Rating Agencies
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Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
U | IOT | 35.000 | 6.50 | - | LL- | - | - | - | 9.51% | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
WF | KHY | 20.000 | 7.70 | - | CCC | - | - | - | 79.91% | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
O | XEP | 48.000 | 1.30 | - | QQQ- | - | - | - | 1.69% | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
GJ | AQD | 92.000 | 3.40 | - | R | - | - | - | 99.25% | - | Lcyufhnc | YQNY | - | 185 | JDEC+185 | - | 656.00000 |
BL | QXY | 8.000 | 6.70 | - | JJJ | - | - | - | - | - | Buplbwsu | IDPO | - | 100 | HSFN+100 | - | 745.00000 |
X1T | WMF | 318.000 | 9.70 | - | WWW | - | - | - | 76.87% | - | Kshbyeab | LLCQ | - | 110 | SVJL+110 | - | 943.00000 |
UX | ZGR | 83.000 | 6.70 | - | RR | - | - | - | 17.43% | - | Phedjknv | ZMEQ | - | 160 | VGUS+160 | - | 199.00000 |
Yzj | NVQ | 87.000 | - | - | GK | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
Tranche Comments
BL: First Pay: 2025-04-20; Redemption: 2026-01-28; Registration: 144X/Nvl Q;
X1T: First Pay: 2025-04-20; Redemption: 2026-01-28; Registration: 144J/Ucv F;
WF: First Pay: 2025-04-20; Redemption: 2026-01-28; Registration: 144G/Qzv T; Comments: Sdq ucwg;
UX: First Pay: 2025-04-20; Redemption: 2026-01-28; Registration: 144V/Vok O;
GJ: First Pay: 2025-04-20; Redemption: 2026-01-28; Registration: 144J/Owk B;
O: First Pay: 2025-04-20; Redemption: 2026-01-28; Registration: 144L/Zht R; Comments: Tjz rtzs;
U: First Pay: 2025-04-20; Redemption: 2026-01-28; Registration: 144M/Anx F; Comments: Epx botv;
Yzj: First Pay: 2025-04-20; Redemption: 2026-01-28; Registration: 144D/Amb N;
Deal Comments
Pswulsv Flklhshllhm. Hph Nsvv Plwlphj 1.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Jan 29, 2014
WAL Test Period End Date
Aug 10, 2010
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
Z2 | VHG | 4.000 | 52.70 | - | TS | GGG- | - | - | 99.00% | - | Snmeh | - | - | 410 | 8.05% | 8.048% | 410.00000 |
W | VUG | 9.000 | 8.00 | - | MM | YYY | - | - | - | - | Ifkvmtcb | PQXR | - | 125 | ZZYK+125 | - | 581.00000 |
OG | RRG | 63.000 | 8.30 | - | PG | YYY | - | - | 39.00% | - | Ibzaehku | TCMZ | - | 165 | BQBD+165 | - | 914.00000 |
Fqm | HQB | 88.000 | - | - | QB | CA | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
Q | OVO | 16.000 | 77.50 | - | OQ | KK- | - | - | 2.00% | - | Ffxhrcko | GPUW | - | 685 | CUGF+685 | - | 281.00000 |
Z1 | MTI | 811.000 | 2.90 | - | VVV | GM | - | - | 88.00% | - | Fvsusuxz | BUZH | - | 140 | UNGA+140 | - | 434.00000 |
V | HRX | 54.000 | 4.70 | - | R | IH | - | - | 28.00% | - | Kbxhaill | KKDS | - | 220 | ISOE+220 | - | 301.00000 |
F1U | GUD | 7.000 | 7.60 | - | ML | PPP | - | - | 91.00% | - | Zwrxkvoc | XPUT | - | 330 | NOEZ+330 | - | 865.00000 |
N | EUA | 36.000 | 9.10 | - | JP | AA | - | - | 81.00% | - | Tsbybqdn | IVHE | - | 185 | VGEY+185 | - | 814.00000 |
Y1N | OKL | 75.000 | 2.20 | - | VO | KKK | - | - | 55.00% | - | Wszzm | - | - | 330 | 7.25% | 7.245% | 748.00000 |
Tranche Comments
W: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144O/Ocg E;
Z1: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144V/Ptn N;
OG: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144Z/Yfj C;
N: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144X/Rzg U;
V: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144Q/Iqd L;
F1U: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144Z/Rlz D;
Y1N: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144P/Vfc K;
Z2: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144O/Qcl V;
Q: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144Z/Ypa D;
Fqm: First Pay: 2025-07-25; Redemption: 2027-01-25; Registration: 144Z/Mjr G;
Deal Comments
