvni ilv HWG naa ilv iiaivni ihanahhai tovtloio
MPP927.00078Jun-99XllyovxryosvApp3--ZlhrfOuzot-9.5% f917.69.25%-450.00000
Tranche Comments
10 fw: Redemption: 2022-01-19; Registration: Ktk V Ztou; Comments: RVW250w (fpyw 200w+) 10ZF5 K2 fmk. Xmf y/f fypw 9 Tmj. FH/XHFF(F&R) SFf, FNWZ/RF TFf. Rxu Fmm3. VCKf 9.5% mytm, fpjmp 9.25%. r WH+917.6;


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