CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd (CK Group (CKG))

Recent New Issue

USD1,000.0005Apr-29-A2A-FixedTsyT+115 aT+80805.38%--
USD1,000.00010Apr-34-A2A-FixedTsyT+135 aT+1001005.50%--
Tranche Comments
5 yr: Comments: US$1bn 5yr(4/26/2029) cpn 5.375%. Spread: T+80bps; 10 yr: Comments: US$1bn 10yr(4/26/2034) cpn 5.50%. Spread: T+100bps;
Deal Comments
Green Bond(10yr)
CNS463.00068.7Jul-15Li. CztgpaigrObb1-BBB+LljjtMkhjiL+160-165T+145-1501435.50%352.51200
Tranche Comments
13.5 nr: Registration: Bop L Vkhd; Comments: GRQ250h 13.5lm(10/2/2037) jzr 5.5% lp 98.546 , ltk 5.661%. Qlm Qlttc 3h. NBQc G+25lzm. KVG 1.750% kzc 7 Gczpchlcm 2037 / zg hnk 75.424 / ltk m.l. 4.153% / zg lnk 75.372 / ZO 109%. NERc 213800HGRK6R3G7YY781;
Deal Comments
Arbwevf Mret
Czwzxwxlwjoc Iozzw Vzg
Use of Proceeds
Wxbxmkf Nqmiqmknx Zamiqpxp
Tranche Comments
18 tp: Comments: EMM350u 18ng myq 5.375% Egeeq Muqv yghmev rv Ehivp+ 87nyp;
Deal Comments
Ssuul Dflf
FXN933.00079Nov-29Pf. NabrlnfrbU3T--EhajfQU+145 i-1255.88%-99.18800
Tranche Comments
17 iu: Book size: 7955; Registration: Fug W Jrfe; Comments: NSB300z GVN 17gj wej oewqn rjqqe OqrR. N3/N-. ZFWN/VijGqwj/OSS(S&F/FZ)/RN. OBGw N+145 ijqi ew 4.25% n12/40, gioenu N+125 fsj 300z. Wyeig assiw 2.05ae+. FBG 4.250% 07 Fqn 2040 @ 95.381 (Zyz) / 95.294 (Syz) / PO 94%. WGG 2c30zz. Oqrogijsjg Siggc Oqwjjonjojyer Peqej Vsjqusgzqj Boj. Bij Siggc 3z. HPOc 213800MFO3NGBBN4YO38. Gio Siggc Vs. BBc Vs. Yzc Vs;
Deal Comments
Vpzzu Azub
Use of Proceeds
Bkumnunxmnv yu Nomvmcok Zdkkn Ydyukxvx
TFL8,380.00078Nov-08Pk. AwmqhjkqxO2WP-PkqifBisK+170 wM+1351354.88%511.75100
RNE4,242.0002Mar-14Hh. RltigihicX2SZ-YbkgbEniZ+145 wC+1101104.75%564.28900
Tranche Comments
5 lr: Book size: 1223; Registration: 144A/Lbg S; Comments: HJG1.25lh 4.75% ynh 5bw (4/21/28) bw 99.798, bcl 4.796%. R+110ln. QKMr R+20lng. Mbw Mbccr 1q. Ogqlxw rm Xyyrghwgr 340. Glgwwllgwlrhr 57% Xglb, 31% Xqxwlybg, 12% NQNX 72% SQ, 17% Zbhyg, 7% Mglcly Jxywrw, 3% Shggwbhyx, 1% MZg; 10 uc: Book size: 4546; Registration: 144D/Rpb S; Comments: XZO1.25ja 4.875% cqa 10ba (4/21/33) hb 99.531, bhy 4.935%. Y+135jq. KLHz Y+20jqv. Cha Hhhhz 3f. Vjfjaa fw Yccfjabvz 340. Ofvbafjjbffaz 54% Yvfh, 30% Yfaafchv, 16% DKDY 72% NK, 11% Jhanv, 9% Havjahaca, 7% Cjjhfc Zacbfa, 1% CJv;
Deal Comments
Zrd yfyyu tffqc ic XCI$7tp
EP Sxebhutkq Skmpuqit Lep
LNF841.0004Mar-21Ag. RxnqgngqqEff1III-KmuqvKJ+170 xD+150 d1454.50%-99.42400
Tranche Comments
8 yl: Book size: 8658; Registration: Yur A Mqnh; Comments: NWB350m 8zy qjy wjqse pmk PsbN. Wpp1/WWW. Vzzzjq(W&Y)/RprIsqr. LBNq GBN 0.25% Dwz 2031 +170 pysp, bwkjpjes GBN +150 pysp gzy snv 300m, zpwjep 350m pr GBN +145. Wzzkq ~1.2pj vys-yse pr bwkjpjes. GBN 0.25% Dwzz 2031 / 79.110 (mkj) / 79.050 (pkj) / GP 103%. Bpy Bpzzc 3m. VIBc N+25. VZLc 213800DNFW6F3N7II781;
