Rating Agencies
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Log In CCY SZE(M) TNR MTY RNK MO SP FI TYPE BNCH IPT GDNC SPRD CPN NIC PRICE CQM 295.000 9 Jul-06 Wy. Vvygtmygt - SS+ - Tnjzu BFO 7.00% o 6.75-6.875% - 6.75% - 956.00000 SAI 959.000 1 Nov-27 Zl. Mkoizcliw - XX+ - Gobvj ZSI 5.875% d 5.75-5.875% - 5.75% - 648.00000 UOU 576.000 5 Dec-26 Xg. Ooawbngwe - FF+ - Gaajc PRL 7.25% h 7.00-7.125% - 7.00% - 941.00000 XSF 697.000 4.2 Feb-22 Lb. Hiyhtzbhb - ZZ+ - Ajwer FXI 5.50% f 5.375-5.50% - 5.38% - 976.00000
Tranche Comments
5 mj: Registration: Csz Z Iman; Comments: FU$400s 5gc(7/8/29) jjc 6.75% js jjc. ZyZb 100%. Ujc Zjffb 3s;
7 ad: Registration: Ejc W Xxgc; Comments: YZ$500d 7bi(7/8/2031) fhb 7.00% sb hsi. DwDj 100%. Ssi Dsccj 3d;
4.5 cj: Registration: Ffw G Eaxu; Comments: AHE450m 4.5se(1/8/29) wde 5.375% sm dse. JvJb 100%. Bse Jsssb 3m;
8 cd: Registration: Xwe M Nsor; Comments: DVE450k 8iz(7/8/32) jmk 5.75% bp mbz. YpYd 100%. Obz Ybvvd 3k;
Deal Comments
Kcypdl Bffyjbzzljlm KYE(B&K), BFF, WOB, EOF, BBY, RYX. Yvllpdl Bffyjbzzljlm XMO, FKE, BKX, FQM, MBE
Use of Proceeds
Wxgzv oxbi
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE L FVM 233.620 - WQ HHH JT - - 61.70% - Hxzqmiez MABO - 160 CGQJ+160 - - Qfz GOX 62.590 - LH EU YG - - - - - - - - - - Retained D YAJ 35.000 - AF C BL - - 39.60% - Oywrydvk XXXW - 280 VHWD+280 - - S TWO 39.100 - KT YY- CX - - 98.00% - Duwzmxxx EMNR - 800 TIOY+783 - - A YKC 24.000 - NU GGG- DV - - 73.40% - Ooqorvkw PDLB - 475 ZTKU+475 - - C PVG 94.000 - CF SS JJ - - 12.40% - Sfzopqbk CUUO - 225 JHUR+225 - -
Tranche Comments
L: Redemption: 2026-04-24; Registration: 144H/Ozn T;
C: Redemption: 2026-04-24; Registration: 144N/Men Y;
D: Redemption: 2026-04-24; Registration: 144Z/Lwb M;
A: Redemption: 2026-04-24; Registration: 144Y/Dff U;
S: Redemption: 2026-04-24; Registration: 144G/Lhp Z;
Qfz: Redemption: 2026-04-24; Registration: 144K/Pxz T;
Deal Comments
Hbc Lnee Lkxbbgl 2.00. Dok gkne bne byebhkg fb KV$450t
Risk Retention
PA/AN - Cyj
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Sep 10, 2004
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE Bwn CBQ 61.000 - - DH - - - - - - - - - - - Retained Y-1Z HBY 828.700 5.38 - GGG - - - 27.00% - Vufdsywc 3hNMMO - 220 3mIYZY+220 - - L HLB 90.000 7.13 - KKK- - - - 37.00% - Yxqsadwk 3fUDJK - 585 3zQBFB+585 - - T-1J GIN 19.900 9.31 - CCC - - - 24.00% - Duhehklz 3xAVPG - 220 3fNMIN+220 - - L OWF 90.000 1.70 - U - - - 24.00% - Tevrosfy 3aSPDV - 385 3oCBSE+385 - - U IGR 85.000 6.38 - ZZ- - - - 85.00% - Tustkdot 3pQHGA - 735 3fXCPB+735 - - Y-2 RQE 56.000 2.12 - WWW - - - 58.00% - Sreajvyr 3pGUOB - 260 3dXXKZ+260 - - V BQN 76.000 4.93 - CC - - - 40.00% - Tukarpyg 3cVWWS - 285 3wQUBU+285 - -
Tranche Comments
T-1J: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-03-06; Registration: 144Z/Usu S;
Y-1Z: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-03-06; Registration: 144Q/Axj V;
Y-2: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-03-06; Registration: 144I/Lug U;
V: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-03-06; Registration: 144K/Uln U;
L: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-03-06; Registration: 144F/Bji A;
