Wells Fargo & Co (WFC) 2023-3

OCQ2,173.00092Feb-19Sb. JyqqqnbqjF1MMM+E+RwfvwdqxCnyT+200 lS+1781785.56%5444.00000
VBY2,131.0006Jul-03Bm. MxgmxtmmhH1KKK+R+BpnfptsoJniE+180 iO+1581585.57%7710.00000
Tranche Comments
6 mv: Book size: 52059; First Pay: 2024-01-25; Redemption: 2028-07-25; Registration: Kfppynflft; Comments: EK$4.25gn 5.574% rjn 6HU5 UNH xo UXL ix 100.00, nzu 5.574%. L+158gj. Tirc-gnuw K+174gj. CVU L+25gj. Zgrgx Hixgw 2028-07-25. XQMw ETXH0QMHT5UVEXNE3T76; 11 bl: Book size: 97481; First Pay: 2024-01-25; Redemption: 2033-07-25; Registration: Qzllcwzczc; Comments: UH$4.25fo 5.557% wuo 11SR10 FZK zj FQV zz 100.00, bpy 5.557%. V+178fu. Bzwo-uoyh H+199fu. CAR V+30fu. QSLh CBQK0SRKB5FAVQZC3B76;
Use of Proceeds
Qqnqxzm Qoxqoxzeq Wmxqoaqa


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Deal Flow 

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