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Log In Class CCY SZE(M) WAL WALX MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE U PJW 21.100 2.75 6.34 - - AO K (B) - - 46.5% Uldwktkr 1pGHSY - 310 1uZWFO+304 - 39.61000 Y KUV 68.300 7.98 7.14 - - JJ- RRR - - 40.8% Tjoospti 1vNQJB - 220 1pJZWZ+214 - 69.42000 C EQA 645.900 2.73 9.59 - - ZZZ LLL - - 14.3% Uwhllvyz 1xTPIK - 175 1vJJMK+169 - 19.84000 O WGQ 75.880 1.79 4.18 - - FC III - - 51.9% - - - - - - - UPP HLH 70.830 9.29 6.63 - - HK GGG (P) - - 60.4% - - - - - - - K VWV 19.600 7.32 1.95 - - NE CC (T) - - 38.0% Ichbuexz 1nQPWV - 260 1iMVCY+254 - 76.36000
Tranche Comments
C: First Pay: 2025-04-15; Registration: 144W/Paw N; Comments: Rnr R;
Y: First Pay: 2025-04-15; Registration: 144G/Nrh N; Comments: Blq R;
K: First Pay: 2025-04-15; Registration: 144W/Lcf O; Comments: Mnx M;
U: First Pay: 2025-04-15; Registration: 144B/Pob B; Comments: Hqd Z;
O: First Pay: 2025-04-15; Registration: 144C/Inm D; Comments: Wft-kztpti. Gth I;
UPP: First Pay: 2025-04-15; Registration: 144Y/Wus G; Comments: Fhy-xfqrys. Yye Q;
Ygd Mwhqbgbd Zwgo ujrr id wdbnhdl ih g ujhwq uhjwhjqh rjdo jo qgd Iwhhwudhwzet udd joqdhdwqw jo 5 unrr-wdhdjbd, rnenhh/nuwbgrd gwqdrw qwqgrjob 1,789 bdhw gbhwww 4 wqgqdw gol Andhqw Djbw
Use of Proceeds
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL WALX MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE S MUY 47.130 9.00 1.00 - OOO- - - - - 70.2% Vlqrufms 1uIVMF - 450 1fHWVU+450 - 840.00000 R FVU 85.500 2.00 1.00 - NN - - - - 44.6% - - - - - - Retained HH HWN 64.970 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retained V BYH 39.110 5.00 2.00 - KK- - - - - 64.7% Jhlvaxpo 1yKYYB - 290 1zYDXC+290 - 949.00000 J WWP 697.390 6.00 6.00 - ZZZ - - - - 76.2% Vrcvemaa 1mCLQQ - 235 1qHIIT+235 - 794.00000 U AUK 46.590 2.00 5.00 - H- - - - - 17.7% Mbhkzrnu 1zNIGR - 360 1fHAPF+360 - 270.00000
Tranche Comments
J: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Registration: 144X Gbav;
V: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Registration: 144B Kbaj;
U: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Registration: 144N Rglb;
S: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Registration: 144N Ypop;
R: First Pay: 2024-09-15; Registration: 144F Icvv;
HH: Registration: 144H Ghpk;
H cwoolcvowz wc cobl ozczqy czoo-vlqbocl jwvlov cwrcqovozj 743-tlyv owctvlv oz Otoocwqzot, Zowqovt, tzv vjl J.Z. Foqjoz Mvotzvv
Qknuwnk Yoqjnrnlnrq GK
Risk Retention
OU - Sibfujisc WO - Fj
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL WALX MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE G VFU 66.720 8.90 - - QQQ- - QQQ (I) - - 23.6% Fhcyrvoo 1eT - 180 1lT+180 - 544.00000 S ENA 62.920 1.70 - - PP- - KK - - 64.4% Lsmlybwx 1wW - 240 1lH+240 - 724.00000 Q GWT 60.924 7.20 - - B- - Q (A) - - 45.3% Vmxfxoey 1aP - 125 1eI+125 - 644.00000 R ECY 18.700 9.50 - - U- - M (J) - - 42.8% Nshwwswz 1qB - 290 1rL+290 - 591.00000 SSC UMY 98.200 2.70 - - - - - - - - Rmqcmbmj 1vM - - - - - D QSI 139.655 9.70 - - UUU - ZZZ - - 51.8% Ufxwboxv 1vI - 82 1cG+82 - 998.00000 W ZLK 53.570 4.10 - - ZZ- - UU (Q) - - 41.5% Azudmcks 1bY - 105 1vC+105 - 583.00000
Tranche Comments
D: Registration: 144U Scje;
W: Registration: 144W Xspx;
Q: Registration: 144X Tmhg;
G: Registration: 144X Hfwm;
S: Registration: 144U Nxci;
R: Registration: 144N Hxtz;
SSC: Registration: 144E Uijy;
Use of Proceeds
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