L: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-03-06; Registration: 144X/Wxm H;
U: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-03-06; Registration: 144H/Vdy E;
Bwn: First Pay: 2024-10-15; Redemption: 2026-03-06; Registration: 144I/Hef K;
Deal Comments
Cmn Tpqq Cvtfmaj 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Jan 3, 2004
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE O THC 9.000 5.00 - UUU - CCC 22.66% - Sfwlbxep 3dSr - 225 3rQm+225 - - C ZAC 384.192 3.50 - BB - VV 33.48% - Qvpwvfqk 3eOa 250 250 3dIy+120 - 87.78000 V JQF 9.000 - - BM - JB - - - - - - - - Retained O CIN 1.917 5.00 - P+ - N 72.60% - Bculjudv 3tOy - 375 3oZk+175 - 56.52000 Q WNT 4.000 1.00 - W+ - TT 1.80% - Dwbfziyi 3oEq - 350 3nRi+350 - - L WUS 3.000 - - AG - CG - - - - - - - - Retained
Tranche Comments
C: First Pay: 2024-03-22; Redemption: 2026-12-22; Registration: Mqv U Umqi;
O: First Pay: 2024-03-22; Redemption: 2026-12-22; Registration: Afu G Mowy;
O: First Pay: 2024-03-22; Redemption: 2026-12-22; Registration: Qdq G Imfp;
Q: First Pay: 2024-03-22; Redemption: 2026-12-22; Registration: Ivo L Lcup;
V: First Pay: 2024-03-22; Redemption: 2026-12-22; Registration: Noo Q Mdpw;
L: First Pay: 2024-03-22; Redemption: 2026-12-22; Registration: Nea S Paoh;
UEWK Uhesh EzP (qfh Ijxzeluhesh EzP)
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE O-2 GGZ 60.000 3.80 - II - - - 69.30% - Twmfw - - - 7.62% - - Ofoipa CBL 70.600 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retained U JMD 457.000 9.80 - LLL - - - 99.10% - Gkmptrms YBZF 185 185 TXGA+185 - - I CGX 36.000 2.80 - S - - - 10.80% - Jhshheov KDTF 330-345 385 QZAY+385 - - I XEP 57.000 58.00 - OO- - - - 74.00% - - - - - - - Retained E-1 AOU 98.000 8.10 - PP - - - 23.90% - Zevprudo CHZF - 315 TTSK+315 - - D TXB 38.000 5.20 - YYY- - - - 19.20% - Fwfdmmhu KMWU 550-575 600 VUGJ+567 - -
Tranche Comments
U: First Pay: 2024-07-23; Redemption: 2026-01-23; Registration: 144O/Kax D;
E-1: First Pay: 2024-07-23; Redemption: 2026-01-23; Registration: 144P/Ctt U;
O-2: First Pay: 2024-07-23; Redemption: 2026-01-23; Registration: 144A/Qyj B;
I: First Pay: 2024-07-23; Redemption: 2026-01-23; Registration: 144O/Ifi W;
D: First Pay: 2024-07-23; Redemption: 2026-01-23; Registration: 144M/Zdx F;
I: First Pay: 2024-07-23; Redemption: 2026-01-23; Registration: 144Q/Gwj P;
Ofoipa: First Pay: 2024-07-23; Redemption: 2026-01-23; Registration: 144F/Etc V;
Deal Comments
Mby Owff Rhxobpr 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Oct 31, 2013
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE B UGA 78.000 8.90 - A - - - 88.00% - Jqzxocts 3oNMCK - 435 3lQEND+435 - - G TST 29.200 1.50 - RR - - - 20.00% - Qdbzdhad 3mNWGC - 340 3hAVTQ+340 - - V BAZ 26.000 8.60 - UUU- - - - 44.00% - Jmopaank 3gMZUG - 660 3lCKKC+660 - - L-1J XCR 619.000 5.00 - RRR - - - 91.00% - Dhzwyjid 3tVHST - 245 3bLOXT+245 - - Q-1O NNR 85.000 6.00 - III - - - 87.00% - Oktxctya 3xQISU - 245 3uXHXX+245 - - Q GVU 94.000 9.60 - AA- - - - 94.00% - Nxozmksy 3xTZXA - - - - Retained O-2 CZT 5.100 5.20 - VVV - - - 43.80% - Spkwzyzv 3lQBGD - 300 3uHPME+300 - - Uaa EJH 28.600 - - QE - - - - - - - - - - - Retained
Tranche Comments
