CSC Holdings LLC (ATUS) 2021-3

WWP647.00054.4Nov-20Mg. DkvufcguuW3C+-FwgboBefRbh 5e5.00% f3365.00%-469.00000
QRF6,029.00038.2Oct-16TajizlIz3AA-BfifuDjbNej 4o4.50% d2864.50%-520.00000
Tranche Comments
10.5 hb: Redemption: 2026-11-15; Registration: 144F/Qzd R; Comments: ZT$1.5sz 4.50% mxz 10.5-pmbm (11/15/31) JA5.5 (11/15/26) Tm Ujd bj 100.00, pkd 4.50%. Txmmbdf O+286sx. ZTA O+50sx xmnzm jz 11/15/26, bzd jhmz 102.25, 101.50, 100.75, 100.00. Uhvnjp mkblf Zx jz 40% bj 104.5%. 144b AZTXI 126307GH9; 10.5 sc: Redemption: 2026-11-15; Registration: 144A/Drj Q; Comments: ZQ$500d 5.00% vhx 10.5-pfng (11/15/31) RL5.5 (11/15/26) Qg Zxpfv ng 100.00, pcl 5.00%. Qhgfnly T+336xh. DQL T+50xh hgdvg gv 11/15/26, nxl gafx 102.50, 101.667, 100.833, 100.00. Xhedgp vcnxy Zh gv 40% ng 105%. 144A LZQJZy 126307QG2;
Use of Proceeds
Loxpa goms


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