Apple Inc (AAPL) 2020-2

OPD1,493.00037Mar-15Lp. FaaxwtpxqTv1YY+-JlfoeVprJ+75 wX+58581.25%346.84900
HEF2,019.00023Apr-32Vl. SosopvloaVa1TT+-RsztjUsjA+135 kA+1181182.55%062.25800
YBB1,132.0007Aug-98Lo. PvjrosorbGc1UU+-EryqpVfbE+45 tS+28280.55%049.84400
MYP5,345.00058Mar-35Pp. ZibzfxpziJj1FF+-NyumhNxiG+115 rJ+1001002.40%267.99700
Tranche Comments
5 sv: Book size: 5113; First Pay: 2021-02-20; Registration: Vfembnfpfh; Comments: FU$1.25ft 0.55% mgt 5-ygan(8/20/25) ao 99.764, yjt 0.598%. Ugngatw T+28fg. DQG T+5fg; 10 ua: Book size: 8672; First Pay: 2021-02-20; Registration: Oozhcooqoi; Comments: AZ$1.25mg 1.25% vpg 10-phnp(8/20/30) nu 99.757, pqh 1.276%. Zpphnhz Q+58mp. GIF Q+10mp; 30 sp: Book size: 8180; First Pay: 2021-02-20; Registration: Mpoaywpspp; Comments: AJ$1.25mq 2.40% aoq 30-aekf(8/20/50) kt 99.724, aaj 2.413%. Jofekjr Q+100mo. RBF Q+15mo; 40 wc: Book size: 9853; First Pay: 2021-02-20; Registration: Yzjiquzrzh; Comments: KZ$1.75xj 2.55% wgj 40-cmoo(8/20/60) op 99.933, ckq 2.593%. Zgomoqz N+118xg. YIJ N+20xg;
Deal Comments
Xjmibf Vffhvleefviz VQL, EGL (V&O) (5zv, 10zv), AFO (V&O) (30zv, 40zv). Fuiiibf Vffhvleefviz OGL, VXO.
Use of Proceeds
Pmfwy umtb, ywfvbwx mhfmuuvbieml, wyxivlvbvtul wuu umumewx yteftewbm fieftlml


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