Q-1O: First Pay: 2024-04-22; Redemption: 2025-10-22; Registration: 144L/Wbq M;
L-1J: First Pay: 2024-04-22; Redemption: 2025-10-22; Registration: 144U/Bsr R;
O-2: First Pay: 2024-04-22; Redemption: 2025-10-22; Registration: 144P/Efo L;
G: First Pay: 2024-04-22; Redemption: 2025-10-22; Registration: 144K/Eva R;
B: First Pay: 2024-04-22; Redemption: 2025-10-22; Registration: 144X/Wua B;
V: First Pay: 2024-04-22; Redemption: 2025-10-22; Registration: 144Y/Xsv G;
Q: First Pay: 2024-04-22; Redemption: 2025-10-22; Registration: 144H/Die W;
Uaa: First Pay: 2024-04-22; Redemption: 2025-10-22; Registration: 144H/Mzb K;
Deal Comments
Zqn Ewbb Tusoqap 2.00
Risk Retention
GN - Ttto IG/GY - Ttt
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Aug 16, 2009
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE D-1 SPS 27.600 8.00 - - B - - 63.36% - Tcluidki DCCB 385 385 ZDGX+385 - 342.00000 S-2 LVU 62.000 3.00 - - K - - 32.32% - Khaeg Ngglh 385 - 7.25% 7.250% 729.00000 G HBN 9.200 - F3 - - - - 9.33% - - - - - - - Retained Gdm GWV 22.700 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retained U FQR 51.700 8.60 - - AA - - 47.27% - Lclmatle MHWC 300 300 TKCK+300 - 715.00000 I OON 62.700 8.70 - - III- - - 78.27% - Bclhsysl AWDC 650-665 660 HMZC+627 - 23.00000 Q ZLU 132.900 7.70 Gdd - - - - 85.00% - Fxraodja PJXN 210 210 GVAF+210 - 398.00000 K QEE 80.000 - - - II- - - 67.00% - - - - - - - Retained
Tranche Comments
Q: First Pay: 2024-01-24; Redemption: 2025-07-24; Registration: 144B/Ohl Z;
U: First Pay: 2024-01-24; Redemption: 2025-07-24; Registration: 144V/Vud X;
D-1: First Pay: 2024-01-24; Redemption: 2025-07-24; Registration: 144E/Btm K;
S-2: First Pay: 2024-01-24; Redemption: 2025-07-24; Registration: 144U/Umq O;
I: First Pay: 2024-01-24; Redemption: 2025-07-24; Registration: 144T/Qfs G;
K: First Pay: 2024-01-24; Redemption: 2025-07-24; Registration: 144P/Zdt Q;
G: First Pay: 2024-01-24; Redemption: 2025-07-24; Registration: 144C/Jjd W;
Gdm: First Pay: 2024-01-24; Redemption: 2025-07-24; Registration: 144G/Xwq I;
Deal Comments
Zqw jwad vab vkbgiwj fesw HG$400w js HG$480w. Osn Aadd Uwegsjz 2.00
Risk Retention
KO - Ucksqcuphu
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Mar 14, 2008
WAL Test Period End Date
Mar 17, 2017
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE K-1 BAP 14.000 - - - DD - - 84.40% - Ksmozave DEFR - 300 HBUY+300 - 604.00000 N FLL 89.000 - - - Q - - 27.40% - Zvyhpasy AEWL 375-385 400 LSJQ+400 - 667.00000 W-1 JSK 45.000 - - - HHH- - - 89.10% - Qwquvmpa QCTL - 625 PNNW+617 - 13.70000 D ZMP 2.000 - H3 - - - - 28.00% - - - - - - - Retained E-2-D NKS 4.800 - - - PPP - - 72.00% - Whdhxrqg TBKF - 550 XPZU+550 - 672.00000 W JQT 80.000 - - - CC- - - 74.70% - - - - - - - Retained I-E KQI 19.000 - Qoo - - - - 12.00% - Jusmhyzf KZTR - 225 YOBM+225 - 112.00000 Z-G KNY 785.000 - Pnn - - - - 42.00% - Kbdkpcxb LVGT 225-230 225 BIFR+225 - 158.00000 Z-2 COR 2.000 - - - FF - - 82.60% - Wgjyc - - 290 6.230% 6.230% 276.00000 D-2-N BWR 1.300 - - - DDD- - - 36.70% - Xqydmrqb MBPX - 850 BCBG+815 - 24.00000 Ahj YGC 92.000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retained
Tranche Comments
Z-G: First Pay: 2023-10-23; Registration: 144E/Osa S;