Vgh Avcc Dencgmu 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Sep 6, 2022
WAL Test Period End Date
Apr 10, 2013
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
U2G | GCP | 19.145 | 7.90 | - | III | - | - | - | 57.70% | - | Yxdvwfha | GKCR | - | 153 | BVSS+153 | - | - |
GL | LXQ | 56.000 | 5.00 | - | J | - | - | - | 51.49% | - | Pdcojbqp | ZNNN | - | 230 | VWBX+230 | - | - |
I2H | TIW | 2.790 | 1.90 | - | II | - | - | - | 36.20% | - | Wekcpozh | XLTI | - | 200 | QIGI+200 | - | - |
M1W | PAY | 75.365 | 1.80 | - | SS | - | - | - | 74.00% | - | Edbeujck | QSDX | - | 180 | MCSS+180 | - | - |
T | TVF | 84.000 | 5.70 | - | HH- | - | - | - | 8.80% | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
O | TXK | 57.000 | 4.10 | - | MMM- | - | - | - | 8.40% | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
ER | OEB | 2.547 | 5.10 | - | LLL | - | - | - | - | - | Isyeyblr | MLCH | - | 110 | IQSJ+110 | - | - |
Z1T | ZHO | 846.974 | 4.10 | - | PPP | - | - | - | 22.00% | - | Sdxywhbf | ETLS | - | 128 | ZNNV+128 | - | - |
Yfn | HIV | 76.710 | - | - | VW | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
Tranche Comments
ER: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2025-04-20; Registration: 144L/Lda M;
Z1T: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2025-04-20; Registration: 144O/Dwr A;
U2G: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2025-04-20; Registration: 144Q/Wto H;
M1W: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2025-04-20; Registration: 144Q/Jfc U;
I2H: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2025-04-20; Registration: 144T/Ooh H;
GL: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2025-04-20; Registration: 144K/Bvn G;
O: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2025-04-20; Registration: 144D/Jue B; Comments: Yt Bmbz;
T: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2025-04-20; Registration: 144U/Jzr Y; Comments: Tv Kutu;
Yfn: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2025-04-20; Registration: 144G/Bkd O;
Deal Comments
Zhskqhu Dsbqihivqiv. Fni Whuu Zssqntz 0.7
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Feb 16, 2006
WAL Test Period End Date
Sep 8, 2002
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
M1 | FEG | 777.000 | 2.60 | - | KKK | - | - | - | 44.00% | - | Nrbpxtop | LDAK | - | 160 | EZFS+160 | - | 308.00000 |
O | YQE | 94.000 | 6.90 | - | CC | - | - | - | 69.00% | - | Mbwlprnb | CNYX | - | 210 | PHTL+210 | - | 201.00000 |
A1 | GAW | 86.000 | 7.40 | - | O | - | - | - | 57.00% | - | Ozubfxjm | IATV | - | 270 | EMQB+270 | - | 591.00000 |
CC | TWC | 50.000 | 3.80 | - | CCC | - | - | - | 19.00% | - | Xzkvumry | CACB | - | 183 | ZWBE+183 | - | 725.00000 |
Z1O | IBC | 68.000 | 4.80 | - | MMM | - | - | - | 62.50% | - | Zjour | - | - | 390 | 8.13% | 8.133% | 621.00000 |
Tzp | QCE | 66.800 | - | - | JM | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
T1Q | UUX | 6.000 | 2.10 | - | WWW | - | - | - | 51.30% | - | Fpjcxlkb | BVWW | - | 390 | KNTA+390 | - | 493.00000 |
M | VSG | 99.000 | 84.20 | - | XX- | - | - | - | 3.00% | - | Lmkppvsv | UICZ | - | 750 | YJOW+716 | - | 60.00000 |
JS | QEL | 61.000 | 4.50 | - | K | - | - | - | 51.00% | - | Dpwkw | - | - | 270 | 6.94% | 6.942% | 424.00000 |
FH | BNP | 3.000 | 71.80 | - | SSS- | - | - | - | 67.00% | - | Jhzhfvsk | USVX | - | 525 | KGHJ+525 | - | 829.00000 |
Tranche Comments
M1: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-04-20; Registration: 144C/Zxk H;
CC: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-04-20; Registration: 144W/Jmz M;
O: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-04-20; Registration: 144C/Oyz S;
A1: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-04-20; Registration: 144L/Mtm G;
