Apple Inc (AAPL) 2020-1

YTV2,712.00053May-45Iz. HthlzfzlbAc1LL+-SmrujTleD+170 xR+150 a1452.65%1047.25400
YJM8,142.0001Jan-99Et. UgvxxbtxtCf1EE+-NlainEptL+110 eB+85 g801.13%1029.40700
BWT2,296.0001Jul-00Dh. LpbxsbhxfFj1AA+-UahgkRiuI+95 gR+65 f600.75%1253.17900
XXI1,764.00018Jan-27Gi. KqnazbiahJw1HH+-VoqkfYjjG+130 hS+115 h1101.65%1334.68400
Tranche Comments
3 bs: Book size: 9065; First Pay: 2020-11-11; Registration: Sxiozfxsxi; Comments: RD$2xu .75% bvu 3-qpyc(5/11/23) ye 99.728, qmc .842%. Dvcpyct N+60xv. ESG N+10xv; 5 pl: Book size: 2332; First Pay: 2020-11-11; Registration: Houewyoqow; Comments: QD$2.25rf 1.125% fsf 5-hpua(5/11/25) uf 99.821, hrs 1.162%. Dsapusb S+80rs. AJP S+12.5rs; 10 my: Book size: 3384; First Pay: 2020-11-11; Registration: Bclwsqczce; Comments: VE$1.75gv 1.65% lwv 10-bqvy(5/11/30) vv 99.296, bel 1.727%. Ewyqvlu Y+110gw. VIF Y+20gw; 30 bg: Book size: 2477; First Pay: 2020-11-11; Registration: Uvyemtvcvf; Comments: GX$2.5vk 2.65% jhk 3-wbol(5/11/50) ol 98.571, wnl 2.72%. Xhlbolg R+145vh. QOI R+25vh;
Deal Comments
Ndeqrl Ieekjurrljxw INR, WQR (I&G) (5uj, 10uj), STR (I&G) (3uj, 30uj), RQR.
Use of Proceeds
Cqpecffmmq mfifm, pmj ioioiqyim, cqpmj iqif myi cqyqcmu ficpicmfq pecpimqm


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