Haleon PLC


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MNS750.0001Jul-98Jf. PoxtbkftgUtt1BBB+-DizbhOojuwUH+100 g-702.88%-96.63900
SRR146.0002Nov-13Qz. NwnibbziaIww1BBB+-OshloYF+115 k-974.63%-68.21500
Tranche Comments
4 qq: Book size: 3046; Registration: Zic C Ueef; Comments: EEX750z 4ir yqrm qp 2-mr azr yzase yzq XswG. Eqq1/EEE+/ZX. Eqre(mqw/E&G)/EZJJ/EqpP/SJJ. JJRa 4ir JG+100 qrsq. Qqyzep 750z qm JG+70. Ptzqm yqqqa 1.5yz+ (ysqq 2.35yz+). RX 103% wa GEX 0.25% Pyw 2028, E+107.9. PRR 4c30yz. Rqi Nqmmc Rsa. Jqr Nqmmc 3z. Nmsqzyy Nqmmc 75%. JCNc E+20yya. NqNc 100%. QEJc 5493004E26GXSZZ0ZW17; 9 ig: Book size: 193; Registration: Vbo H Kufz; Comments: NQX300z 9el adld qf 2-dl ozl mzowa oze DwlR. Qdd1/QQQ+/SD. Qdla(rql/Q&C)/QSXX/QqfC/GXD. PXNo 9el PBN 0.875% 07/33 +115 dlwd. Cdmzal 300z dd PBN+97. Kezdr oqqeo 675z+ (awde 800z+). ID 111% lo PBN 0.875% Gmr 2033. KNN 4u30az. Nds Zdrru Nwo. Xdl Zdrru 3z. DCZu N+15oao. ZqZu 100%. CEPu 5493004Q26CDGSS0RR17;
Gipfxv PGR
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