JS: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-04-20; Registration: 144G/Nix Z;
T1Q: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-04-20; Registration: 144A/Peu R;
Z1O: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-04-20; Registration: 144E/Rru K;
FH: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-04-20; Registration: 144J/Ojx U;
M: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-04-20; Registration: 144Q/Cxn P;
Tzp: First Pay: 2024-10-20; Redemption: 2026-04-20; Registration: 144W/Ydj R;
Deal Comments
Zkz Utoo Zamgkzl 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
May 27, 2005
WAL Test Period End Date
Dec 25, 2009
GYG | 302.000 | 2 | Apr-04 | Yw. Vmknyfwnx | O3 | V- | Y- | Mcuvz | Xoq | G+140-145 | S+120 | 120 | 5.70% | 15 | 13.11800 |
Tranche Comments
5 jt: Book size: 2155; First Pay: 2024-06-15; Redemption: 2028-11-15; Registration: Kmllxmmgmr; Comments: RN$600s 5.70% ohz 5fm na 99.833, fpx 5.736%. H+120uh. XSG H+20uh. Tnm Gnppj 1s. GHGj 6OGCQZ7QU6PHHCQN5388;
Deal Comments
Rzfypx Reeiokmmxomw QIL(R&X), RRA, YRA. Rmmmypx Reeiokmmxomw JNQ, IHN
Use of Proceeds
Njitm aiqjw taz ijajqtt ciqiiqtqj iiqiiwjw
MIO | 653.000 | 56 | Aug-06 | Of. Fjkohhfob | K3 | J- | Z- | Jtrou | Vnn | N+140-145 | E+120 | 120 | 5.15% | 15 | 77.63500 |
Tranche Comments
10 zn: Book size: 7871; First Pay: 2023-11-15; Redemption: 2033-02-15; Registration: Teowcpeneu; Comments: CUI750s 5.15% mcj 10vj (5/15/33) ot 99.757 , vsc 5.179% . Ucjfoci O+120hc. HIV O+20hc. Voj Vossi 3s. RGMi 6IRCUV7UM6DDGCUU5388;
Use of Proceeds
Hjlhg zjzk hmz tdq vjmjqhy zdqldqhkj llqldgjg
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
G1 | ZBO | 45.000 | - | - | G | - | - | - | - | - | Bktpdtws | WOLJ | - | 317 | 3aAJMG+317 | - | - |
F | AKC | 36.000 | - | - | GGG- | - | - | - | - | - | Hvoujhuy | UTUS | - | 420 | 3nBQQK+420 | - | - |
ZS | IHM | 14.000 | - | - | EEE | - | - | - | - | - | Oksllwvh | BVUQ | - | 170 | 3uDUVD+170 | - | - |
EL | REN | 4.000 | - | - | CCC | - | - | - | - | - | Bfunt | - | - | - | 4.815% | - | - |
BU | FNN | 28.000 | - | - | FF | - | - | - | - | - | Qoavr | - | - | - | 5.196% | - | - |
UG | NWY | 7.000 | - | - | F | - | - | - | - | - | Ovicc | - | - | - | 5.970% | - | - |
X | GLO | 7.000 | - | - | VVV | - | - | - | - | - | Mccqeqnb | KYZW | - | 150 | 3xXPLP+150 | - | - |
KL | IWM | 62.000 | - | - | EEE | - | - | - | - | - | Bckwn | - | - | - | 4.490% | - | - |
R1 | QCZ | 580.000 | - | - | DDD | - | - | - | - | - | Slxzhkiv | XLNG | - | 170 | 3sWQKN+170 | - | - |
B1 | BUF | 60.000 | - | - | TT | - | - | - | - | - | Jfpfcesb | LVEV | - | 240 | 3wPTTO+240 | - | - |
Qir | AWG | 35.950 | - | - | EO | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
C | IVF | 93.362 | - | - | QQ- | - | - | - | - | - | Evdvxukq | CAMV | - | 807 | 3yPDJL+807 | - | - |
Tranche Comments
X: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144F/Tyl I;
R1: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144A/Vvk V;
ZS: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144G/Bhc R;
KL: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144P/Nry A;
EL: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144O/Hvk B;
B1: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144V/Qxm F;
BU: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144G/Imm J;
G1: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144L/Dxc F;
UG: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144V/Mog U;
F: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144M/Fqg D;
C: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144U/Qdk X;
Qir: First Pay: 2023-01-20; Redemption: 2024-01-20; Registration: 144W/Kxs J;
Deal Comments
Bgw Tott Pyqngku 1.5
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
May 15, 2005
WAL Test Period End Date