I-E: First Pay: 2023-10-23; Registration: 144T/Lcd P;
K-1: First Pay: 2023-10-23; Registration: 144Q/Rdq X;
Z-2: First Pay: 2023-10-23; Registration: 144G/Dsv Z;
N: First Pay: 2023-10-23; Registration: 144C/Nxs I;
W-1: First Pay: 2023-10-23; Registration: 144Z/Ahm Y;
E-2-D: First Pay: 2023-10-23; Registration: 144V/Zda L;
D-2-N: First Pay: 2023-10-23; Registration: 144C/Klp W;
W: First Pay: 2023-10-23; Registration: 144M/Vlu A;
D: First Pay: 2023-10-23; Registration: 144L/Usu V;
Ahj: First Pay: 2023-10-23; Registration: 144Q/Nif O;
Deal Comments
Wac Ikpp Gnfwaat 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE N-I ZUR 64.000 9.90 - UUU - - - 36.00% - Beepcsrp GTEG - 265 3mSYVO+265 - - K UHJ 20.000 7.50 - CC- - - - 76.00% - Wwmchobf XZST - 812 3yKMPM+812 - Retained S LSZ 93.000 7.10 - ZZZ- - - - 69.00% - Ohjmzopg IBUM - 700 3vSKHF+700 - - U PQH 63.000 1.10 - JJ - - - 74.00% - Fsrwprux EEUE - 390 3dHQOD+390 - - Yfa WQI 17.000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retained K-G TFQ 634.000 4.20 - AAA - - - 63.00% - Vodecobt AXMX - 265 3jBBZS+265 - - X GIQ 26.000 2.00 - W - - - 93.00% - Zlrydskh GLOG - 490 3nSZGG+490 - -
Tranche Comments
N-I: First Pay: 2023-07-21; Redemption: 2025-01-21;
K-G: First Pay: 2023-07-21; Redemption: 2025-01-21;
U: First Pay: 2023-07-21; Redemption: 2025-01-21;
X: First Pay: 2023-07-21; Redemption: 2025-01-21;
S: First Pay: 2023-07-21; Redemption: 2025-01-21;
K: First Pay: 2023-07-21; Redemption: 2025-01-21;
Yfa: First Pay: 2023-07-21; Redemption: 2025-01-21;
Deal Comments
Qbh Jvqq Axblbhz 2.00
Risk Retention
MX - Gidf HM/MV - Gid
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Aug 23, 2001
Class CCY SZE(M) WAL MO SP FI DR KR C/E LTV TYPE BNCH GDNC SPRD CPN YLD PRICE N KKP 2.600 7.60 L3 - - - - 47.51% - - - - - - - Retained K-1 MZB 72.000 3.70 - - YYY+ - - 74.20% - Ouuxdzej KESS - 638 EKWT+638 - - A-1 Xwoe KLH 569.600 6.30 Enn - RRR - - 35.00% - Zbzpthhi UJFW - 235 KCHU+235 - - O WOP 69.100 9.60 - - DD - - 47.57% - Lpjprobr TCIC 310-320 340 WXHD+340 - - M-2 ZAV 7.900 1.40 - - BBB- - - 84.00% - Zkyxxjqx VNAW - 777 AEBS+777 - - G-1 YFX 39.000 2.20 Rjj - OOO - - 98.00% - Ndkjsyfh DOPI - 235 PJZD+235 - - C AOB 73.400 7.10 - - P - - 93.90% - Rbmuyuop PQXU Ouc 400t 467 BWQQ+467 - - Z-2 VKQ 18.400 6.30 Wuu - - - - 93.00% - Wqtwx - - - 6.12% - - Q NEB 76.600 5.10 - - GG- - - 60.75% - - - - - - - Retained Tdrwph ETY 70.200 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retained
Tranche Comments
A-1 Xwoe: First Pay: 2023-04-20; Redemption: 2024-10-20;
G-1: First Pay: 2023-04-20; Redemption: 2024-10-20;
Z-2: First Pay: 2023-04-20; Redemption: 2024-10-20;
O: First Pay: 2023-04-20; Redemption: 2024-10-20;
C: First Pay: 2023-04-20; Redemption: 2024-10-20;
K-1: First Pay: 2023-04-20; Redemption: 2024-10-20;
M-2: First Pay: 2023-04-20; Redemption: 2024-10-20;
Q: First Pay: 2023-04-20; Redemption: 2024-10-20;
N: First Pay: 2023-04-20; Redemption: 2024-10-20;
Tdrwph: First Pay: 2023-04-20; Redemption: 2024-10-20;
Deal Comments
Emc Jjuu Xjthmyk 2.00
Reinvestment Period (YRS)
Reinvestment Period End Date
Jun 18, 2010
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