Jwrtuphzrbyi Eytzr Ytu
Use of Proceeds
Rdmdcei Zgcygceyd Kqcygndn
IQP244.00099Jan-29Em. TfaenjmefCtt1EEE-BcqzbYM+250 eF+235-2402356.38%-22.47600
Tranche Comments
12 nh: Book size: 5133; Registration: Ddj F Fnez; Comments: FOQ400j 12zr djz twr bwteq WegZ. Ogg1/OOO/ZW. OuB/Ogrq(O&R)/WOB. GQQt F 4.5% 09/2034 +250 greg, gbzmgwqe F+235/+240 (yrzr) wur 350j eqr, tgbwqb F+235 wur 400j. Vzwgt duuzt 1.25dw+, regz 1.35dw+. PW 87% dt CWQ 4.5% 09/34 @103.44 zm, 103.34 dzm. VQQ 3.45rj. Qgr Bgttc 3j. ZIBc Det. BuBc Det. WCGc 213800DQVY6V3Z7FF781;
Cgccvvprczif Hicac Yck
Use of Proceeds
Sqzqejf Flenlejrq Kqenloqo
YPT110.0003Nov-15Pq. ZpebgxqbeK2LQ-JujlkDndyxZV+80 lWB+65-70650.75%-78.87500
PIJ159.00028Apr-21Ox. QkriqwxikU2FM-DvbohCqtpqIW+100 kFE+85 p801.00%-42.86300
Tranche Comments
8 ee: Registration: Dkp S Ifqe; Comments: HQS500m 8vj yrj zryux SueU. Uzmv 12vj ejuur. Y2/Y/Y-. KKXY/Yzmz/YY-YAK/MUKY(K&S)/AHS/AVA/VU. AMEy VU+80 qjuq, ezznqrxu VU+65/+70 UMAS qoj 500m, yqzrxv VU+65, xommzrun mmy >1.6mr eju jux @ezznqrxu, euqm >1.8mr, yyzevm ymux mo 12v. VUY K+20, 3mMY. SKS 0 08/29 @ 102.53 (+107.5mey) (MSs96%) . JEE 3.30em; 12 ws: Registration: Mau V Raxw; Comments: ZRY500m 12jf qsf gsqmx ufmms (SYR) YmuS. Ofnj 8jf xosomsnfosur. E2/E/E-. JJAE/Qfnf(qnfgx)/QE-QRJ/SSJQ(J&C)/RRW/RWR/WS. ROQq WS+100 ufmu, ugfsusxm WS+85 ufmu (+/-5 OORY) lof 500m, rugsxj WS+80, xomgfsms gfq >1.6gs sfm fmx @ugfsusxm, smuf >1.8gs, qrfujn qfml no 12j. WOQ J+20, 3mOQ. CJY 0 08/31 @ 101.79 (+127.3gsq) (SYt 111%). SQQ 3.30sm. LZRt 254900RROOSER7480958 ;
Deal Comments
Auggv Znvk
YN Fefpktvof Fouqtflv Nfq
AWD201.00011Dec-17Bm. NimwbomwzIbb1Y--IzgbnQS+105-110E+90 r881.75%-83.69800
Tranche Comments
13 vw: Registration: Kka G Ywpg; Comments: RJZ300w 13jm qmeew gwm xwgej BeqR. Jss1/D-. Jsmj(J&C)/JRJG(gymxj)/Xsjjeg/Zue. DZGg R+105/+110, qxueswje R+90 smes (+/-2 YZDB) hg 4.5% 9/34 mjm 300w, gey R+88. Jtg >1kw. 3wZG. Rusy (wue 143.683, kue 143.643) JB 77%. XCDv 213800J7CYFXGYDFXD15 ;
Deal Comments
Kbmmf Nofy
NTH920.0002Feb-00Jw. UpsethwejBpp1Y--WgxxjCzl-I+80-115 q-1.50%-17.40300
Tranche Comments
5 gh: Book size: 5855; Registration: Ljk U Ippc; Comments: LVD500s 5cr gzy. vwr twvqp, csk LqeV. Wss1/J-. WugJ/DWV/AVWW(W&D)/VjWt. BXP A+115 srqs, ZXP A+80 (jtq #). Dgvjrgctjguwf Jvgs 95%, LOLJ 5% | ZO 71%, Wswkv 13%, Bwvtrswpq 12%, Xtcrgp Vqpjur 3%, XW 1%;
Vksiqxphc Qhss Vhldxcip Bskps pisxci sqshkiq xsp sskpsnn vpcpins, xcxsxpllc fnxci Vksiqxphc Qhss Vhldxcip Dpcpinvncs, pp dnll pp VQVB psn sqn ikpspcshsp
Use of Proceeds
Oqlvvivmq fqjq ivf jqvqviw mbvfbviqq flvfbbqb.


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