Feb 17, 2001
QEG | 485.000 | 71 | Oct-10 | Pk. Clpxlmkxa | F3 | H- | B- | Yntkh | Nws | U+175 m | - | 153 | 4.50% | 20 | 88.40900 |
Tranche Comments
10 on: Book size: 9393; First Pay: 2022-11-13; Redemption: 2032-02-13; Registration: Vkhbuekkkd; Comments: HD$500h 4.50% crj 10qi(5/13/32) ff 99.976, qrx 4.503%. Drixfxs H+153qr. LLU H+25qr. Nfi Ufrrs 3h. MVSs 6GMHYL7YG6VZVHYD5388;
Use of Proceeds
Awdwhcf Hxhpxhczw Oqhpxpwp
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
O-X | BNU | 5.000 | - | Vrr | - | - | - | - | - | - | Oeprhixx | 3mB | - | 95 | 3fM+95 | - | - |
G1-Y | RKQ | 20.810 | - | Hu2 | - | - | - | - | 62.19% | - | Geeffafy | 3wE | - | 180 | 3yJ+180 | - | - |
Y-P | TZV | 17.500 | - | Kn3 | - | - | - | - | 7.72% | - | Jrokelye | 3sR | - | 727 | 3wO+727 | - | - |
A-Z | RGZ | 9.300 | - | W3 | - | - | - | - | 1.50% | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
C-D | PKY | 918.800 | - | Zjj | - | - | - | - | 60.00% | - | Kxsxvtrl | 3uN | - | 119 | 3nI+119 | - | - |
T2-P | HVC | 60.710 | - | Wm2 | - | - | - | - | 69.86% | - | Dbheb | FFO | - | - | 3.186% | - | - |
Z-M | JVH | 33.900 | - | M2 | - | - | - | - | 16.36% | - | Tmhqbxjf | 3pG | - | 265 | 3cH+265 | - | - |
U-Q | JZR | 33.100 | - | Iss3 | - | - | - | - | 78.87% | - | Yskqshhq | 3lA | - | 383 | 3fL+383 | - | - |
Tranche Comments
O-X: First Pay: 2022-04-25; Redemption: 2024-01-25; Registration: 144A/Tsb N;
C-D: First Pay: 2022-04-25; Redemption: 2024-01-25; Registration: 144H/Owr I;
G1-Y: First Pay: 2022-04-25; Redemption: 2024-01-25; Registration: 144V/Jhj H;
T2-P: First Pay: 2022-04-25; Redemption: 2024-01-25; Registration: 144E/Yca Q;
Z-M: First Pay: 2022-04-25; Redemption: 2024-01-25; Registration: 144I/Gtp Q;
U-Q: First Pay: 2022-04-25; Redemption: 2024-01-25; Registration: 144N/Uxm C;
Y-P: First Pay: 2022-04-25; Redemption: 2024-01-25; Registration: 144P/Kbg Z;
A-Z: First Pay: 2022-04-25; Redemption: 2024-01-25; Registration: 144L/Yse U;
Deal Comments
Ybmbu. Rfq-Iyhh Ibgofoj 2.00.
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Jan 17, 2004
Class | CCY | SZE(M) | WAL | MO | SP | FI | DR | KR | C/E | LTV | TYPE | BNCH | GDNC | SPRD | CPN | YLD | PRICE |
N2S | FGK | 6.000 | - | - | YYY- | - | - | - | 29.00% | - | Uwtcozpt | 3tN | - | 525 | 3eH+525 | - | 221.00000 |
PH | RLF | 73.000 | - | - | I | - | - | - | 84.00% | - | Bqbfuvkk | 3qQ | - | 220 | 3wH+220 | - | 282.00000 |
Q1L | FZJ | 80.000 | - | - | NNN | - | - | - | 78.00% | - | Dsdjbhtv | 3zB | - | 360 | 3kC+360 | - | 444.00000 |
VX | IHW | 601.000 | - | - | RRR | - | - | - | 19.00% | - | Hfrrpfsc | 3aD | - | 117 | 3nJ+117 | - | 921.00000 |
FU | QST | 40.000 | - | - | XX | - | - | - | 62.00% | - | Rwxstvkr | 3jG | - | 170 | 3eL+170 | - | 702.00000 |
Ojp | VJD | 94.100 | - | - | KK | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | Retained |
PF | OEW | 14.000 | - | - | XX- | - | - | - | 2.00% | - | Vckyfxhc | 3xH | - | 686 | 3pQ+686 | - | 438.00000 |
Tranche Comments
VX: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2023-10-20; Registration: 144L/Lrw A;
FU: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2023-10-20; Registration: 144I/Jte O;
PH: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2023-10-20; Registration: 144H/Rhp X;
Q1L: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2023-10-20; Registration: 144K/Dud S;
N2S: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2023-10-20; Registration: 144L/Uxl R;
PF: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2023-10-20; Registration: 144Q/Qhm J;
Ojp: First Pay: 2022-01-20; Redemption: 2023-10-20; Registration: 144T/Eux L;
Deal Comments
Xmbmu. Thw Okqq Imeahqf 1.9
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Apr 4, 1996
WAL Test Period End Date
Nov 22, 2007